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1. Quick Start

This document describes the RISC-V extensions for supporting CHERI capabilities in hardware. Capabilities can be used to provide memory safety, mitigating up to 70% of memory safety issues (Joly et al., 2020), as well as to provide efficient compartmentalization. The extensions are split into the core features required for a working capability system (Zcheripurecap), and features required to support a mix-and-match of binaries compiled for CHERI and unchanged binaries (Zcherihybrid). Some other smaller extensions are described that provide additional functionality relevant to CHERI.

1.1. Capability Properties

Capabilities are 2*XLEN (which we call CLEN) bit structures, containing all the information required to identify and authorize access to a region of memory. This includes:

  • An XLEN bit address, describing where the capability currently points.

  • Bounds: a base and a top address, describing the range of addresses the capability can be used to access.

  • Permissions (read, write, execute, read capability, …​) describing the kinds of accesses the capability can be used for.

  • Sealing information: a capability can be sealed, restricting it to only be used or modified in particular ways.

A one-bit integrity tag is stored alongside a capability: this is maintained by hardware and cannot be directly modified by software. It indicates whether the capability is valid. An initial Infinite capability with access to all of memory with all permissions is provided in system registers on reset: all valid capabilities are derived from it. This is the only way to obtain a valid capability: no software, even machine mode, can forge a capability.

1.2. Added State

A CHERI core adds state to allow capabilities to be used from within registers, and to ensure they are not corrupted as they flow through the system. This means the following state is added:

  • Metadata within architectural registers: XLEN-wide integer registers (e.g. sp, a0) are all extended with another XLEN bits of capability metadata, including bounds and permissions. The resulting CLEN bits in full form a capability, and we refer to the same register prefixed with a c, i.e. csp, ca0. The integer part of the register is interpreted as the address field of the capability. The zero register is extended with zero metadata and a cleared tag: this is called the NULL capability. As well as general purpose registers, system registers that store addresses are extended to contain capabilities. For example, mtvec is extended to a capability version mtvecc (the machine trap vector capability) to allow the code bounds to be changed on an exception.

  • Tags in registers, caches, and memory:

    • Every register has a one-bit tag, indicating whether the capability in the register is valid to be dereferenced. Among other reasons, this tag is cleared if the register is written as an integer.

    • The tags are also tracked through the memory subsystem: every aligned CLEN-bits wide region has a non-addressable one-bit tag, which the hardware manages atomically with the data. The tag is cleared if the memory region is ever written other than using a capability store from a tagged capability register. Any caches must preserve this abstraction.

1.3. Checking Memory

Every memory access performed by a CHERI core must be authorized by a capability. It is explicitly defined for every instruction where to find the capability to check against. In purecap code, where all pointers are individual capabilities, the capability and address are used together, so e.g. lw t0, 16(csp) loads a word from memory, getting the address and bounds from the csp register. For code that has not yet been fully adapted to CHERI (hybrid code), the processor can run in a pointer mode (not to be confused with a privilege mode) where the authorizing capability is instead taken from a special CSR: the default data capability (ddc).

Instruction fetch is also authorized by a capability: the program counter capability (pcc) which extends PC. This allows code fetch to be bounded, preventing a wide range of attacks that subvert control flow with integer data. Where Zcherihybrid is supported, the pcc also contains the mode bit indicating whether the processor is running in integer or capability pointer mode. Changing the bounds used for instruction fetch or the pointer mode can be as easy as performing a capability-based jump (JALR in capability pointer mode). MODESW.CAP and MODESW.INT instructions are also added to allow cheap mode switching.

Exception codes are added for CHERI-specific exceptions on fetch, jumps, and memory access. No other exception paths are added: in particular, capability manipulations do not trap, but may clear the tag on the result capability if the operation is not permitted.

1.4. Added Instructions

The added instructions can be split into the following categories:

  • Capability manipulations (e.g. CADD, SCBNDS): for security, capabilities can only be modified in restricted ways. Special instructions are provided to perform these allowed operations, for example shrinking the bounds or reducing the permissions. Any attempt to manipulate capabilities without using the instructions clears the tag, rendering them unusable for accessing memory.

  • Capability inspection (e.g. GCBASE, GCPERM): capability fields (for example the bounds describing what addresses the capability gives access to) are stored compressed in registers and memory. These instructions give convenient access to allow software to query them.

  • Memory access instructions (e.g. LC, SC): capabilities must be read from and written to memory atomically along with their tag. Instructions are added to perform these wider accesses, allowing capability flow between the memory and the register file.

1.5. Existing Instructions

Existing RISC-V instructions are largely unmodified: in Integer Pointer Mode, there is binary compatibility. Instructions that access memory, as well as branches and jumps, are automatically checked against ddc and pcc, raising an exception if the checks fail. However, ddc and pcc are reset to Infinite capabilities, meaning the checks will always pass on systems that have not written to CHERI system registers.

In Capability Pointer Mode, these instructions are instead modified to check against the full capability from the address register (e.g. lw t0, 16(csp)). In some cases, they are also changed to return a full capability value, e.g. AUIPC will return the full pcc including the metadata.

2. Introduction

2.1. CHERI Concepts and Terminology

Current CPU architectures (including RISC-V) allow memory access solely by specifying and dereferencing a memory address stored as an integer value in a register or in memory. Any accidental or malicious action that modifies such an integer value can result in unrestricted access to the memory that it addresses. Unfortunately, this weak memory protection model has resulted in the majority of software security vulnerabilities present in software today.

CHERI enables software to efficiently implement fine-grained memory protection and scalable software compartmentalization by providing strong, efficient hardware mechanisms to support software execution and enable it to prevent and mitigate vulnerabilities.

Design goals include incremental adoptability from current ISAs and software stacks, low performance overhead for memory protection, significant performance improvements for software compartmentalization, formal grounding, and programmer-friendly underpinnings. It has been designed to provide strong, non-probabilistic protection rather than depending on short random numbers or truncated cryptographic hashes that can be leaked and reinjected, or that could be brute forced.

CHERI enhances the CPU to add hardware memory access control. It has an additional memory access mechanism that protects references to code and data (pointers), rather than the location of code and data (integer addresses). This mechanism is implemented by providing a new primitive, called a capability, that software components can use to implement strongly protected pointers within an address space.

Capabilities are unforgeable and delegatable tokens of authority that grant software the ability to perform a specific set of operations. In CHERI, integer-based pointers can be replaced by capabilities to provide memory access control. In this case, a memory access capability contains an integer memory address that is extended with metadata to protect its integrity, limit how it is manipulated, and control its use. This metadata includes:

  • an out-of-band tag implementing strong integrity protection (differentiating valid and invalid capabilities) that prevents confusion between data and capabilities

  • bounds limiting the range of addresses that may be dereferenced

  • permissions controlling the specific operations that may be performed

  • type which is used to support higher-level software encapsulation

The CHERI model is motivated by the principle of least privilege, which argues that greater security can be obtained by minimizing the privileges accessible to running software. A second guiding principle is the principle of intentional use, which argues that, where many privileges are available to a piece of software, the privilege to use should be explicitly named rather than implicitly selected. While CHERI does not prevent the expression of vulnerable software designs, it provides strong vulnerability mitigation: attackers have a more limited vocabulary for attacks, and should a vulnerability be successfully exploited, they gain fewer rights, and have reduced access to further attack surfaces.

Protection properties for capabilities include the ISA ensuring that capabilities are always derived via valid manipulations of other capabilities (provenance), that corrupted in-memory capabilities cannot be dereferenced (integrity), and that rights associated with capabilities shall only ever be equal or less permissive (monotonicity). Tampering or modifying capabilities in an attempt to elevate their rights will yield an invalid capability as the tag will be cleared. Attempting to dereference via an invalid capability will result in a hardware exception.

CHERI capabilities may be held in registers or in memories, and are loaded, stored, and dereferenced using CHERI-aware instructions that expect capability operands rather than integer addresses. On hardware reset, initial capabilities are made available to software via capability registers. All other capabilities will be derived from these initial valid capabilities through valid capability transformations.

Developers can use CHERI to build fine-grained spatial and temporal memory protection into their system software and applications and significantly improve their security.

2.2. CHERI Extensions to RISC-V

This specification is based on publicly available documentation including (Watson et al., 2023) and (Woodruff et al., 2019). It defines the following extensions to support CHERI alongside RISC-V:


Introduces key, minimal CHERI concepts and features to the RISC-V ISA. The resulting extended ISA is not backwards-compatible with RISC-V.


Extends Zcheripurecap with features to ensure that the ISA extended with CHERI allows backwards binary compatibility with RISC-V.


Addition of SH4ADD and SH4ADD.UW for RV64 only, as CHERI capabilities are 16 bytes when XLEN=64


Addition of LR.B, LR.H, SC.B, SC.H for more accurate atomic locking as the memory ranges are restricted by using bounds, therefore precise locking is needed.


CHERI extension for RISC-V harts supporting page-based virtual-memory.


Extension for supporting thread identifiers. This extension improves software compartmentalization on CHERI systems.


Extension for supporting capability flow control. This extension allows limiting storing of capabilities to specific regions and can be used e.g. for safer data sharing between compartments.

The extension names are provisional and subject to change.
Table 1. Extension status and summary
Extension Status Comment



This extension is a candidate for freezing



This extension is a candidate for freezing



This extension is a candidate for freezing



This extension is a candidate for freezing



This extension is a candidate for freeze, software evaluation currently ongoing



This extension is a candidate for freeze, software evaluation currently ongoing

Zcherilevels with LVLBITS=1


This extension is a candidate for freeze, software evaluation currently ongoing

Zcheripurecap is defined as the base extension which all CHERI RISC-V implementations must support. Zcherihybrid and Svucrg are optional extensions in addition to Zcheripurecap.

We refer to software as purecap if it utilizes CHERI capabilities for all memory accesses — including loads, stores and instruction fetches — rather than integer addresses. Purecap software requires the CHERI RISC-V hart to support Zcheripurecap. We refer to software as hybrid if it uses integer addresses or CHERI capabilities for memory accesses. Hybrid software requires the CHERI RISC-V hart to support Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid.

See Chapter 12 for compatibility with other RISC-V extensions.

2.3. Risks and Known Uncertainty

  • All extensions could be divided up differently in the future, including after ratification

  • The RISC-V Architecture Review Committee (ARC) are likely to update all encodings

  • The ARC are likely to update all CSR addresses

  • Instruction mnemonics may be renamed

    • Any changes will affect assembly code, but assembler aliases can provide backwards compatibility

2.3.1. Partially Incompatible Extensions

There are RISC-V extensions in development that may duplicate some aspects of CHERI functionality or directly conflict with CHERI and should only be available in Integer Pointer Mode on a CHERI-enabled hart. These include:

  • RISC-V CFI specification

  • "J" Pointer Masking (see Chapter 10).

3. Anatomy of Capabilities in Zcheripurecap

RISC-V defines variants of the base integer instruction set characterized by the width of the integer registers and the corresponding size of the address space. There are two primary ISA variants, RV32I and RV64I, which provide 32-bit and 64-bit address spaces respectively. The term XLEN refers to the width of an integer register in bits (either 32 or 64). The value of XLEN may change dynamically at run-time depending on the values written to CSRs, so we define capability behavior in terms of MXLEN, which is the value of XLEN used in machine mode and the widest XLEN the implementation supports.

Zcheripurecap assumes a version of the privileged architecture which defines MXLEN as constant and requires higher privilege modes to have at least the same XLEN as lower privilege modes; these changes are present in the current draft and expected to be part of privileged architecture 1.13.

Zcheripurecap defines capabilities of size CLEN corresponding to 2 * MXLEN without including the tag bit. The value of CLEN is always calculated based on MXLEN regardless of the effective XLEN value.

We briefly note that the capability encoding described in this section could be replaced with an entirely different design without changing how CHERI integrates with the RISC-V ISA. In particular, this capability encoding specification was designed to run software initially ported to CHERIv9 while providing spatial safety, temporal safety and compartmentalization support alongside a good measure of compatibility with RISC-V software that is not aware of CHERI. Alternative capability encoding specifications must provide key primitives, such as permissions and bounds, from this specification while using a different encoding that, for example, changes the granularity of bounds or adds new features. For simplicity of expression, the text is written as if this was the only possible capability encoding for CHERI RISC-V.

3.1. Capability Encoding

The components of a capability, except the tag, are encoded as shown in Figure 1 for MXLEN=32 and Figure 2 for MXLEN=64. Each memory location or register able to hold a capability must also store the tag as out of band information that software cannot directly set or clear. The capability metadata is held in the most significant bits and the address is held in the least significant bits.

Figure 1. Capability encoding for MXLEN=32
Figure 2. Capability encoding for MXLEN=64

Reserved bits are available for future extensions to Zcheripurecap.

Reserved bits must be 0 in tagged capabilities.
The CL field is only present if Zcherilevels is implemented, otherwise it is reserved.

3.2. Components of a Capability

Capabilities contain the software accessible fields described in this section.

3.2.1. Tag

The tag is an additional hardware managed bit added to addressable memory and registers. It is stored separately and may be referred to as "out of band". It indicates whether a register or CLEN-aligned memory location contains a valid capability. If the tag is set, the capability is valid and can be dereferenced (contingent on checks such as permissions or bounds).

The capability is invalid if the tag is clear. Using an invalid capability to dereference memory or authorize any operation gives rise to exceptions. All capabilities derived from invalid capabilities are themselves invalid i.e. their tags are 0.

All locations in registers or memory able to hold a capability are CLEN+1 bits wide including the tag bit. Those locations are referred as being CLEN-bit or capability wide in this specification.

3.2.2. Address

The byte-address of a memory location is encoded as MXLEN integer value.

Table 2. Address widths depending on MXLEN
MXLEN Address width





3.2.3. Architectural Permissions (AP)


This field encodes architecturally defined permissions of the capability. Permissions grant access subject to the tag being set, the capability being unsealed (see Section 3.2.5), and bounds checks (see Section 3.2.6). An operation is also contingent on requirements imposed by other RISC-V architectural features, such as virtual memory, PMP and PMAs, even if the capability grants sufficient permissions. The permissions currently defined in Zcheripurecap are listed below.

Read Permission (R)

Allow reading integer data from memory. Tags are always read as zero when reading integer data.

Write Permission (W)

Allow writing integer data to memory. Tags are always written as zero when writing integer data. Every CLEN aligned word in memory has a tag, if any byte is overwritten with integer data then the tag for all CLEN-bits is cleared.

Capability Permission (C)

Allow reading capability data from memory if the authorizing capability also grants R-permission. Allow writing capability data to memory if the authorizing capability also grants W-permission.

Execute Permission (X)

Allow instruction execution.

Load Mutable Permission (LM)

Allow preserving the W-permission of capabilities loaded from memory. If a capability grants R-permission and C-permission, but no LM-permission, then a capability loaded via this authorizing capability will have W-permission and LM-permission removed provided that the loaded capability has its tag set and is not sealed; loaded capabilities that are sealed or untagged do not have their permissions changed. The rules specified by ACPERM are followed when W-permission and LM-permission are removed, so additional permissions may also be removed. Clearing a capability’s LM-permission and W-permission allows sharing a read-only version of a data structure (e.g. a tree or linked list) without making a copy.

Implementations are allowed to retain invalid capability permissions loaded from memory instead of following the ACPERM behavior of reducing them to no permissions.
Access System Registers Permission (ASR)

Allow read and write access to all privileged (M-mode and S-mode) CSRs. If Zstid is supported the utid, utidc, vstid, vstidc, stid, stidc, mtid, mtidc registers are all considered privileged for the purposes of writing and unprivileged for reading, and thus require ASR-permission for writes but not reads. In all cases a suitable privilege mode is required for access.

Permission Encoding

The bit width of the permissions field depends on the value of MXLEN as shown in Table 3. A 5-bit vector encodes the permissions when MXLEN=32. For this case, the legal encodings of permissions are listed in Table 4. Certain combinations of permissions are impractical. For example, C-permission is superfluous when the capability does not grant either R-permission or W-permission. Therefore, it is only possible to encode a subset of all combinations.

Table 3. Permissions widths depending on MXLEN
MXLEN AP field width Comment



Encodes some combinations of 6 permission bits, including the M-bit if Zcherihybrid is supported.



Separate bits for each architectural permission.

if Zcherilevels is supported then there are 8 architectural permission bits.

For MXLEN=32, the permissions encoding is split into four quadrants. The quadrant is taken from bits [4:3] of the permissions encoding. The meaning for bits [2:0] are shown in Table 4 for each quadrant.

Quadrants 2 and 3 are arranged to implicitly grant future permissions which may be added with the existing allocated encodings. Quadrant 0 does the opposite - the encodings are allocated not to implicitly add future permissions, and so granting future permissions will require new encodings. Quadrant 1 encodes permissions for executable capabilities and the M-bit.

Table 4. Encoding of architectural permissions for MXLEN=32
Encoding[2:0] R W C LM X ASR Mode1 Notes

Quadrant 0: Non-capability data read/write

bit[2] - write, bit[1] - reserved (0), bit[0] - read

Reserved bits for future extensions are 0 so new permissions are not implicitly granted



No permissions



Data RO





Data WO



Data RW



Quadrant 1: Executable capabilities

bit[0] - M-bit (0-Capability Pointer Mode, 1-Integer Pointer Mode)



Execute + ASR (see Infinite)



Execute + Data & Cap RO



Execute + Data & Cap RW



Execute + Data RW

Quadrant 2: Restricted capability data read/write

R and C implicitly granted, LM dependent on W permission.

Reserved bits for future extensions must be 1 so they are implicitly granted

bit[2] is reserved to mean write for future encodings





Data & Cap RO (no LM)



Quadrant 3: Capability data read/write

bit[2] - write, R and C implicitly granted.

Reserved bits for future extensions must be 1 so they are implicitly granted





Data & Cap RO





Data & Cap RW

1 Mode (M-bit) can only be set on a tagged capability when Zcherihybrid is supported. Despite being encoded here it is not an architectural permission.

When MXLEN=32 there are many reserved permission encodings (see Table 4). It is not possible for a tagged capability to have one of these values since ACPERM will never create it. It is possible for untagged capabilities to have reserved values. GCPERM will interpret reserved values as if it were 0b00000 (no permissions). Future extensions may assign meanings to the reserved bit patterns, in which case GCPERM is allowed to report a non-zero value.

A 6-bit vector encodes the permissions when MXLEN=64 (8-bit if Zcherilevels is supported). In this case, there is a bit per permission as shown in Table 5. A permission is granted if its corresponding bit is set, otherwise the capability does not grant that permission.

Table 5. Encoding of architectural permissions for MXLEN=64
Bit Name

















1 This permission is only supported if the implementation supports Zcherilevels.

The M-bit is only assigned meaning when the implementation supports Zcherihybrid and X-permission is set.

  1. For MXLEN=64, the bit assigned to the M-bit must be zero if X-permission isn’t set.

  2. For MXLEN=32, the M-bit is only encoded in quadrant 1 and does not exist in the other quadrants.

Permission Transitions

Executing ACPERM can result in sets of permissions which cannot be represented when MXLEN=32 (see Table 4) or permission combinations which are not useful for MXLEN=64, such as ASR-permission set without X-permission.

These cases are defined to return useful minimal sets of permissions, which may be no permissions. See ACPERM for these rules.

Future extensions may allow more combinations of permissions, especially for MXLEN=64.

3.2.4. Software-Defined Permissions (SDP)

A bit vector used by the kernel or application programs for software-defined permissions (SDP).

Software is completely free to define the usage of these bits. For example, a program may decide to use an SDP bit to indicate the "ownership" of objects. Therefore, a capability grants permission to free the memory it references if that SDP bit is set because it "owns" that object.
Table 6. SDP widths depending on MXLEN





3.2.5. Capability Type (CT) Bit

This bit indicates the type of the capability: it is a sealed capability if the bit is 1 or unsealed if it is 0.

Sealed capabilities (CT ≠ 0 ) cannot be dereferenced to access memory and are immutable such that modifying any of its fields clears the tag of the output capability.

Sealed capabilities might be useful to software as tokens that can be passed around. The only way of clearing the type bit of a capability is by rebuilding it via a superset capability with CBLD. Zcheripurecap does not offer an unseal instruction.
The Capability Level (CL) field can be reduced even if the capability is sealed, see Table 32.

For code capabilities, the sealing bit is used to implement immutable capabilities that describe function entry points, known as sealed entry (sentry) capabilities. Such capabilities can be leveraged to establish a form of control-flow integrity between mutually distrusting code. A program may jump to a sentry capability to begin executing the instructions it references. A JALR instruction with zero offset automatically unseals a sentry target capability and installs it in the program counter capability (see Section 4.2). The jump-and-link instructions also seal the return address capability which serves as an entry point the callee can return to but cannot use to authorize memory loads or stores.

3.2.6. Bounds (EF, T, TE, B, BE)


The bounds encode the base and top addresses that constrain memory accesses. The capability can be used to access any memory location A in the range base ≤ A < top. The bounds are encoded in compressed format, so it is not possible to encode any arbitrary combination of base and top addresses. An invalid capability with tag cleared is produced when attempting to construct a capability that is not representable because its bounds cannot be correctly encoded. The bounds are decoded as described in Section 3.1.

The bounds field has the following components:

  • T: Value substituted into the capability’s address to decode the top address

  • B: Value substituted into the capability’s address to decode the base address

  • E: Exponent that determines the position at which B and T are substituted into the capability’s address

  • EF: Exponent format flag indicating the encoding for T, B and E

    • The exponent is stored in T and B if EF=0, so it is 'internal'

    • The exponent is zero if EF=1

The bit width of T and B are defined in terms of the mantissa width (MW) which is set depending on the value of MXLEN as shown in Table 7.

Table 7. Mantissa width (MW) values depending on MXLEN





The exponent E indicates the position of T and B within the capability’s address as described in Section 3.1. The bit width of the exponent (EW) is set depending on the value of MXLEN. The maximum value of the exponent is calculated as follows:


The possible values for EW and CAP_MAX_E are shown in Table 8.

Table 8. Exponent widths and CAP_MAX_E depending on MXLEN







The address and bounds must be representable in valid capabilities i.e. when the tag is set (see Section

The metadata is encoded in a compressed format (Woodruff et al., 2019). It uses a floating point representation to encode the bounds relative to the capability address. The base and top addresses from the bounds are decoded as shown below.

The pseudocode below does not have a formal notation. It is a place-holder until the sail implementation has been integrated in the specification. In this notation, / means "integer division", [] are the bit-select operators, and arithmetic is signed.
EW        = (MXLEN == 32) ? 5 : 6

If EF = 1:
    E               = 0
    T[EW / 2 - 1:0] = TE
    B[EW / 2 - 1:0] = BE
    LCout           = (T[MW - 3:0] < B[MW - 3:0]) ? 1 : 0
    LMSB            = (MXLEN == 32) ? L8 : 0
    E               = CAP_MAX_E - ( (MXLEN == 32) ? { L8, TE, BE } : { TE, BE } )
    T[EW / 2 - 1:0] = 0
    B[EW / 2 - 1:0] = 0
    LCout           = (T[MW - 3:EW / 2] < B[MW - 3:EW / 2]) ? 1 : 0
    LMSB            = 1

Reconstituting the top two bits of T:

T[MW - 1:MW - 2] = B[MW - 1:MW - 2] + LCout + LMSB

The bounds are decoded as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Figure 3. Decoding of the MXLEN+1 wide top (t) bound
Figure 4. Decoding of the MXLEN wide base (b) bound

The corrections ct and cb are calculated as as shown below using the definitions in Table 9 and Table 10.

A = a[E + MW - 1:E]
R  = B - 2MW-2
Table 9. Calculation of top address correction
A < R T < R ct













Table 10. Calculation of base address correction
A < R B < R cb













The base, b, and top, t, addresses are derived from the address by substituting a[E + MW - 1:E] with B and T respectively and clearing the lower E bits. The most significant bits of a may be adjusted up or down by 1 using corrections cb and ct to allow encoding memory regions that span alignment boundaries.

The EF bit selects between two cases:

  1. EF = 1: The exponent is 0 for regions less than 2MW-2 bytes long. L8 is used to encode the MSB of the length and is added to B along with T[MW-3:0] to form the decoded top.

  2. EF = 0: The exponent is internal with E stored in the lower bits of T and B along with L8 when MXLEN=32. E is chosen so that the most significant non-zero bit of the length of the region aligns with T[MW - 2] in the decoded top. Therefore, the most significant two bits of T can be derived from B using the equality T = B + L, where L[MW - 2] is known from the values of EF and E and a carry out is implied if T[MW - 3:0] < B[MW - 3:0] since it is guaranteed that the top is larger than the base.

The compressed bounds encoding allows the address to roam over a large representable region while maintaining the original bounds. This is enabled by defining a lower boundary R from the out-of-bounds values that allows us to disambiguate the location of the bounds with respect to an out-of-bounds address. R is calculated relative to the base by subtracting 2MW-2 from B. If B, T or a[E + MW - 1:E] is less than R, it is inferred that they lie in the 2E+MW aligned region above R labeled spaceU in Figure 5 and the corrections ct and cb are computed accordingly. The overall effect is that the address can roam 2E+MW/4 bytes below the base address and at least 2E+MW/4 bytes above the top address while still allowing the bounds to be correctly decoded.

cap bounds map
Figure 5. Memory address bounds encoded within a capability

A capability has infinite bounds if its bounds cover the entire address space such that the base address b=0 and the top address t≥2MXLEN, i.e. t is an MXLEN + 1 bit value. However, b is an MXLEN bit value and the size mismatch introduces additional complications when decoding, so the following condition is required to correct t for capabilities whose Representable Range wraps the edge of the address space:

if ( (E < (CAP_MAX_E - 1)) & (t[MXLEN: MXLEN - 1] - b[MXLEN - 1] > 1) )
    t[MXLEN] = !t[MXLEN]

That is, invert the most significant bit of t if the decoded length of the capability is larger than E.

A capability has infinite bounds if E=CAP_MAX_E and it is not malformed (see Section; this check is equivalent to b=0 and t≥2MXLEN.
Malformed Capability Bounds

A capability is malformed if its bounds cannot be correctly decoded. The following check indicates whether a capability is malformed. enableL8 is true when MXLEN=32 and false otherwise, indicating whether the L8 bit is available for extra precision when EF=1.

malformedMSB =  (E == CAP_MAX_E     && B         != 0)
             || (E == CAP_MAX_E - 1 && B[MW - 1] != 0)
malformedLSB =  (E  < 0) || (E == 0 && enableL8)
malformed    =  !EF && (malformedMSB || malformedLSB)
The check is for malformed bounds, so it does not include reserved bits!

CHERI enforces the following invariants for all valid (i.e., tagged) capabilities:

  1. The bounds are not malformed.

  2. No reserved bit in the capability encoding is set.

  3. The permissions can be legally produced by ACPERM.

A tagged capability that violates those invariants (i.e., a tagged but malformed capability or a tagged capability with any reserved bit set) can only possibly be caused by a logic or memory fault (e.g., bit flipping).

Capabilities with malformed bounds:

  1. Return both base and top bounds as zero, which affects instructions like GCBASE.

  2. Cause certain manipulation instructions like CADDI to always clear the tag of the result.

See specific instruction pages for full details of the effect of malformed capabilities.

3.3. Special Capabilities

3.3.1. NULL Capability

The NULL capability is represented with 0 in all fields. This implies that it has no permissions and its exponent E is CAP_MAX_E (52 for MXLEN=64, 24 for MXLEN=32), so its bounds cover the entire address space such that the expanded base is 0 and top is 2MXLEN.

Table 11. Field values of the NULL capability
Field Value Comment



Capability is not valid



Grants no permissions



Grants no permissions



No meaning since non-executable (MXLEN=64 only)









Internal exponent format



Top address reconstruction bit (MXLEN=32 only)



Top address bits



Exponent bits



Base address bits



Exponent bits



Capability address



All reserved fields

1 This field only exists if Zcherilevels is implemented.

3.3.2. Infinite Capability

The Infinite capability grants all permissions while its bounds also cover the whole address space. It includes X-permission and so includes the M-bit if Zcherihybrid is supported.

The Infinite capability is also known as 'default', 'almighty', or 'root' capability.
Table 12. Field values of the Infinite capability
Field Value Comment



Capability is valid



Grants all permissions


0x8/0x91 (see Table 4)

Grants all permissions


0xFF (see Table 5)

Grants all permissions









Internal exponent format



Top address reconstruction bit (MXLEN=32 only)



Top address bits



Exponent bits



Base address bits



Exponent bits



Capability address



All reserved fields

1If Zcherihybrid is supported, then the Infinite capability must represent Integer Pointer Mode for compatibility with standard RISC-V code. Therefore:

  • For MXLEN=32, the M-bit is set to 1 in the AP field, giving the value 0x9

  • For MXLEN=64, the M-bit is set to 1 in a separate M field which is not shown in the table above.

2 This field only exists if Zcherilevels is implemented.

3.4. Representable Range Check

3.4.1. Concept

The new address, after updating the address of a capability, is within the representable range if decompressing the capability’s bounds with the original and new addresses yields the same base and top bounds.

In other words, given a capability with address a and the new address a' = a + x, the bounds b and t are decoded using a and the new bounds b' and t' are decoded using a'. The new address is within the capability’s representable range if b == b' && t == t'.

Changing a capability’s address to a value outside the representable range unconditionally clears the capability’s tag. Examples are:

  • Instructions such as CADD which include pointer arithmetic.

  • The SCADDR instruction which updates the capability address field.

3.4.2. Practical Information

In the bounds encoding in this specification, the top and bottom capability bounds are formed of two or three sections:

  • Upper bits from the address

    • This is only if the other sections do not fill the available bits (E + MW < MXLEN)

  • Middle bits from T and B decoded from the metadata

  • Lower bits are set to zero

    • This is only if there is an internal exponent (EF=0)

Table 13. Composition of the decoded top address bound
Configuration Upper Section (if E + MW < MXLEN) Middle Section Lower Section


address[MXLEN-1:E + MW] + ct

T[MW - 1:0]


EF=1, i.e. E=0

address[MXLEN-1:MW] + ct

T[MW - 1:0]

The representable range defines the range of addresses which do not corrupt the bounds encoding. The encoding was first introduced in Section 3.1, and is repeated in a different form in Table 13 to aid this description.

For the address to be valid for the current bounds encoding, the value in the Upper Section of Table 13 must not change as this will change the meaning of the bounds.

This gives a range of s=2E+MW, as shown in Figure 5.

The gap between the object bounds and the bound of the representable range is always guaranteed to be at least 1/4 of s. This is represented by R = B - 2MW-2 in Section 3.1. This gives useful guarantees, such that if an executed instruction is in pcc bounds, then it is also guaranteed that the next linear instruction is representable.

If E > CAP_MAX_E - 3, then the representability check always passes, even though the bounds are only infinite if E = CAP_MAX_E.

4. Integrating Zcheripurecap with the RISC-V Base Integer Instruction Set

Zcheripurecap is an extension to the RISC-V ISA. The extension adds a carefully selected set of instructions and CSRs that are sufficient to implement new security features in the ISA. To ensure compatibility, Zcheripurecap also requires some changes to the primary base integer variants: RV32I, providing 32-bit addresses with 64-bit capabilities, and RV64I, providing 64-bit addresses with 128-bit capabilities. The remainder of this chapter describes these changes for both the unprivileged and privileged components of the base integer RISC-V ISAs.

The changes described in this specification also ensure that Zcheripurecap is compatible with RV32E.
RV128 is not currently supported by any CHERI extension.
In line with the base RISC-V ISA, the unprivileged component with its corresponding Zcheripurecap changes as described in this chapter can be used with an entirely different privileged-level design. The changes for the privileged component described in this chapter are designed to support existing popular operating systems, and assume the standard privileged architecture specified in the RISC-V ISA.

4.1. Memory

A hart supporting Zcheripurecap has a single byte-addressable address space of 2XLEN bytes for all memory accesses. Each memory region capable of holding a capability also stores a tag bit for each naturally aligned CLEN bits (e.g. 16 bytes in RV64), so that capabilities with their tag set can only be stored in naturally aligned addresses. Tags must be atomically bound to the data they protect.

The memory address space is circular, so the byte at address 2XLEN - 1 is adjacent to the byte at address zero. A capability’s Representable Range described in Section 3.1 is also circular, so address 0 is within the Representable Range of a capability where address 2MXLEN - 1 is within the bounds. However, the decoded top field of a capability is MXLEN + 1 bits wide and does not wrap, so a capability with base 2MXLEN - 1 and top 2MXLEN + 1 is not a subset of the Infinite capability and does not authorize access to the byte at address 0. Like malformed bounds (see Section, it is impossible for a CHERI core to generate a tagged capability with top > 2MXLEN. If such a capability exists then it must have been caused by a logic or memory fault. Unlike malformed bounds, the top overflowing is not treated as a special case in the architecture: normal bounds check rules should be followed.

4.2. Programmer’s Model for Zcheripurecap

For Zcheripurecap, the 32 unprivileged x registers of the base integer ISA are extended so that they are able to hold a capability as well as renamed to c registers. Therefore, each c register is CLEN bits wide and has an out-of-band tag bit. The x notation refers to the address field of the capability in an unprivileged register while the c notation is used to refer to the full capability (i.e. address, metadata and tag) held in the same unprivileged register.

The tag of the unprivileged c registers must be reset to zero. The reset values of the metadata and address fields are UNSPECIFIED for all unprivileged c registers except c0.

Register c0 is hardwired with all bits, including the capability metadata and tag, equal to 0. In other words, c0 is hardwired to the NULL capability.

4.2.1. PCC - The Program Counter Capability

An authorizing capability with appropriate permissions is required to execute instructions in Zcheripurecap. Therefore, the unprivileged program counter (pc) register is extended so that it is able to hold a capability. The extended register is called the program counter capability (pcc). The pcc address field is effectively the pc in the base RISC-V ISA so that the hardware automatically increments as instructions are executed. The pcc's metadata and tag are reset to the Infinite capability metadata and tag with the address field set to the core boot address.

The hardware performs the following checks on pcc for each instruction executed in addition to the checks already required by the base RISC-V ISA. A failing check causes a CHERI exception.

  • The tag must be set

  • The capability must not be sealed

  • The capability must grant execute permission

  • All bytes of the instruction must be in bounds

Operations that update pcc, such as changing privilege or executing jump instructions, unseal capabilities prior to writing. Therefore, implementations do not need to check that that pcc is unsealed when executing each instruction. However, this property has not yet been formally verified and may not hold if additional CHERI extensions beyond Zcheripurecap are implemented.
It is common for implementations to not allow executing pc relative instructions, such as AUIPC or JAL, in debug mode.
Figure 6. Program Counter Capability

pcc is a code capability, so it does not need to be able to hold all possible invalid addresses (see Invalid address conversion).

4.3. Capability Instructions

Zcheripurecap introduces new instructions to the base RISC-V integer ISA to inspect and operate on capabilities held in registers.

4.3.1. Capability Inspection Instructions

These instructions allow software to inspect the fields of a capability held in a c register. The output is an integer value written to an x register representing the decoded field of the capability, such as the permissions or bounds. These instructions do not cause exceptions.

  • GCTAG: inspects the tag of the input capability. The output is 1 if the tag is set and 0 otherwise

  • GCPERM: outputs the architectural (AP) and software-defined (SDP) permission fields of the input capability

  • GCTYPE: outputs the type (e.g. unsealed or sentry) of the input capability

  • GCBASE: outputs the expanded base address of the input capability

  • GCLEN: outputs the length of the input capability. Length is defined as top - base. The output is 2MXLEN-1 when the capability’s length is 2MXLEN

  • CRAM: outputs the nearest bounds alignment that a valid capability can represent

  • GCHI: outputs the compressed capability metadata

  • SCEQ: compares two capabilities including tag, metadata and address

  • SCSS: tests whether the bounds and permissions of a capability are a subset of those from another capability

GCBASE and GCLEN output 0 when a capability with malformed bounds is provided as an input (see Section

4.3.2. Capability Manipulation Instructions

These instructions allow software to manipulate the fields of a capability held in a c register. The output is a capability written to a c register with its fields modified. The output capability has its tag set to 0 if the input capability did not have a tag set, the output capability has more permissions or larger bounds compared to the input capability, or the operation results in a capability with malformed bounds. These instructions do not give rise to exceptions.

  • SCADDR: set the address of a capability to an arbitrary address

  • CADD, CADDI: increment the address of the input capability by an arbitrary offset

  • SCHI: replace a capability’s metadata with an arbitrary value. The output tag is always 0

  • ACPERM: bitwise AND of a mask value with a bit map representation of the architectural (AP) and software-defined (SDP) permissions fields

  • SCBNDS: set the base and length of a capability. The tag is cleared, if the encoding cannot represent the bounds exactly

  • SCBNDSR: set the base and length of a capability. The base will be rounded down and/or the length will be rounded up if the encoding cannot represent the bounds exactly

  • SENTRY: seal capability as a sentry capability

  • CBLD: replace the base, top, address, permissions and mode fields of a capability with the fields from another capability

  • CMV: move a capability from a c register to another c register

4.3.3. Capability Load and Store Instructions

A load capability instruction, LC, reads CLEN bits from memory together with its tag and writes the result to a c register. The capability authorizing the memory access is provided in a c source register, so the effective address is obtained by incrementing that capability with the sign-extended 12-bit offset.

A store capability instruction, SC, writes CLEN bits and the tag in a c register to memory. The capability authorizing the memory access is provided in a c source register, so the effective address is obtained by incrementing that capability with the sign-extended 12-bit offset.

LC and SC instructions cause CHERI exceptions if the authorizing capability fails any of the following checks:

  • The tag is zero

  • The capability is sealed

  • At least one byte of the memory access is outside the capability’s bounds

  • For loads, the read permission must be set in AP

  • For stores, the write permission must be set in AP

Capability load and store instructions also cause load or store/AMO address misaligned exceptions if the address is not naturally aligned to a CLEN boundary.

Misaligned capability loads and stores are errors. Implementations must generate exceptions for misaligned capability loads and stores even if they allow misaligned integer loads and stores to complete normally. Execution environments must report misaligned capability loads and stores as errors and not attempt to emulate them using byte access. The Zicclsm extension does not affect capability loads and stores. Software which uses capability loads and stores to copy data other than capabilities must ensure that addresses are aligned.

Since there is only one tag per aligned CLEN bit block in memory, it is not possible to represent a capability value complete with its tag at an address not aligned to CLEN. Therefore, LC and SC give rise to misaligned address fault exceptions when the effective address to access is misaligned, even if the implementation supports Zicclsm. To transfer CLEN misaligned bits without a tag, use integer loads and stores.

For loads, the tag of the capability loaded from memory is cleared if the authorizing capability does not grant permission to read capabilities (i.e. both R-permission and C-permission must be set in AP). For stores, the tag of the capability written to memory is cleared if the authorizing capability does not grant permission to write capabilities (i.e. both W-permission and C-permission must be set in AP).

Future extensions to Zcheripurecap may add mechanisms that cause stores to raise exceptions when the authorizing capability does not grant both W-permission and C-permission.

4.4. Existing RISC-V Instructions

The operands or behavior of some instructions in the base RISC-V ISA changes in Zcheripurecap.

4.4.1. Integer Computational Instructions

Most integer computational instructions operate on XLEN bits of values held in x registers. Therefore, these instructions only operate on the address field if the input register of the instruction holds a capability. The output is XLEN bits written to an x register; the tag and capability metadata of that register are zeroed.

The add upper immediate to pcc instruction (AUIPC) is used to build pcc-relative capabilities. AUIPC forms a 32-bit offset from the 20-bit immediate and filling the lowest 12 bits with zeros. The pcc address is then incremented by the offset and a representability check is performed so the capability’s tag is cleared if the new address is outside the pcc's Representable Range. The resulting CLEN value along with the new tag are written to a c register.

4.4.2. Control Transfer Instructions

Control transfer instructions operate as described in the base RISC-V ISA. They also may cause metadata updates and/or cause exceptions in addition to the base behavior as described below.

Unconditional Jumps

JAL sign-extends the offset and adds it to the address of the jump instruction to form the target address. The target address is installed in the address field of pcc. The capability with the address of the instruction following the jump is sealed and written to a c register.

JALR allows unconditional, indirect jumps to a target capability. The target capability is obtained by incrementing the capability in the c register operand by the sign-extended 12-bit offset, then setting the least significant bit of the result to zero. The target capability is unsealed if it is a sentry and the instructions has a zero immediate offset. The capability with the address of the instruction following the jump is sealed and written to a c register.

All jumps cause CHERI exceptions when a minimum sized instruction at the target address is not within the bounds of the pcc.

JALR causes a CHERI exception when:

  • The target capability’s tag is zero

  • The target capability is sealed and the immediate is not zero

  • A minimum sized instruction at the target capability’s address is not within bounds

  • The target capability does not grant execute permission

JAL and JALR can also cause instruction address misaligned exceptions following the standard RISC-V rules.

Conditional Branches

Branch instructions (see Conditional branches (BEQ, BNE, BLT[U], BGE[U])) encode signed offsets in multiples of 2 bytes. The offset is sign-extended and added to the address of the branch instruction to form the target address.

Branch instructions compare two x registers as described in the base RISC-V ISA, so the metadata and tag values are disregarded in the comparison if the operand registers hold capabilities. If the comparison evaluates to true, then the target address is installed in the pcc's address field. These instructions cause CHERI exceptions when a minimum sized instruction at the target address is not within the pcc's bounds.

4.4.3. Integer Load and Store Instructions

Integer load and store instructions transfer the amount of integer data described in the base RISC-V ISA between the registers and memory. For example, LD and LW load 64-bit and 32-bit values respectively from memory into an x register. However, the address operands for load and store instructions are interpreted differently in Zcheripurecap: the capability authorizing the access is in the c register operand and the memory address is given by incrementing the address of that capability by the sign-extended 12-bit immediate offset.

All load and store instructions cause CHERI exceptions if the authorizing capability fails any of the following checks:

  • The tag is set

  • The capability is unsealed

  • All bytes of accessed memory are inside the capability’s bounds

  • For loads, the read permission must be set in AP

  • For stores, the write permission must be set in AP

Integer load instructions always zero the tag and metadata of the result register.

Integer stores write zero to the tag associated with the memory locations that are naturally aligned to CLEN. Therefore, misaligned stores may clear up to two tag bits in memory.

4.5. Zicsr, Control and Status Register (CSR) Instructions

Zcheripurecap requires that RISC-V CSRs intended to hold addresses, are now able to hold capabilities. Therefore, such registers are extended to CLEN+1 bits in Zcheripurecap and a c suffix is added (e.g. mtvec is extended to mtvecc).

Reading or writing any part of a CLEN-bit CSR may cause side effects. For example, the CSR’s tag bit may be cleared if a new address is outside the Representable Range of a CSR capability being written.

This section describes how the CSR instructions operate on these CSRs in Zcheripurecap.

The CLEN-bit CSRs are summarized in Appendix C.

4.5.1. CSR Instructions

All CSR instructions atomically read-modify-write a single CSR. If the CSR accessed is of capability size then the capability’s tag, metadata and address are all accessed atomically.

When the CSRRW instruction is accessing a capability width CSR, then the source and destination operands are c registers and it atomically swaps the values in the whole CSR with the CLEN width register operand.

There are special rules for updating specific CLEN-wide CSRs as shown in Table 50.

When CSRRS and CSRRC instructions are accessing a capability width CSR, such as mtvecc, then the destination operand is a c register and the source operand is an x register. Therefore, the instructions atomically read CLEN bits from the CSR, calculate the final address using standard RISC-V behavior (set bits, clear bits, etc.), and that final address is written to the CSR capability’s address field. The update typically uses the semantics of a SCADDR instruction which clears the tag if the capability is sealed, or if the updated address is not representable. Table 50 shows the exact action taken for each capability width CSR.

The CSRRWI, CSRRSI and CSRRCI variants are similar to CSRRW, CSRRS, and CSRRC respectively, when accessing a capability width CSR except that they update the capability’s address only using an XLEN-bit value obtained by zero-extending a 5-bit unsigned immediate field.

All CSR instructions cause CHERI exceptions if the pcc does not grant ASR-permission and the CSR accessed is privileged.

4.6. Control and Status Registers (CSRs)

Zcheripurecap extends the CSRs listed in Table 14, Table 15, Table 16, Table 17 and Table 18 from the base RISC-V ISA and its extensions. The CSRs are renamed to reflect the fact that they are extended to CLEN+1 bits wide, as the x registers are renamed to c registers. Even though the CSR is extended, the CSR index remains identical.

If Zcherihybrid is supported then the CHERI Execution Mode determines whether CLEN+1 or XLEN bits are returned (see CSRRW).
Table 14. Renamed debug-mode CSRs in Zcheripurecap
Zcheripurecap CSR Address Extended CSR Prerequisites Permissions Description






Debug Program Counter Capability






Debug Scratch Capability 0






Debug Scratch Capability 1

Table 15. Renamed machine-mode CSRs in Zcheripurecap
Zcheripurecap CSR Address Extended CSR Prerequisites Permissions Description





MRW, ASR-permission

Machine Trap-Vector Base-Address Capability





MRW, ASR-permission

Machine Scratch Capability





MRW, ASR-permission

Machine Exception Program Counter Capability





Read: M, Write: M, ASR-permission

Machine thread ID

Table 16. Renamed supervisor-mode CSRs in Zcheripurecap
Zcheripurecap CSR Address Extended CSR Prerequisites Permissions Description





SRW, ASR-permission

Supervisor Trap-Vector Base-Address Capability





SRW, ASR-permission

Supervisor Scratch Capability





SRW, ASR-permission

Supervisor Exception Program Counter Capability





Read: S, Write: S, ASR-permission

Supervisor thread ID

Table 17. Renamed virtual supervisor-mode CSRs in Zcheripurecap
Zcheripurecap CSR Address Extended CSR Prerequisites Permissions Description





HRW, ASR-permission

Virtual Supervisor Trap-Vector Base-Address Capability





HRW, ASR-permission

Virtual Supervisor Scratch Capability





HRW, ASR-permission

Virtual Supervisor Exception Program Counter Capability

Table 18. Renamed user-mode CSRs in Zcheripurecap
Zcheripurecap CSR Address Extended CSR Prerequisites Permissions Description






Jump Vector Table Capability





Read: U, Write: U, ASR-permission

User thread ID

4.7. CHERI fault reporting

CHERI faults require additional information to be reported. The CSRs updated depend on the mode the trap is taken into, as shown in Table 19.

The additional information is written for CHERI faults and CHERI PTE page faults, and is otherwise written to zero for all other exceptions, except as listed otherwise by other future extensions.

Table 19. CHERI fault reporting
Trap taken into Faulting address Additional CHERI fault information




HS-mode / S-mode






4.8. Machine-Level CSRs

Zcheripurecap extends some M-mode CSRs to hold capabilities or otherwise add new functions. ASR-permission in the pcc is typically required for access.

4.8.1. Machine Status Registers (mstatus and mstatush)

The mstatus and mstatush registers operate as described in (RISC-V, 2023) except for the SXL and UXL fields that control the value of XLEN for S-mode and U-mode, respectively, and the MBE, SBE, and UBE fields that control the memory system endianness for M-mode, S-mode, and U-mode, respectively.

The encoding of the SXL and UXL fields is the same as the MXL field of misa. Only 1 and 2 are supported values for SXL and UXL and the fields must be read-only in implementations supporting Zcheripurecap. The effective XLEN in S-mode and U-mode are termed SXLEN and UXLEN, respectively.

The MBE, SBE, and UBE fields determine the endianness of memory accesses other than instruction fetches performed from M-mode, S-mode, or U-mode, respectively. xBE=0 indicates little endian and xBE=1 is big endian. MBE must be read-only. SBE and UBE must be read only and equal to MBE, if S-mode or U-mode, respectively, is implemented, or read-only zero otherwise.

A further CHERI extension, Zcherihybrid, optionally makes SXL, UXL, MBE, SBE, and UBE writeable, so implementations that support multiple base ISAs must support both Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid.

4.8.2. Machine Trap Vector Base Address Register (mtvec)

The mtvec register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It is an MXLEN-bit register used as the code pointer jumped to when taking traps into machine mode. It is extended into mtvecc.

Figure 7. Machine-mode trap-vector base-address register

4.8.3. Machine Trap Vector Base Address Capability Register (mtvecc)

The mtvecc register extends mtvec to hold a code capability. Its reset value is the Infinite capability.

Figure 8. Machine-mode trap-vector base-capability register

The metadata is WARL as not all fields need to be implemented, for example the reserved fields will always read as zero.

When interpreting mtvecc as a capability, as for mtvec, address bits [1:0] are always zero (as they are reused by the MODE field).

When MODE=Vectored, all synchronous exceptions into machine mode cause the pcc to be set to the capability, whereas interrupts cause the pcc to be set to the capability with its address incremented by four times the interrupt cause number.

Capabilities written to mtvecc also include writing the MODE field in mtvecc.address[1:0]. As a result, a representability and sealing check is performed on the capability with the legalized (WARL) MODE field included in the address. The tag of the capability written to mtvecc is cleared if either check fails.

Additionally, when MODE=Vectored the capability has its tag bit cleared if the capability address + 4 x HICAUSE is not within the Representable Range. HICAUSE is the largest interrupt cause value that the implementation can write to mcause or scause/vscause when an interrupt is taken.

When MODE=Vectored, it is only required that address + 4 x HICAUSE is within the Representable Range instead of the capability’s bounds. This ensures that software is not forced to allocate a capability granting access to more memory for the trap-vector than necessary to handle the trap causes that actually occur in the system.
When MODE=Vectored, if either the capability address or the capability address + 4 x HICAUSE are invalid then the Invalid address conversion rules are followed which may require the tag to be cleared. In particular, if any part of the range is in the invalid address space then clearing the tag is strongly recommended.

As shown in Table 52, mtvecc is a code capability, so it does not need to be able to hold all possible invalid addresses (see Invalid address conversion).

4.8.4. Machine Scratch Register (mscratch)

The mscratch register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It is an MXLEN-bit read/write register dedicated for use by machine mode. Typically, it is used to hold a pointer to a machine-mode hart-local context space and swapped with a user register upon entry to an M-mode trap handler. mscratch is extended into mscratchc.

Figure 9. Machine-mode scratch register

4.8.5. Machine Scratch Capability Register (mscratchc)

The mscratchc register extends mscratch to hold a capability.

The tag of the CSR must be reset to zero. The reset values of the metadata and address fields are UNSPECIFIED.

It is not WARL, all capability fields must be implemented.

Figure 10. Machine-mode scratch capability register

4.8.6. Machine Exception Program Counter (mepc)

The mepc register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It is extended into mepcc.

Figure 11. Machine exception program counter register

4.8.7. Machine Exception Program Counter Capability (mepcc)

The mepcc register extends mepc to hold a capability. Its reset value is the Infinite capability.

Figure 12. Machine exception program counter capability register

Capabilities written to mepcc must be legalized by implicitly zeroing bit mepcc[0]. Additionally, if an implementation allows IALIGN to be either 16 or 32, then whenever IALIGN=32, the capability read from mepcc must be legalized by implicitly zeroing mepcc[1]. Therefore, the capability read or written has its tag bit cleared if the legalized address is not within the Representable Range or if the legalization changes the address and the capability is sealed.

When reading or writing a sealed capability in mepcc, the tag is not cleared if the original address equals the legalized address.

When a trap is taken into M-mode, mepcc is written with the pcc including the virtual address of the instruction that was interrupted or that encountered an exception. Otherwise, mepcc is never written by the implementation, though it may be explicitly written by software.

As shown in Table 52, mepcc is a code capability, so it does not need to be able to hold all possible invalid addresses (see Invalid address conversion). Additionally, the capability in mepcc is unsealed when it is installed in pcc on execution of an MRET instruction.

4.8.8. Machine Cause Register (mcause)

Zcheripurecap adds a new exception code for CHERI exceptions that mcause must be able to represent. The new exception code and its priority are listed in Table 20 and Table 21 respectively. The behavior and usage of mcause otherwise remains as described in (RISC-V, 2023).

Figure 13. Machine cause register
Table 20. Machine cause register (mcause) values after trap. Entries added in Zcheripurecap are in bold
Interrupt Exception Code Description



Supervisor software interrupt
Machine software interrupt



Supervisor timer interrupt
Machine timer interrupt



Supervisor external interrupt
Machine external interrupt



Designated for platform use



Instruction address misaligned
Instruction access fault
Illegal instruction
Load address misaligned
Load access fault
Store/AMO address misaligned
Store/AMO access fault
Environment call from U-mode
Environment call from S-mode
Environment call from M-mode
Instruction page fault
Load page fault1
Store/AMO page fault2
Designated for custom use
CHERI fault
Designated for custom use
Designated for custom use

1 Includes CHERI PTE load page faults for RV64 harts with virtual memory if Svucrg is implemented.
2 Includes CHERI PTE store/AMO page faults for RV64 harts with virtual memory.

Table 21. Synchronous exception priority in decreasing priority order. Entries added in Zcheripurecap are in bold
Priority Exc.Code Description



Instruction address breakpoint


Prior to instruction address translation:
CHERI fault due to PCC checks (tag, execute permission, invalid address and bounds1)

12, 1

During instruction address translation:
First encountered page fault or access fault


With physical address for instruction:
Instruction access fault


Illegal instruction
Instruction address misaligned
Environment call
Environment break
Load/store/AMO address breakpoint


CHERI faults due to:
PCC ASR-permission clear
Branch/jump target address checks (tag, execute permissions, invalid address and bounds)


Prior to address translation for an explicit memory access:
CHERI fault due to capability checks (tag, sealed, permissions, invalid address and bounds)


Load/store/AMO capability address misaligned
Load/store/AMO address misaligned

13, 15, 5, 7

During address translation for an explicit memory access:
First encountered CHERI PTE page fault23, page fault or access fault


With physical address for an explicit memory access:
Load/store/AMO access fault


If not higher priority:



If not higher priority:
CHERI load PTE page fault4

1 PCC bounds are intended to be checked against all the bytes of fetched instructions. In the case of variable length instruction encoding, and that the fetch has failed to return any data, then only a minimum length instruction is checked against the PCC bounds.

2 The higher priority CHERI PTE page fault covers capability loads or atomics where the loaded tag is not checked, and all capability stores and atomics where the stored tag is set.

3 CHERI PTE page fault exceptions have the same priority against access faults as normal RISC-V page faults. If a normal RISC-V page fault and a CHERI PTE page fault are both detected simultaneously, then both are recorded as shown in Table 24.

4 The lower priority CHERI PTE page fault only covers capability loads and atomics where the loaded tag is checked.

The full details of the CHERI exceptions with cause value 28 are in Table 26.

4.8.9. Machine Trap Delegation Register (medeleg)

Bit 28 of medeleg now refers to a valid exception and so can be used to delegate CHERI exceptions to supervisor mode.

4.8.10. Machine Trap Value Register (mtval)

The mtval register is an MXLEN-bit read-write register formatted as shown in Figure 14. When a data memory access gives rise to a CHERI fault taken into M-mode, mtval is written with the MXLEN-bit effective address which caused the fault according to the existing rules for reporting load/store addresses from (RISC-V, 2023). In this case the TYPE field of mtval2 shown in Table 22 is set to 1. For all other CHERI faults mtval is set to zero.

The behavior of mtval is otherwise as described in (RISC-V, 2023).

If the hardware platform specifies that no exceptions set mtval to a non-zero value, then mtval is read-only zero for all CHERI exceptions.

Figure 14. Machine trap value register

4.8.11. Machine Trap Value Register 2 (mtval2)

The mtval2 register is an MXLEN-bit read-write register, which is added as part of the Hypervisor extension (RISC-V, 2023). Zcheripurecap also requires the implementation of this CSR.

When a CHERI fault, or CHERI PTE page fault, is taken into M-mode, mtval2 is written with additional CHERI-specific exception information with the format shown in Figure 15 to assist software in handling the trap.

mtval2 is written to zero for all other exceptions, except as listed otherwise by the Hypervisor extension in (RISC-V, 2023), or by other future extensions.

the use of mtval2/stval2/vstval2 may be irregular as the Hypervisor uses mtval2 and htval for guest page addresses on guest page fault, and CHERI has no use for htval.

If mtval is read-only zero for CHERI exceptions then mtval2 is also read-only zero for CHERI exceptions.

mtval2 values for CHERI faults
Figure 15. Machine trap value register 2 format for CHERI Faults
mtval2 is also used for Hypervisor guest physical addresses, and so the implemented bits must also cover that use case. If Hypervisor is not implemented then all WPRI fields in Figure 15 are read-only-zero.

TYPE is a CHERI-specific fault type that caused the exception while CAUSE is the cause of the fault. The possible CHERI types and causes are encoded as shown in Table 22 and Table 23 respectively.

Table 22. Encoding of TYPE field for CHERI Faults
CHERI Type Code Description


CHERI instruction fetch fault


CHERI data fault due to load, store or AMO


CHERI jump or branch fault



Table 23. Encoding of CAUSE field
CHERI Cause Code Description


Tag violation


Seal violation


Permission violation


Invalid address violation


Bounds violation



CHERI violations have the following order in priority:

  1. Tag violation (Highest)

  2. Seal violation

  3. Permission violation

  4. Invalid address violation

  5. Bounds violation (Lowest)

mtval2 values for Load/Store/AMO Page Faults

Page faults can be caused by normal RISC-V page faults and also by CHERI PTE faults. If both are detected at once, then both are recorded.

Table 24. mtval2 for page faults
Fault Value

RISC-V page fault


CHERI PTE page fault


RISC-V page fault and CHERI PTE page fault


Reporting both allows the software the choice about which action to take first, for example a write to a page with no write permission, and the incorrect value of PTE.CRG requires two actions. Software can then decide whether to prioritize the copy-on-write procedure to fix the lack of write permission, or to sweep the page.

4.9. Supervisor-Level CSRs

Zcheripurecap extends some of the existing RISC-V CSRs to be able to hold capabilities or with other new functions. ASR-permission in the pcc is typically required for access.

4.9.1. Supervisor Trap Vector Base Address Register (stvec)

The stvec register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It is an SXLEN-bit register used as the code pointer jumped to when taking traps into supervisor mode. It is extended into stvecc.

Figure 16. Supervisor trap-vector base-address register

4.9.2. Supervisor Trap Vector Base Address Capability Register (stvecc)

The stvecc register extends stvec that is able to hold a capability. Its reset value is the Infinite capability.

Figure 17. Supervisor trap-vector base-capability register

The handling of stvecc is otherwise identical to mtvecc, but in supervisor mode.

4.9.3. Supervisor Scratch Register (sscratch)

The sscratch register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It is an MXLEN-bit read/write register dedicated for use by supervisor mode. Typically, it is used to hold a pointer to a supervisor-mode hart-local context space and swapped with a user register upon entry to an S-mode trap handler. sscratch is extended into sscratchc.

Figure 18. Supervisor-mode scratch register

4.9.4. Supervisor Scratch Capability Register (sscratchc)

The sscratchc register extends sscratch to hold a capability.

The tag of the CSR must be reset to zero. The reset values of the metadata and address fields are UNSPECIFIED.

It is not WARL, all capability fields must be implemented.

Figure 19. Supervisor scratch capability register

4.9.5. Supervisor Exception Program Counter (sepc)

The sepc register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It is extended into sepcc.

Figure 20. Supervisor exception program counter register

4.9.6. Supervisor Exception Program Counter Capability (sepcc)

The sepcc register extends sepc to hold a capability. Its reset value is the Infinite capability.

As shown in Table 52, sepcc is a code capability, so it does not need to be able to hold all possible invalid addresses (see Invalid address conversion). Additionally, the capability in sepcc is unsealed when it is installed in pcc on execution of an SRET instruction. The handling of sepcc is otherwise identical to mepcc, but in supervisor mode.

Figure 21. Supervisor exception program counter capability register

4.9.7. Supervisor Cause Register (scause)

Zcheripurecap adds a new exception code for CHERI exceptions that scause must be able to represent. The new exception code and its priority are listed in Table 25 and Table 21 respectively. The behavior and usage of scause otherwise remains as described in (RISC-V, 2023).

Figure 22. Supervisor cause register
Table 25. Supervisor cause register (scause) values after trap. Causes added in Zcheripurecap are in bold
Interrupt Exception Code Description



Supervisor software interrupt
Supervisor timer interrupt
Supervisor external interrupt
Designated for platform use



Instruction address misaligned
Instruction access fault
Illegal instruction
Load address misaligned
Load access fault
Store/AMO address misaligned
Store/AMO access fault
Environment call from U-mode
Environment call from S-mode
Instruction page fault
Load page fault1
Store/AMO page fault2
Designated for custom use
CHERI fault
Designated for custom use
Designated for custom use

1 Includes CHERI PTE load page faults for RV64 harts with virtual memory if Svucrg is implemented.
2 Includes CHERI PTE store/AMO page faults for RV64 harts with virtual memory.

4.9.8. Supervisor Trap Value Register (stval)

The stval register is an SXLEN-bit read-write register formatted as shown in Figure 23.

stval is updated following the same rules as mtval for CHERI exceptions and CHERI PTE page faults which are delegated to HS-mode or S-mode.

Figure 23. Supervisor trap value register

4.9.9. Supervisor Trap Value Register 2 (stval2)

The stval2 register is an SXLEN-bit read-write register, which is added as part of Zcheripurecap when the implementation supports S-mode. Its CSR address is 0x14b.

stval2 is updated following the same rules as mtval2 for CHERI exceptions and CHERI PTE page faults which are delegated to HS-mode or S-mode. It is written to zero for all other exceptions, except as listed otherwise by other future extensions.

stval2 is not a standard RISC-V CSR, but mtval2 is.
Figure 24. Supervisor trap value register 2

4.10. Unprivileged CSRs

In Zcheripurecap, the only register that requires ASR-permission is utidc (for updates but not for reads), and all other unprivileged CSRs do not require pcc to grant ASR-permission to access unprivileged CSRs.

4.11. CHERI Exception handling

auth_cap is ddc for Integer Pointer Mode and cs1 for Capability Pointer Mode
Table 26. Valid CHERI exception combination description
Instructions Xcause Xtval2. TYPE Xtval2. CAUSE Description Check

All instructions have these exception checks first





pcc tag






pcc seal






pcc permission






pcc invalid address

pcc holds an invalid address





pcc bounds

Any byte of current instruction out of pcc bounds

CSR/Xret additional exception check





pcc permission

not(pcc.ASR-permission) when required for CSR access or execution of MRET/SRET

direct jumps additional exception check

JAL, Conditional branches (BEQ, BNE, BLT[U], BGE[U])




pcc bounds

any byte of minimum length instruction at target out of pcc bounds

indirect jumps additional exception checks

indirect jumps




cs1 tag


indirect jumps




cs1 seal

isCapSealed(cs1) and imm12 != 0

indirect jumps




cs1 permission


indirect jumps




cs1 invalid address

target address is an invalid address

indirect jumps




cs1 bounds

any byte of minimum length instruction at target out of cs1 bounds

Load additional exception checks

all loads




auth_cap tag


all loads




auth_cap seal


all loads




auth_cap permission


all loads




auth_cap invalid address

Address is invalid (see Invalid address conversion)

all loads




auth_cap bounds

Any byte of load access out of auth_cap bounds

capability loads




load address misaligned

Misaligned capability load

Store/atomic/cache-block-operation additional exception checks

all stores, all atomics, all cbos




auth_cap tag


all stores, all atomics, all cbos




auth_cap seal


all atomics, CBO.INVAL*




auth_cap permission


all stores, all atomics, CBO.INVAL*, CBO.ZERO*




auth_cap permission






auth_cap permission

not(auth_cap.R-permission) and not(auth_cap.W-permission)

all stores, all atomics, all cbos




auth_cap invalid address

Address is invalid (see Invalid address conversion)

all stores, all atomics




auth_cap bounds

any byte of access out of auth_cap bounds





auth_cap bounds

any byte of cache block out of auth_cap bounds





auth_cap bounds

all bytes of cache block out of auth_cap bounds





pcc permission


capability stores




capability alignment

Misaligned capability store

1 This check is architecturally required, but is impossible to encounter so may not required in an implementation.

Indirect branches are JALR, conditional branches are Conditional branches (BEQ, BNE, BLT[U], BGE[U]).
CBO.ZERO issues as a cache block wide store. All CMOs operate on the cache block which contains the address. Prefetches check that the capability is tagged, not sealed, has the permission (R-permission, W-permission, X-permission) corresponding to the instruction, and has bounds which include at least one byte of the cache block; if any check fails, the prefetch is not performed but no exception is generated.

4.12. CHERI Exceptions and speculative execution

CHERI adds architectural guarantees that can prove to be microarchitecturally useful. Speculative-execution attacks can — among other factors — rely on instructions that fail CHERI permission checks not to take effect. When implementing any of the extensions proposed here, microarchitects need to carefully consider the interaction of late-exception raising and side-channel attacks.

4.13. Physical Memory Attributes (PMA)

Typically, the entire memory space need not support tagged data. Therefore, it is desirable that harts supporting Zcheripurecap extend PMAs with a taggable attribute indicating whether a memory region allows storing tagged data.

Data loaded from memory regions that are not taggable will always have the tag cleared. When the hart attempts to store data with the tag set to memory regions that are not taggable, the implementation may:

  • Cause an access fault exception

  • Implicitly set the stored tag to 0

4.14. Page-Based Virtual-Memory Systems

RISC-V’s page-based virtual-memory management is generally orthogonal to CHERI. In Zcheripurecap, capability addresses are interpreted with respect to the privilege level of the processor in line with RISC-V’s handling of integer addresses. In machine mode, capability addresses are generally interpreted as physical addresses; if the mstatus MPRV flag is asserted, then data accesses (but not instruction accesses) will be interpreted as if performed by the privilege mode in mstatus’s MPP. In supervisor and user modes, capability addresses are interpreted as dictated by the current satp configuration: addresses are virtual if paging is enabled and physical if not.

Zcheripurecap requires that the pcc grants the ASR-permission to change the page-table root satp and other virtual-memory parameters as described in Section 4.9.

4.14.1. Invalid Address Handling

When address translation is in effect and XLEN=64, the upper bits of virtual memory addresses must match for the address to be valid:

  • For Sv39, bits [63:39] must equal bit 38

  • For Sv48, bits [63:48] must equal bit 47

  • For Sv57, bits [63:57] must equal bit 56

RISC-V permits that CSRs holding addresses, such as mtvec and mepc (see Table 52) as well as pc, need not hold all possible invalid addresses. Implementations may convert an invalid address into some other invalid address that the register is capable of holding. Therefore, implementations often support area and power optimizations by compressing invalid addresses in a lossy fashion.

Where compressed addresses are implemented, there must be also sufficient address bits to represent all valid physical addresses. The following description is for both virtual and physical addresses.

Compressing invalid addresses allows implementations to reduce the number of flip-flops required to hold some CSRs, such as mtvec. In CHERI, invalid addresses may also be used to reduce the number of bits to compare during a bounds check, for example, to 40 bits if using Sv39, assuming that this also covers all valid physical addresses.
Care needs to be taken not to truncate physical addresses to the implemented number of physical addresses bits without also checking that the capability is still valid following the rules in this section, as the capability bounds and representable range always cover the entire MXLEN-bit address bits, but the address is likely not to.

However, the bounds encoding of capabilities in Zcheripurecap depends on the address value, so implementations must not convert invalid addresses to other arbitrary invalid address in an unrestricted manner. The remainder of this section describes how invalid address handling must be supported in Zcheripurecap when accessing CSRs, branching and jumping, and accessing memory.

Updating CSRs

Some capability-holding CSRs need not be able to hold all invalid virtual addresses. Prior to writing to those CSRs, implementations may convert an invalid address into some other invalid address that the CSR is capable of holding. This is problematic for CHERI as updating the address may invalidate the bounds as a result, if the bounds are not those of the Infinite capability.

Some situations may require that a CSR may be updated to hold a capability with an invalid address:

  • executing instructions, such as CSRRW

  • hardware updates to CSRs such as storing the pcc (which becomes capability A) into mepcc/sepcc etc. when taking an exception.

In order to satisfy the definitions of such CSRs and preserve capability system invariants, the following procedure must be used as part of write-back to the CSR:

  1. If A’s address is invalid and A does not have infinite bounds (see Section 3.1), then A’s tag is set to 0.

  2. Write the final (potentially modified) version of capability A to the CSR e.g. mtvecc, mepcc, etc.

When A’s address is invalid and happens to match an invalid address which the CSR can hold, then it is implementation defined whether to clear A’s tag.
Branches and Jumps

Control transfer instructions jump or branch to a capability A which can be:

  • pcc for branches, direct jumps and any branch when in Integer Pointer Mode (see Chapter 7).

  • The capability in the c input register of a jump when in Capability Pointer Mode (see Chapter 7).

The following procedure must be used when jumping or branching to the target capability A if the pcc cannot hold all invalid addresses:

  1. Calculate the effective target address T of the jump or branch as required by the instruction’s behavior.

  2. If T is invalid and A does not have infinite bounds (see Section 3.1), then the instruction gives rise to a CHERI fault; the CHERI jump or branch fault is reported in the TYPE field and invalid address violation is reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2.

  3. If T is invalid and A has infinite bounds (see Section 3.1), then A’s tag is unchanged and T is written into A’s address field. Attempting to execute the instruction at address T gives rise to an instruction access fault or page fault as is usual in RISC-V.

  4. Otherwise T is valid and the instruction behaves as normal.

RISC-V harts that do not support Zcheripurecap normally raise an instruction access fault or page fault after jumping or branching to an invalid address. Therefore, Zcheripurecap aims to preserve that behavior to ensure that harts supporting Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid are fully compatible with RISC-V harts provided that pcc and ddc are set to the Infinite capability.
Memory Accesses

The following procedure must be used while loading or storing to memory with a capability A when the implementation supports invalid address optimizations:

  1. Calculate the effective address range R of the memory access as required by the instruction’s behavior.

  2. If any byte in R is invalid and A does not have infinite bounds (see Section 3.1), then the instruction gives rise to a CHERI fault; the CHERI data fault is reported in the TYPE field and invalid address violation is reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2.

  3. If any byte in R is invalid and A has infinite bounds (see Section 3.1), the hart will raise an access fault or page fault as is usual in RISC-V.

  4. Otherwise all bytes in R are valid and the instruction behaves as normal.

4.15. Integrating Zcheripurecap with Sdext

This section describes changes to integrate the Sdext ISA and Zcheripurecap. It must be implemented to make external debug compatible with Zcheripurecap. Modifications to Sdext are kept to a minimum.

The following features, which are optional in Sdext, must be implemented for use with Zcheripurecap:

  • The hartinfo register must be implemented.

  • All harts which support Zcheripurecap must provide hartinfo.nscratch of at least 1 and implement the dscratch0c register.

  • All harts which support Zcheripurecap must provide hartinfo.datasize of at least 1 and hartinfo.dataaccess of 0.

  • The program buffer must be implemented, with abstractcs.progbufsize of at least 4 if dmstatus.impebreak is 1, or at least 5 if dmstatus.impebreak is 0.

These requirements allow a debugger to read and write capabilities in integer registers without disturbing other registers. These requirements may be relaxed if some other means of accessing capabilities in integer registers, such as an extension of the Access Register abstract command, is added. The following sequences demonstrate how a debugger can read and write a capability in c1 if MXLEN is 64, hartinfo.dataaccess is 0, hartinfo.dataaddr is 0xBF0, hartinfo.datasize is 1, dmstatus.impebreak is 0, and abstractcs.progbufsize is 5:

# Read the high MXLEN bits into data0-data1
csrrw  c2, dscratch0c, c2
gchi   x2, c1
csrw   0xBF0, x2
csrrw  c2, dscratch0c, c2

# Read the tag into data0
csrrw  c2, dscratch0c, c2
gctag  x2, c1
csrw   0xBF0, x2
csrrw  c2, dscratch0c, c2

# Write the high MXLEN bits from data0-data1
csrrw  c2, dscratch0c, c2
csrr   x2, 0xBF0
schi   c1, c1, x2
csrrw  c2, dscratch0c, c2

# Write the tag (if nonzero)
csrrw   c2, dscratch0c, c2
csrr    c2, dinfc
cbld    c1, c2, c1
csrrw   c2, dscratch0c, c2

The low MXLEN bits of a capability are read and written using normal Access Register abstract commands. If dscratch0c were known to be preserved between abstract commands, it would be possible to remove the requirements on hartinfo.datasize, hartinfo.dataaccess, and abstractcs.progbufsize, however there is no way to discover the former property.

4.15.1. Debug Mode

When executing code due to an abstract command, the hart stays in debug mode and the rules outlined in Section 4.1 of (RISC-V, 2022) apply.

4.15.2. Core Debug Registers

Zcheripurecap renames and extends debug CSRs that are designated to hold addresses to be able to hold capabilities. The renamed debug CSRs are listed in Table 14.

The pcc must grant ASR-permission to access debug CSRs. This permission is automatically provided when the hart enters debug mode as described in the dpcc section. The pcc metadata can only be changed if the implementation supports executing control transfer instructions from the program buffer — this is an optional feature according to (RISC-V, 2022).

4.15.3. Debug Program Counter (dpc)

The dpc register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2022). It is a DXLEN-bit register used as the PC saved when entering debug mode. dpc is extended into dpcc.

Figure 25. Debug program counter

4.15.4. Debug Program Counter Capability (dpcc)

The dpcc register extends dpc to hold a capability.

The tag of the CSR must be reset to zero. The reset values of the metadata and address fields are UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 26. Debug program counter capability

Upon entry to debug mode, (RISC-V, 2022), does not specify how to update the PC, and says PC relative instructions may be illegal. This concept is extended to include any instruction which reads or updates pcc, which refers to all jumps, conditional branches and AUIPC. The exceptions are MODESW.CAP and MODESW.INT which are supported if Zcherihybrid is implemented, see dinfc for details.

As a result, the value of pcc is UNSPECIFIED in debug mode according to this specification. The pcc metadata has no architectural effect in debug mode. Therefore ASR-permission is implicitly granted for access to all CSRs and no CHERI instruction fetch faults are possible.

On debug mode entry dpcc (and consequently dpc) are updated with the capability in pcc whose address field is set to the address of the next instruction to be executed upon debug mode exit as described in (RISC-V, 2022).

When leaving debug mode, the capability in dpcc is unsealed and written into pcc. A debugger may write dpcc to change where the hart resumes and its mode, permissions, sealing or bounds.

The legalization of dpcc follows the same rules described for mepcc.

4.15.5. Debug Scratch Register 0 (dscratch0)

The dscratch0 register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2022). It is an optional DXLEN-bit scratch register that can be used by implementations which need it. dscratch0 is extended into dscratch0c.

Figure 27. Debug scratch 0 register

4.15.6. Debug Scratch Register 0 Capability (dscratch0c)

The dscratch0c register extends dscratch0 to hold a capability.

The tag of the CSR must be reset to zero. The reset values of the metadata and address fields are UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 28. Debug scratch 0 capability register

4.15.7. Debug Scratch Register 1 (dscratch1)

The dscratch1 register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2022). It is an optional DXLEN-bit scratch register that can be used by implementations which need it. dscratch1 is extended into dscratch1c.

Figure 29. Debug scratch 1 register

4.15.8. Debug Scratch Register 1 Capability (dscratch1c)

The dscratch1c register extends dscratch1 to hold a capability.

The tag of the CSR must be reset to zero. The reset values of the metadata and address fields are UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 30. Debug scratch 1 capability register

4.15.9. Debug Infinite Capability Register (dinfc)

The dinfc register is a CLEN-bit plus tag bit CSR only accessible in debug mode.

The reset value is the Infinite capability.

If Zcherihybrid is implemented:

  • The M-bit is reset to Integer Pointer Mode (1).

  • The debugger can set the M-bit to Capability Pointer Mode (0) by executing MODESW.CAP from the program buffer.

    • Executing MODESW.CAP causes subsequent instructions execution from the program buffer, starting from the next instruction, to be executed in Capability Pointer Mode. It also sets the CHERI execution mode to Capability Pointer Mode on future entry into debug mode.

    • Therefore to enable use of a CHERI debugger, a single MODESW.CAP only needs to be executed once from the program buffer after resetting the core.

    • The debugger can also execute MODESW.INT to change the mode back to Integer Pointer Mode, which also affects the execution of the next instruction in the program buffer, updates the M-bit of dinfc and controls which CHERI execution mode to enter on the next entry into debug mode.

The M-bit of dinfc is only updated by executing MODESW.CAP or MODESW.INT from the program buffer.

A future version of this specification may add writeable fields to allow creation of other capabilities, if, for example, a future extension requires multiple formats for the Infinite capability.
Figure 31. Debug infinite capability register

4.16. Integrating Zcheripurecap with Sdtrig

The Sdtrig extension is generally orthogonal to Zcheripurecap. However, the priority of synchronous exceptions and where triggers fit is adjusted as shown in Table 27.

Table 27. Synchronous exception priority (including triggers) in decreasing priority order. Entries added in Zcheripurecap are in bold
Priority Exc. Code Description Trigger



mcontrol/mcontrol6 after (on previous instruction)


Instruction address breakpoint

mcontrol/mcontrol6 execute address before


Prior to instruction address translation:
CHERI fault due to PCC checks (tag, execute permission, invalid address and bounds)

12, 1

During instruction address translation:
First encountered CHERI PTE page fault, page fault or access fault


With physical address for instruction:
Instruction access fault


mcontrol/mcontrol6 execute data before


Illegal instruction
Instruction address misaligned
Environment call
Environment break


Load/store/AMO address breakpoint

mcontrol/mcontrol6 load/store address before


mcontrol/mcontrol6 store data before


CHERI faults due to:
PCC ASR-permission clear
Branch/jump target address checks (tag, execute permissions, invalid address and bounds)


Prior to address translation for an explicit memory access:
Load/store/AMO capability address misaligned
CHERI fault due to capability checks (tag, sealed, permissions, invalid address and bounds)


Load/store/AMO address misaligned

13, 15, 5, 7

During address translation for an explicit memory access:
First encountered CHERI PTE page fault, page fault or access fault


With physical address for an explicit memory access:
Load/store/AMO access fault


If not higher priority:
Load/store/AMO address misaligned


If not higher priority:
CHERI PTE load page fault



mcontrol/mcontrol6 load data before

See the notes beneath Table 21 for details about CHERI PTE page fault priority.

5. Extending Page-Based Virtual-Memory Systems for CHERI (RV64 only), including "Svucrg"

Sv32 (for RV32) does not have any spare PTE bits, and so no features from this chapter can be implemented.

In CHERI harts the Page Table Entry (PTE) format is extended to control the flow of capabilities in memory (see Section 5.2). This is achieved by adding the PTE.CW bit described below and is a mandatory feature when any virtual memory translation scheme (Sv39, Sv48 or Sv57) is implemented on an RV64 system. By default PTE.CW=0 which will prevent legacy OSs from being able to load or store tagged capabilities without software modification.

Additionally the Svucrg extension adds the ability to perform capability revocation of user mode pages (see Section 5.3) by adding the PTE.CRG bit, and sstatus.UCRG as described below.

Svucrg is strongly recommended but not mandatory as a future version of this specification may specify an improved method.
There is no explicit mechanism for enabling or disabling Svucrg.
If software ignores the new PTE bits then there is no change in functionality unless capabilities are accessed.
A future version of this specification may include kernel revocation which may require an sstatus.SCRG bit.

The remainder of this chapter jointly specifies the behavior of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG and sstatus.UCRG.

The description below assumes that Svucrg has been implemented. If that is not the case then PTE.CRG and sstatus.UCRG should be taken as read-only-zero for purpose of the description in the remainder of this chapter only. PTE.CRG and sstatus.UCRG remain reserved in this case.

The minimum level of PTE support is to set CW to 1 in all PTEs intended for storing capabilities (i.e. private anonymous mappings) and leave sstatus.UCRG and CRG in all PTEs set to 0, which will allow capabilities with their tags set to be loaded and stored successfully.

Hardware initiated memory accesses from the page-table walker are not checked by a capability.

5.1. CHERI PTE page faults

CHERI adds the concept of CHERI PTE page faults. These reuse the load page fault and store/AMO page fault exception causes, and write additional information to mtval2/stval2/vstval2.

Page faults are considered to be CHERI PTE page faults if the Xtval2 register is written with a non-zero value.

It is possible for both a normal page fault and a CHERI PTE page fault to both trigger at once, as represented in the Xtval2 value, as shown in Table 24.
Where two stage translation is enabled, the CHERI PTE page fault is only raised when the second stage translation has completed, and so is prioritized below guest page faults.

All RV64 harts with virtual memory can raise CHERI store/AMO PTE page faults. Only harts which implement Svucrg can raise CHERI load PTE page faults.

5.2. Limiting Capability Propagation

Page table enforcement can allow the operating system to limit the flow of capabilities between processes. It is highly desirable that a process should only possess capabilities that have been issued for that address space by the operating system. Unix processes may share memory for efficient communication, but capability pointers must not be shared across these channels into a foreign address space. An operating system might defend against this by only issuing a capability to the shared region that does not grant the load/store capability permission. However, there are circumstances where portions of general-purpose, mmapped* memory become shared, and the operating system must prevent future capability communication through those pages. This is not possible without restructuring software, as the capability for the original allocation, which spans both shared memory and private memory, would need to be deleted and replaced with a list of distinct capabilities with appropriate permissions for each range. Such a change would not be transparent to the program. Such sharing through virtual memory is on the page granularity, so preventing capability writes with a PTE permission is a natural solution.

* allocated using mmap

5.3. Capability Revocation

Page table enforcement can accelerate concurrent capability revocation for temporal safety. Without page table capability protection, a concurrent capability revocation sweep must begin by visiting all PTEs to mark them unreadable, henceforth trapping on any read to a new page to sweep it clean before proceeding. With a page-granularity generational capability read permission, we can eliminate the initial permission change of all PTEs. In addition, a page-granularity capability write control can eliminate many pages from the sweep that are known to not contain capabilities.

5.4. Extending the Page Table Entry Format

The page table entry format remains unchanged for Sv32. However, two new bits, Capability Write (CW) and Capability Read Generation (CRG), are added to leaf PTEs in Sv39, Sv48 and Sv57 as shown in Figure 32, Figure 33 and Figure 34 respectively. For non-leaf PTEs these bits remain reserved and must be cleared by software for forward compatibility, or else a page-fault exception is raised. Additionally, if the hypervisor extension is enabled these bits remain reserved for leaf and non-leaf PTEs used in guest address translation.

Figure 32. Sv39 page table entry
Figure 33. Sv48 page table entry
Figure 34. Sv57 page table entry
The behavior in this section isn’t relevant if:
  1. The authorizing capability doesn’t have C-permission, for loads, stores and AMOs.

  2. Zcherilevels has cleared the stored tag, for stores and AMOs.

The CW bit indicates whether reading or writing capabilities with the tag set to the virtual page is permitted. When the CW bit is set, capabilities are written as usual, and capability reads are controlled by the CRG bit.

The tag bit of the stored capability is checked after it is potentially cleared due to lack of permissions.

If the CW bit is clear then:

  • When a capability load or AMO instruction is executed, the implementation clears the tag bit of the capability read from the virtual page.

  • When CRG is clear, the "no capability state", a CHERI store/AMO PTE page fault exception is raised when a capability store or AMO instruction is executed and the tag bit of the capability being written is set.

  • When CRG is set, the "pre-CW state", two schemes are permitted (also see Section 5.5):

    • The same behavior as when CRG is clear, allowing software interpretation of this state.

    • When a capability store or AMO instruction is executed and the tag bit of the capability being written is set, the implementation sets the CW bit and assigns the CRG bit equal to sstatus.UCRG.

      The PTE update must be atomic with respect to other accesses to the PTE, and must atomically check that the PTE is valid and grants sufficient permissions. Updates to the CW bit and CRG bit must be exact (i.e. not speculative), and observed in program order by the local hart. Furthermore, the PTE update must appear in the global memory order no later than the explicit memory access, or any subsequent explicit memory access to that virtual page by the local hart. The ordering on loads and stores provided by FENCE instructions and the acquire/release bits on atomic instructions also orders the PTE updates associated with those loads and stores as observed by remote harts.

      The PTE update is not required to be atomic with respect to the explicit memory access that caused the update, and the sequence is interruptible. However, the hart must not perform explicit memory access before the PTE update is globally visible.

When CW is set, the CRG bit indicates the current generation of the virtual memory page with regards to the ongoing capability revocation cycle. Two schemes are permitted:

  • A CHERI load PTE page fault exception is raised when a capability load or AMO instruction is executed with C-permission granted and the virtual page’s CRG bit does not equal sstatus.UCRG in user mode.

  • A CHERI load PTE page fault exception is raised when a capability load or AMO instruction is executed with C-permission granted and the virtual page’s CRG bit does not equal sstatus.UCRG in user mode. and the capability read from memory optionally has its tag set1.

Table 28. Summary of Load CW and CRG behavior in the PTEs




Clear loaded tag




CHERI load PTE page fault, or CHERI load PTE page fault if tag is set2



= sstatus.UCRG1

Normal operation




Normal operation3

1 If Svucrg is not implemented then PTE.CRG and sstatus.UCRG are always both zero, and so always match. Therefore CHERI load PTE page fault are not possible.

2 The choice here is whether to take data dependent exceptions on loads or atomic operations. It is legal for the implementation to fault even if the tag is not set since this behavior is only an optimization for software. This means it is also legal to only check the tag under certain conditions and conservatively fault otherwise. Taking a trap when the tag is not set will introduce additional traps during revocation sweeps. Checking the loaded tag affects the exception priority, see Table 21.

3 A future version of this specification may check an SCRG bit in sstatus for kernel revocation.

Table 29. Summary of Store CW and CRG behavior in the PTEs



CHERI store/AMO PTE page fault if stored tag is set



CHERI store/AMO PTE page fault if stored tag is set, or hardware CW and CRG update



Normal operation

1 If Svucrg is not implemented then PTE.CRG is zero. Therefore CHERI store/AMO PTE page fault are possible.

5.5. Enabling Software or Hardware PTE updates

The decision about whether to take exceptions on capability stores with the tag set to a page with PTE.CW=0 and PTE.CRG=1 is determined by whether the Svade and Svadu extensions are enabled. These cause PTE Accessed and Dirty updates to be done in software, via the exception handler, or by a hardware mechanism respectively.

  • If only Svade is implemented, or enabled through henvcfg.ADUE or menvcfg.ADUE, then take a CHERI store/AMO PTE page fault.

  • If only Svadu is implemented, or enabled through henvcfg.ADUE or menvcfg.ADUE, then do the hardware update of setting PTE.CW=1 and setting PTE.CRG=sstatus.UCRG as described in Section 5.4.

5.6. Extending the Supervisor (sstatus) and Virtual Supervisor (vsstatus) Status Registers

The sstatus and vsstatus CSRs are extended to include the new Capability Read Generation (CRG) bit as shown.

When V=1 vsstatus.UCRG is in effect.

mstatus.UCRG also exists. Reading or writing it is equivalent to reading or writing sstatus.UCRG.

Figure 35. Virtual Supervisor-mode status (mstatus) register when MXLEN=64
Figure 36. Supervisor-mode status (sstatus) register when SXLEN=64
Figure 37. Virtual Supervisor-mode status (vsstatus) register when VSXLEN=64

6. "Zcherilevels" Extension for Capability Levels

Zcherilevels is an extension to Zcheripurecap that adds support for associating a level with capabilities and limiting the flow of capabilities to specific memory region subsets. This extension allows assigning a level to capabilities, which in conjunction with two new permissions allows enforcing invariants on capability propagation. For example, this can be used to ensure that a callee can only write a copy of the passed-in argument capability to specific locations in memory (e.g. the callee’s stack frame but not the heap). It can also be used to avoid sharing of compartment-local data (such as pointers to a stack object) between compartments.

This specification only defines the architectural mechanics of this feature, for further information on how this can be used by software please refer to (Watson et al., 2023).

The number of supported capability levels is implementation-defined, but this specification currently only requires supporting two levels (local and global).

6.1. Capability format changes

Zcherilevels adds a new LVLBITS-bit field to the capability encoding, the Capability Level (CL). It also adds two new permission fields, EL-permission and SL-permission.

  • For MXLEN=64 capability encoding, the AP field is widened by LVLBITS+1 bits (i.e. 2 bits for LVLBITS=1)

The MXLEN=64 capability encoding diagram shows the layout for LVLBITS=1
  • For MXLEN=32 the capability’s AP field is able to encode these permissions without increasing in size (provided that LVLBITS≤2).

Zcherilevels requires that LVLBITS≥1 although LVLBITS>1 is considered an experimental enhancement of this extension. See Section 6.4 for the mechanics when LVLBITS>1.

6.1.1. Capability Level (CL)

The Capability Level (CL) is a new field added to the capability encoding, as shown in Section 3.1.

With LVLBITS=1, the Capability Level can hold two values: when set to 1 the capability is global (in general allowing it to be stored using any authorizing capability), and when set to 0 the capability is local, and can only be stored by authorizing capabilities with the SL-permission set. Furthermore, the EL-permission can be used to restrict loading of global capabilities — causing the hardware to automatically set the level of loaded capabilities to local instead.

The current specification only defines two levels, equivalent to local and global capabilities from CHERI v9, Morello and CHERIoT.

As with permissions, the capability level can only be decreased but never increased (without deriving from a capability with a higher level). Therefore, the capability level is adjusted using the ACPERM instruction (see Section 6.2) and are queried using GCPERM.

6.1.2. New capability permissions

Zcherilevels introduces two new capability permissions:

Store Level Permission (SL)

This is a LVLBITS wide field that allows limiting the propagation of capabilities using the following logic: capabilities with a Capability Level (CL) less than the inverse of the authorizing capability’s SL-permission will be stored with the tag cleared. With LVLBITS=1 there is a single bit comparison, so it behaves as follows:

For LVLBITS=1 this permission is equivalent to StoreLocal in CHERI v9, Morello and CHERIoT.
Elevate Level Permission (EL)

Any unsealed capability with its tag set to 1 that is loaded from memory has its EL-permission cleared and its Capability Level (CL) restricted to the authorizing capability’s Capability Level (CL) if the authorizing capability does not grant EL-permission. If sealed, then only CL is modified, EL-permission is unchanged. This permission is similar to the existing LM-permission, but instead of applying to the W-permission on the loaded capability it restricts the CL field.

Table 30. Encoding of architectural permissions for MXLEN=32 when Zcherilevels is implemented
Bits[4:3] R W C LM EL SL X ASR Mode1 Notes

Quadrant 0: Non-capability data read/write

bit[2] - write, bit[1] - reserved (0), bit[0] - read

Reserved bits for future extensions are 0 so new permissions are not implicitly granted



No permissions



Data RO





Data WO



Data RW



Quadrant 1: Executable capabilities

bit[0] - M-bit (0-Capability Pointer Mode, 1-Integer Pointer Mode)













Execute + ASR (see Infinite)




Execute + Data & Cap RO



Execute + Data & Cap RW




Execute + Data RW

Quadrant 2: Restricted capability data read/write

bit[2] = write, bit[1:0] = store level. R and C implicitly granted, LM dependent on W permission.
















Data & Cap R0 (without LM-permission)




Reserved when LVLBITS=1 3




Reserved when LVLBITS=1 3




Data & Cap RW (with store local, no EL-permission)




Data & Cap RW (no store local, no EL-permission)

Quadrant 3: Capability data read/write

bit[2] = write, bit[1:0] = store level. R and C implicitly granted.

Reserved bits for future extensions must be 1 so they are implicitly granted
















Data & Cap R0




Reserved when LVLBITS=1 3




Reserved when LVLBITS=1 3




Data & Cap RW (with store local)




Data & Cap RW (no store local)

1 Mode (M-bit) can only be set on a tagged capability when Zcherihybrid is supported, otherwise such encodings are reserved. Despite being encoded here it is not an architectural permission.
2 SL isn’t applicable in these cases, but this value is reported by GCPERM to simplify the rules followed by ACPERM
3 These entries are reserved when LVLBITS=1 and in use when LVLBITS=2

6.2. Changing capability levels and permissions

While capability levels (CL) are conceptually a label on the capability rather than a permission granted by the capability, they are adjusted using the ACPERM instruction. This avoids the need for a dedicated instruction and allows reducing the level and removing EL-permission in a single instruction.

6.3. Capability level summary table

A capability with CL=1 is global and with CL=0 is local.
Table 31. Zcherilevels LVLBITS=1 summary table for stored capabilities
Auth cap field Data cap field










Store data capability unmodified



Store data capability unmodified (CL ≥ ~SL)


Store data capability with tag cleared (CL < ~SL)

if W=0 or C=0 then SL is irrelevant
Table 32. Zcherilevels additional rules for loading capabilities
Auth cap field Data cap field














Load data capability with CL=min(auth.CL, data.CL), EL unchanged


Load data capability with EL=0, CL=min(auth.CL, data.CL)

All other cases

Load data capability with EL, CL unmodified

6.4. Extending Zcherilevels to more than two levels

When LVLBITS>1, the behavior of ACPERM can no longer use masking to adjust the Capability Level (CL) or SL-permission, but instead must perform an integer minimum operation on those LVLBITS-wide fields. The CL field of the resulting capability is set to min(rs2[CL], cs1[CL]) (equivalent to rs2[CL] & cs1[CL] for LVLBITS=1). Similarly, SL-permission is set to min(rs2[SL], cs1[SL]) (equivalent to rs2[SL] & cs1[SL] for LVLBITS=1).

When storing capabilities, the SL-permission checks need to perform a LVLBITS-wide integer comparison instead of just testing a single bit. Considering for an example LVLBITS=2:

SL-permission Permitted for levels Resulting semantics


As low as ~0b11=0

Authorizes stores of capabilities with any level


As low as ~0b10=1

Strip tag for level 0 (most local), keep for 1,2,3


As low as ~0b01=2

Strip tag for level 0&1, keep for 2&3


As low as ~0b00=3

Strip tag for level 0,1,2, i.e. only the most global can be stored

While this extra negation is non-intuitive, it is required such that ACPERM can use a monotonically decreasing operation for both CL SL-permission.
The layout of the ACPERM input / GCPERM result is not yet defined, but existing bits will not be moved around so the SL/CL fields will be non-contiguous.

7. "Zcherihybrid" Extension for CHERI Integer Pointer Mode

Zcherihybrid is an optional extension to Zcheripurecap. Implementations that support Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid define a variant of the CHERI ISA that is fully binary compatible with existing RISC-V code.

Key features in Zcherihybrid include a definition of a CHERI execution mode, a new unprivileged register, additional instructions and extensions to some existing CSRs enabling CHERI features. The remainder of this section describes these features in detail as well as their integration with the primary base integer variants of the RISC-V ISA (RV32I and RV64I).

7.1. CHERI Execution Mode

Zcherihybrid adds CHERI execution modes to ensure backwards compatibility with the base RISC-V ISA while saving instruction encoding space. There are two execution modes: Capability Pointer Mode and Integer Pointer Mode. Additionally, there is a new unprivileged register: the default data capability, ddc, that is used to authorize all data memory accesses when in Integer Pointer Mode.

The current CHERI execution mode is given by the M-bit of pcc that is encoded as described in M-bit.

The CHERI execution mode impacts the instruction set in the following ways:

  • The authorizing capability used to execute memory access instructions. In Integer Pointer Mode, ddc is implicitly used. In Capability Pointer Mode, the authorizing capability is supplied as an explicit c operand register to the instruction.

  • The set of instructions that is available for execution. Some instructions are available in Integer Pointer Mode but not Capability Pointer Mode and vice-versa (see Chapter 12).

The implication is that the CHERI execution mode is always Capability Pointer Mode on implementations that support Zcheripurecap, but not Zcherihybrid.

The CHERI execution mode is effectively an extension to some RISC-V instruction encodings. For example, the encoding of an instruction like LW remains unchanged, but the mode indicates whether the capability authorizing the load is the register operand cs1 (Capability Pointer Mode). The mode is shown in the assembly syntax.

The CHERI execution mode is key in providing backwards compatibility with the base RISC-V ISA. RISC-V software is able to execute unchanged in implementations supporting both Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid provided that the Infinite capability is installed in ddc and pcc (with M=1, i.e. in Integer Pointer Mode). Setting both registers to Infinite ensures that:

  • All permissions are granted

  • The bounds authorize accesses to the entire address space i.e base is 0 and top is 2MXLEN

7.2. CHERI Execution Mode Encoding

Zcherihybrid adds a new CHERI execution Mode field (M) to the capability format, which is only valid for code capabilities, i.e. when the X-permission is set.

  • When MXLEN=32, the Mode is encoded in bit 0 of quadrant 1 from the AP field even though it is not a permission as shown in Table 4.

    • Only quadrant 1 represents executable capabilities, and so it’s the only one which encodes the Mode.

    • If Zcherihybrid not implemented, then setting the M-bit to 1 for Integer Pointer Mode in quadrant 1 causes the permissions to be invalid, i.e. an encoding which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

  • When MXLEN=64, the Mode is encoded separately; a new M-bit is added to the capability format as shown in Table 5. The M-bit is only valid for code capabilities, otherwise the field is reserved.

    • When Zcherihybrid is not implemented then the bit allocated to the M-bit is reserved for future use.

Mode is encoded with permissions for MXLEN=32, but is not a permission. It is orthogonal to permissions as it can vary arbitrarily using SCMODE.

In both encodings:

  • Mode (M)=0 indicates Capability Pointer Mode.

  • Mode (M)=1 indicates Integer Pointer Mode.

The current CHERI execution mode is given by the M-bit of the pcc and the CHERI register and instruction access settings as follows:

When the M-bit can be set, the rules defined by ACPERM must be followed.

7.2.1. Observing the CHERI Execution Mode

The effective CHERI execution mode is given by the values of some CSRs and the M-bit from the pcc. The following code sequences demonstrate how a program can observe the current, effective CHERI execution mode depending on the machine’s privilege mode.

In debug mode, the following sequence executed from the program buffer will write 0 for Capability Pointer Mode and 1 for Integer Pointer Mode to x1:

csrr   c1, dinfc
gcmode x1, c1

In any other privilege mode, the following sequence will write 0 for Capability Pointer Mode and 1 for Integer Pointer Mode to x1:

auipc c1, 0
gctag x1, c1

7.3. Zcherihybrid Instructions

Zcherihybrid introduces a small number of new mode-switching and capability manipulation instructions to the base RISC-V integer ISA, as shown in Table 48. Additionally, the behavior of some existing instructions changes depending on the current CHERI execution mode.

7.3.1. Capability Load and Store Instructions

The load and store capability instructions change behavior depending on the CHERI execution mode although the instruction’s encoding remains unchanged.

The load capability instruction is LC. When the CHERI execution mode is Capability Pointer Mode; the instruction behaves as described in Section 4.3. In Integer Pointer Mode, the capability authorizing the memory access is ddc, so the effective address is obtained by adding the x register to the sign-extended offset.

The store capability instruction is SC. When the CHERI execution mode is Capability Pointer Mode; the instruction behaves as described in Section 4.3. In Integer Pointer Mode, the capability authorizing the memory access is ddc, so the effective address is obtained by adding the x register to the sign-extended offset.

7.3.2. Capability Manipulation Instructions

A new SCMODE instruction allows setting a capability’s CHERI execution mode to the indicated value. The output is written to an unprivileged c register, not pcc.

A new GCMODE instruction allows decoding the CHERI execution mode from an arbitrary capability held in an x register. The output is written to an unprivileged x register.

7.3.3. Mode Change Instructions

New CHERI execution mode switch instructions, MODESW.CAP and MODESW.INT, allow software to change the hart’s current M-bit in pcc. If the current mode in the pcc is Integer Pointer Mode, then the mode after executing MODESW.CAP is Capability Pointer Mode and similarly for MODESW.INT when in Capability Pointer Mode. This instruction effectively writes the CHERI execution mode M-bit of the capability currently installed in the pcc.

7.4. Existing RISC-V Instructions

The CHERI execution mode introduced in Zcherihybrid affects the behavior of instructions that have at least one memory address operand. When in Capability Pointer Mode, the address input or output operands may include c registers. When in Integer Pointer Mode, the address input or output operands are x/f/v registers; the tag and metadata of that register are implicitly set to 0.

7.4.1. Control Transfer Instructions

The unconditional jump instructions change behavior depending on the CHERI execution mode although the instruction’s encoding remains unchanged.

The jump and link instruction JAL when the CHERI execution mode is Capability Pointer Mode; behaves as described in Section 4.4. When the mode is Integer Pointer Mode. In this case, the address of the instruction following the jump (pc + 4) is written to an x register; that register’s tag and capability metadata are zeroed.

The jump and link register instruction is JALR when the CHERI execution mode is Capability Pointer Mode; behaves as described in Section 4.4. When the mode is Integer Pointer Mode. In this case, the target address is obtained by adding the sign-extended 12-bit immediate to the x register operand, then setting the least significant bit of the result to zero. The target address is then written to the pcc address and a representability check is performed. The address of the instruction following the jump (pc + 4) is written to an x register; that register’s tag and capability metadata are zeroed.

Zcherihybrid allows changing the current CHERI execution mode when executing JALR from Capability Pointer Mode.

JAL and JALR cause CHERI exceptions when a minimum sized instruction at the target address is not within the bounds of the pcc. An instruction address misaligned exception is raised when the target address is misaligned.

7.4.2. Conditional Branches

The behavior is as shown in Section

7.4.3. Load and Store Instructions

Load and store instructions change behavior depending on the CHERI execution mode although the instruction’s encoding remains unchanged.

Loads and stores behave as described in Section 4.4 when in Capability Pointer Mode. In Integer Pointer Mode, the instructions behave as described in the RISC-V base ISA and rely on x operands only. The capability authorizing the memory access is ddc and the memory address is given by sign-extending the 12-bit immediate offset and adding it to the base address in the x register operand.

The exception cases remain as described in Section 4.4 regardless of the CHERI execution mode.

7.4.4. CSR Instructions

Zcherihybrid adds the concept of CSRs which contain a capability where the address field is visible in Integer Pointer Mode (e.g. mtvec) and the full capability is visible in Capability Pointer Mode through a different name (e.g. mtvecc). These are referred to as extended CSRs. Also, Zcherihybrid adds the new capability CSRs listed in Table 33.

Extended CSRs have only one address; the access width is determined by the execution mode.

When CSRRW is executed on an extended CSR in Integer Pointer Mode:

  • The register operand is an x register.

  • Only XLEN bits from the x source are written to the capability address field.

    • The tag and metadata are updated as specified in Table 50.

  • Only XLEN bits are read from the capability address field, which are extended to MXLEN bits according to (RISC-V, 2023) ( Base ISA Control in mstatus Register) and are then written to the destination x register.

When CSRRW is executed on an extended CSR in Capability Pointer Mode, or on a new capability CSR regardless of the CHERI execution mode:

  • The register operand is a c register.

  • The full capability in the c register source is written to the CSR.

    • The capability may require modification before the final written value is determined (see Table 50).

  • The full capability is written to destination c register.

When an extended CSR or a new capability CSR is used with another CSR instruction (CSRRWI, CSRRC, CSRRCI, CSRRS, CSRRSI):

  • The final address is calculated according to the standard RISC-V CSR rules (set bits, clear bits etc).

  • The final address is updated as specified in Table 50 for an XLEN write.

  • When accessing an extended CSR:

    • In Integer Pointer Mode, XLEN bits are read from the capability address field and written to an output x register.

    • In Capability Pointer Mode, CLEN bits are read from the CSR and written to an output c register.

  • When accessing a new capability CSR:

    • CLEN bits are read from the CSR and written to an output c register.

All CSR instructions cause CHERI exceptions if the pcc does not grant ASR-permission and the CSR accessed is not user-mode accessible.

7.5. Integrating Zcherihybrid with Sdext

A new debug default data capability (dddc) CSR is added at the CSR number shown in Table 33.

Zcherihybrid allows MODESW.CAP and MODESW.INT to execute in debug mode.

When entering debug mode, whether the core enters Integer Pointer Mode or Capability Pointer Mode is controlled by the M-bit in dinfc.

The current mode can be read from dinfc.

7.6. Debug Default Data Capability (dddc)

dddc is a register that is able to hold a capability. The address is shown in Table 33.

The tag of the CSR must be reset to zero. The reset values of the metadata and address fields are UNSPECIFIED.

This CSR is only implemented if Zcherihybrid is implemented.

Figure 38. Debug default data capability

Upon entry to debug mode, ddc is saved in dddc. ddc's metadata is set to the Infinite capability’s metadata (with tag set) and ddc's address remains unchanged.

When debug mode is exited by executing DRET, the hart’s ddc is updated to the capability stored in dddc. A debugger may write dddc to change the hart’s context.

As shown in Table 52, dddc is a data pointer, so it does not need to be able to hold all possible invalid addresses (see Invalid address conversion).

7.7. Disabling CHERI Registers and Instructions

Zcherihybrid includes functions to disable explicit access to CHERI registers and instructions. The following occurs when executing code in a privilege mode that has CHERI register access disabled:

  • The CHERI instructions in Section 4.3 and Appendix D cause illegal instruction exceptions

  • Executing CSR instructions accessing any CSR added by Zcherihybrid (see Table 33) causes an illegal instruction exception

  • Executing CSR instructions accessing any extended CSR (see Section 4.6) only allows XLEN access.

  • All allowed instructions execute as if the CHERI execution mode is Integer Pointer Mode. The mode bit in pcc is treated as if it was zero while CHERI register access is disabled.

CHERI register access is disabled if

  • XLEN in the current mode is less than MXLEN, or

  • the endianness in the current mode is not the reset value of mstatus.MBE, or

  • the effective CRE for the current privilege is 0.

The effective CRE for the current privilege is:

The effective CRE is always 1 in debug mode.
On reset CHERI register access is disabled (mseccfg.CRE resets to zero).

Disabling CHERI register access has no effect on implicit accesses or security checks. The last capability installed in pcc and ddc before disabling CHERI register access will be used to authorize instruction execution and data memory accesses.

Disabling CHERI register access prevents low-privileged Integer Pointer Mode software from interfering with the correct operation of higher-privileged Integer Pointer Mode software that do not perform ddc switches on trap entry and return.

Disabling CHERI register access allows harts supporting CHERI to be fully compatible with standard RISC-V, so CHERI instructions, such as CRAM, that do not change the state of CHERI CSRs raise exceptions when CRE=0. This is the default behavior on reset.

Table 61 summarizes the behavior of a hart in connection with the CRE and the CHERI execution mode.

7.8. Added CLEN-wide CSRs

Zcherihybrid adds the CLEN-wide CSRs shown in Table 33.

Table 33. CLEN-wide CSRs added in Zcherihybrid
CLEN CSR Address Prerequisites Permissions Description



Zcherihybrid, Sdext


Debug Default Data Capability (saved/restored on debug mode entry/exit)





User Default Data Capability

7.8.1. Machine Status Registers (mstatus and mstatush)

Zcherihybrid eliminates some restrictions for SXL and UXL imposed in Zcheripurecap to allow implementations supporting multiple base ISAs. Namely, the SXL and UXL fields may be writable.

Setting the SXL or UXL field to a value that is not MXLEN disables most CHERI features and instructions, as described in Section 7.7, while in that privilege mode.

If CHERI register access must be disabled in a mode for security reasons, software should set CRE to 0 regardless of the SXL and UXL fields.

Whenever XLEN in any mode is set to a value less than MXLEN, standard RISC-V rules from (RISC-V, 2023) are followed. This means that all operations must ignore source operand register bits above the configured XLEN, and must sign-extend results to fill all MXLEN bits in the destination register. Similarly, pc bits above XLEN are ignored, and when the pc is written, it is sign-extended to fill MXLEN. The integer writing rule from CHERI is followed, so that every register write also zeroes the metadata and tag of the destination register.

However, CHERI operations and security checks will continue using the entire hardware register (i.e. CLEN bits) to correctly decode capability bounds.

Zcherihybrid eliminates some restrictions for MBE, SBE, and UBE imposed in Zcheripurecap to allow implementations supporting multiple endiannesses. Namely, the MBE, SBE, and UBE fields may be writable if the corresponding privilege mode is implemented.

Setting the MBE, SBE, or UBE field to a value that is not the reset value of MBE disables most CHERI features and instructions, as described in Section 7.7, while in that privilege mode.

7.8.2. Machine Security Configuration Register (mseccfg)

Zcherihybrid adds a new enable bit to mseccfg as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39. Machine security configuration register (mseccfg)

The CHERI Register Enable (CRE) bit controls whether M-mode and lower privilege levels have access to capability registers and instructions. When mseccfg.CRE=1, all CHERI instructions and registers can be accessed. When mseccfg.CRE=0, CHERI register and instruction access is prohibited for M-mode and lower privilege levels as described in Section 7.7.

The reset value is 0.

7.8.3. Machine Environment Configuration Register (menvcfg)

Zcherihybrid adds a new enable bit to menvcfg as shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40. Machine environment configuration register (menvcfg)

The CHERI Register Enable (CRE) bit controls whether less privileged levels can perform explicit accesses to CHERI registers and execute CHERI instructions. When menvcfg.CRE=1 and mseccfg.CRE=1, CHERI registers can be read and written by less privileged levels. When menvcfg.CRE=0, CHERI registers are disabled in less privileged levels as described in Section 7.7.

The reset value is 0.

7.8.4. Supervisor Environment Configuration Register (senvcfg)

The senvcfg register operates as described in the RISC-V Privileged Specification. Zcherihybrid adds a new enable bit as shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41. Supervisor environment configuration register (senvcfg)

The CHERI Register Enable (CRE) bit controls whether U-mode can perform explicit accesses to CHERI registers and execute CHERI instructions. When senvcfg.CRE=1 and menvcfg.CRE=1 and mseccfg.CRE=1 CHERI registers can be read and written by U-mode. When senvcfg.CRE=0, CHERI registers are disabled in U-mode as described in Section 7.7.

The reset value is 0.

7.8.5. Default Data Capability (ddc)

The ddc CSR is a read-write capability register implicitly used as an operand to authorize all data memory accesses when the current CHERI mode is Integer Pointer Mode. This register must be readable in any implementation. Its reset value is the Infinite capability.

Access to this CSR is illegal if CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.

CRE is not required for the implicit access required by checking memory accesses against ddc

This CSR is only implemented if Zcherihybrid is implemented.

As shown in Table 52, ddc is a data pointer, so it does not need to be able to hold all possible invalid addresses (see Invalid address conversion).

Figure 42. Unprivileged default data capability register

8. Integrating Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid with the Hypervisor Extension

The RISC-V hypervisor (H) extension virtualizes the supervisor-level architecture to support the efficient hosting of guest operating systems atop a type-1 or type-2 hypervisor (RISC-V, 2023). The hypervisor extension is generally orthogonal to CHERI; the main requirements, when integrating with Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid, is that address CSRs added for hypervisors are extended to CLEN size so that they are able to hold capabilities. The remainder of this chapter describes these changes in detail.

8.1. Hypervisor Status Register (hstatus)

The hstatus register operates as described in (RISC-V, 2023) except for the VSXL field that controls the value of XLEN for VS-mode (known as VSXLEN).

The encoding of the VSXL field is the same as the MXL field of misa. Only 1 and 2 are supported values for VSXL. When the implementation supports Zcheripurecap (but not Zcherihybrid), then hstatus's VSXL must be read-only as described in mstatus for mstatus.SXL. When the implementation supports both Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid, then VSXL behaves as described in Section 7.8.1 for mstatus.SXL.

The VSBE field determines controls the endianness of explicit memory accesses from VS-mode and implicit memory accesses to VS-level memory management data structures. VSBE=0 indicates little endian and VSBE=1 is big endian. VSBE must be read-only and equal to MBE when the implementation only supports Zcheripurecap. VSBE is optionally writeable when Zcherihybrid is also supported.

8.2. Hypervisor Environment Configuration Register (henvcfg)

The henvcfg register operates as described in the RISC-V Privileged Specification. A new enable bit is added to henvcfg when the implementation supports Zcherihybrid as shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43. Hypervisor environment configuration register (henvcfg)

The CHERI Register Enable (CRE) bit controls whether explicit access to CHERI registers is permitted when V=1. When henvcfg.CRE=1 and menvcfg.CRE=1 and mseccfg.CRE=1, CHERI registers can be read and written by VS-mode and VU-mode. When henvcfg.CRE=0, CHERI registers are disabled in VS-mode and VU-mode as described in Section 7.7.

The reset value is 0.

8.3. Hypervisor Exception Delegation Register (hedeleg)

Bit 28 of hedeleg now refers to a valid exception and so can be used to delegate CHERI exceptions to virtual supervisor mode.

8.4. Virtual Supervisor Status Register (vsstatus)

The vsstatus register operates as described in (RISC-V, 2023) except for the UXL field that controls the value of XLEN for VU-mode.

The encoding of the UXL field is the same as the MXL field of misa. Only 1 and 2 are supported values for UXL. When the implementation supports Zcheripurecap (but not Zcherihybrid), then vsstatus.UXL must be read-only as described in mstatus for mstatus.UXL. When the implementation supports both Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid, then UXL behaves as described in Section 7.8.1 for mstatus.UXL.

8.5. Virtual Supervisor Trap Vector Base Address Register (vstvec)

The vstvec register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It is the VSXLEN-bit read/write register that is the VS mode’s version of the supervisor register stvec.

Figure 44. Virtual supervisor trap vector base address register

8.6. Virtual Supervisor Trap Vector Base Address Capability Register (vstvecc)

The vstvecc register extends vstvec to hold a capability. Its reset value is the Infinite capability.

Figure 45. Virtual supervisor trap vector base address capability register

The handling of vstvecc is otherwise identical to mtvecc, but in virtual supervisor mode.

8.7. Virtual Supervisor Scratch Register (vsscratch)

The vsscratch register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It is a VSXLEN read/write register that is VS-mode’s version of supervisor register sscratch. vsscratch is extended into vsscratchc.

Figure 46. Virtual supervisor scratch register

8.8. Virtual Supervisor Scratch Register (vsscratchc)

The vsscratchc register extends vsscratch to hold a capability.

The tag of the CSR must be reset to zero. The reset values of the metadata and address fields are UNSPECIFIED.

It is not WARL, all capability fields must be implemented.

Figure 47. Virtual supervisor scratch capability register

8.9. Virtual Supervisor Exception Program Counter (vsepc)

The vsepc register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It is extended into vsepcc.

Figure 48. Virtual supervisor exception program counter

8.10. Virtual Supervisor Exception Program Counter Capability (vsepcc)

The vsepcc register extends vsepc to hold a capability. Its reset value is the Infinite capability.

As shown in Table 52, vsepcc is a code capability, so it does not need to be able to hold all possible invalid addresses (see Invalid address conversion). Additionally, the capability in vsepcc is unsealed when it is installed in pcc on execute of an SRET instruction. The handling of vsepcc is otherwise identical to mepcc, but in virtual supervisor mode.

Figure 49. Virtual supervisor exception program counter capability

8.11. Virtual Supervisor Cause Register (vscause)

The vscause register is as defined in (RISC-V, 2023). It must additionally support the new exception code for CHERI exceptions that scause supports.

8.12. Virtual Supervisor Trap Value Register (vstval)

The vstval register is a VSXLEN-bit read-write register.

vstval is updated following the same rules as mtval for CHERI exceptions and CHERI PTE page faults which are delegated to VS-mode.

Figure 50. Virtual supervisor trap value register

8.13. Virtual Supervisor Trap Value Register 2 (vstval2)

The vstval2 register is a VSXLEN-bit read-write register, which is added as part of Zcheripurecap when the hypervisor extension is supported. Its CSR address is 0x24b.

vstval2 is updated following the same rules as mtval2 for CHERI exceptions and CHERI PTE page faults which are delegated to VS-mode. It is written to zero for all other exceptions, except as listed otherwise by other future extensions.

vstval2 is not a standard RISC-V CSR, but mtval2 is.
Figure 51. Virtual supervisor trap value register 2

8.14. Existing Hypervisor Load and Store Instructions

The hypervisor extension defines several integer load and store instructions (such as HLV.W, HSV.W and HLVX.WU) that transfer the amount of integer data described in (RISC-V, 2023) between the registers and memory as though V=1. These instructions change behavior depending on the CHERI execution mode although the instruction’s encoding remains unchanged.

When in Capability Pointer Mode, the hypervisor load and store instructions behave as described in Section 4.4. In Integer Pointer Mode, the instructions behave as described in (RISC-V, 2023) and rely on an x register operand providing the effective address for the memory access; the capability authorizing the memory access is ddc.

The exception cases remain as described in Section 4.4 regardless of the CHERI execution mode.

8.15. Hypervisor Load and Store Capability Instructions

Hypervisor virtual-machine load (HLV.C) and store (HSV.C) capability instructions read or write CLEN bits from memory as though V=1. These instructions change behavior depending on the CHERI execution mode although the instruction’s encoding remains unchanged.

When in Capability Pointer Mode, the hypervisor load and store capability instructions behave as described in Section 4.4. In Integer Pointer Mode, the instructions behave as rely on an x register operand providing the effective address for the memory access and the capability authorizing the memory access is ddc.

9. Integrating Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid with the Vector Extension

The RISC-V vector (V) extension is orthogonal to CHERI because the vector registers only hold integer or floating-point data. The vector registers are not extended to hold capabilities.

A future extension may allow tags to be stored in vector registers. Until that time, vector load and store instructions must not be used to implement generic memory copying in software, such as the memcpy() standard C library function, because the vector registers do not hold capabilities, so the tags of any copied capabilities will be set to 0 in the destination memory.

Vector loads and stores all follow the behavior as described in Section 4.4.3.

The assembly syntax of all vector loads and stores are updated in Capability Pointer Mode, so that the address operand becomes a c operand instead of an x operand.

According to the vector extension (RISC-V, 2021) only active elements are accessed or updated in memory. Therefore only active elements are subject to CHERI exception checks. If a vector load or store has no active elements then no CHERI fault will be taken.

This is consistent with other exceptions such as page faults which are only taken on active elements.

In the case of fault-only-first loads, a CHERI bounds violation is only taken if any bytes of element 0 are out of bounds, or if the CHERI bounds are malformed and there are any active elements. If another active element causes a CHERI bounds violation then it is treated the same way as other exceptions, the trap is not taken and instead vl is reduced. All other CHERI fault types, such as tag violations, are only taken if element zero is active.

Indexed loads in Capability Pointer Mode check the bounds of every access against the authority capability in cs1. Therefore the approach of having a zero base register and treating every element as an absolute address may not work well in this mode.

10. Integrating Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid with Pointer Masking

The pointer masking extensions Smmpm, Smnpm, SSnpm, Sspm and Supm are compatible with both Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid. Whenever pointer masking is enabled, all bounds decoding and bounds checks are affected.

The suggestion in this section is based on the pointer masking approach from Morello but with changes to sign extension and to address the dynamic nature of bit masking. Further evaluation on RISCV, especially for Capability Pointer Mode, is still required.

When bounds are encoded or decoded, a masked but not sign extended address is used. Changing how many bits are masked can therefore change the interpretation of the bounds of a capability, both for the purpose of implicit accesses via bounds checks and any instructions that report the bounds of a capability. Apart from treating high address bits as 0, there are no other changes to bounds decode, which are still based on MXLEN, not the new effectively addressable space. That is, the maximum length of a capability does not change, and it is not invalid to have a capability that covers a longer range than could be actually be addressed with pointer masking enabled (such as one that covers the entire MXLEN address space). For the representable range check, both the original and new address are masked. Bounds setting instructions also mask the address in the same way.

Because dynamically changing the number of masked bits changes the interpretation of a capability, software must take the same care when sharing capabilities between address spaces with differing pointer masking as it generally must when sharing capabilities between address spaces with different page mappings.

Any address that is checked against a capability (whether via loads/stores in Integer Pointer Mode or Capability Pointer Mode), is also first subject to the same masking as bounds decode (masking without extension). After any CHERI operations, the final access address is still subject to as much sign extension as the masking extensions mandate.

11. "Zstid" Extension for Software Thread Identification

Zstid is an optional extension to the RISC-V base ISA. Implementations that support Zcheripurecap and Zstid define a variant of the CHERI ISA that allows for more efficient software compartmentalization of CHERI programs.

11.1. Control and Status Registers (CSRs)

Zstid adds new CSRs to implement a trusted software thread identifier (TID) used in compartmentalization. These CSRs are listed in Table 34, Table 35, Table 36 and Table 37.

Table 34. Added machine-mode CSRs in Zstid
Zstid CSR Address Prerequisites Read-Permission Write-Permission Description





M, ASR-permission

Machine Thread Identifier

Table 35. Added supervisor-mode CSRs in Zstid
Zstid CSR Address Prerequisites Read-Permission Write-Permission Description





S, ASR-permission

Supervisor Thread Identifier

Table 36. Added virtual supervisor-mode CSRs in Zstid
Zstid CSR Address Prerequisites Read-Permission Write-Permission Description





H, ASR-permission

Virtual Supervisor Thread Identifier

Table 37. Added user-mode CSRs in Zstid
Zstid CSR Address Prerequisites Read-Permission Write-Permission Description





U, ASR-permission

User Thread Identifier

11.2. Machine-Level, Supervisor-Level and Unprivileged CSRs

11.2.1. Machine Thread Identifier (mtid)

The mtid register is an MXLEN-bit read-write register. It is used to identify the current software thread in machine mode. The reset value of this register is UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 52. Supervisor thread identifier register

11.2.2. Supervisor Thread Identifier (stid)

The stid register is an SXLEN-bit read-write register. It is used to identify the current software thread in supervisor mode. The reset value of this register is UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 53. Supervisor thread identifier register

11.2.3. Virtual Supervisor Thread Identifier (vstid)

The vstid register is a VSLEN-bit read-write register. It is VS-mode’s version of supervisor register stid used to identify the current software thread in virtual supervisor mode. As other Virtual Supervisor registers when V=1, vstid substitutes for stid, so that instructions that normally read or modify stid actually access vstid instead. When V=0, vstid does not directly affect the behavior of the machine.

The reset value of this register is UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 54. Virtual supervisor thread identifier register

11.2.4. User Thread Identifier (utid)

The utid register is an UXLEN-bit read-write register. It is used to identify the current software thread in user mode. The reset value of this register is UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 55. User thread identifier register

When Zcheripurecap is implemented, the Zstid CSRs are extended as follows:

11.2.5. Machine Thread Identifier Capability (mtidc)

The mtidc register extends mtid to hold a capability. It is used to identify the current software thread in machine mode. On reset the tag of mtidc will be set to 0 and the remainder of the data is UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 56. Machine thread identifier capability register

11.2.6. Supervisor Thread Identifier Capability (stidc)

The stidc register extends stid to hold a capability. It is used to identify the current software thread in supervisor mode. On reset the tag of stidc will be set to 0 and the remainder of the data is UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 57. Supervisor thread identifier capability register

11.2.7. Virtual Supervisor Thread Identifier Capability (vstidc)

The vstidc register extends vstid to hold a capability. It is used to identify the current software thread in virtual supervisor mode. As other Virtual Supervisor registers when V=1, vstidc substitutes for stidc, so that instructions that normally read or modify stidc actually access vstidc instead. When V=0, vstidc does not directly affect the behavior of the machine. On reset the tag of vstidc will be set to 0 and the remainder of the data is UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 58. Virtual supervisor thread identifier capability register

11.2.8. User Thread Identifier Capability (utidc)

The utidc register extends utid to hold a capability. It is used to identify the current software thread in user mode. On reset the tag of utidc will be set to 0 and the remainder of the data is UNSPECIFIED.

Figure 59. User thread identifier capability register

11.3. "Smstateen/Ssstateen" Integration

The TID bit controls access to the CSRs in Table 35, Table 36 and Table 37 provided by the Zstid extension.

Figure 60. Machine State Enable 0 Register (mstateen0)
Figure 61. Hypervisor State Enable 0 Register (hstateen0)
Figure 62. Supervisor State Enable 0 Register (sstateen0)

11.4. CHERI Compartmentalization

This section describes how this specification enables support for compartmentalization for CHERI systems. Compartmentalization seeks to separate the privileges between different protection units, e.g., two or more libraries. Code can be separated by sentries, which allow for giving out code capabilities to untrusted code where the untrusted code can only call the code capability, but not modify it. Sentries can be called from different software threads and thus there needs to be a way of identifying the current software thread. While identifying the current software thread can be done by privileged code, e.g., the kernel, the implied performance overhead of this is not bearable for CHERI systems with many compartments.

The RISC-V ABI includes a thread pointer (tp) register, which is not usable for the purpose of reliably identifying the current software thread because the tp register is a general purpose register and can be changed arbitrarily by untrusted code. Therefore, this specification offers additional CSRs that facilitate a trusted source for the thread ID. All registers are readable from their respective privilege levels and writeable with ASR-permission.

This extension extends mtid, stid, vstid and utid to their respective capability variants mtidc, stidc, vstidc and utidc. This presents software with the freedom to still use these registers with capabilities or leave the metadata untouched and only use the registers to store integers.

12. RISC-V Instructions and Extensions Reference

These instruction pages are for the new CHERI instructions, and some existing RISC-V instructions where the effect of CHERI needs specific details.

For existing RISC-V instructions, note that:

  1. In Integer Pointer Mode, every byte of each memory access is bounds checked against ddc

  2. In Integer Pointer Mode, a minimum length instruction at the target of all indirect jumps is bounds checked against pcc

  3. In Capability Pointer Mode a minimum length instruction at the target of all indirect jumps is bounds checked against cs1 (e.g. JALR)

  4. A minimum length instruction at the taken target of all direct jumps and conditional branches is bounds checked against pcc regardless of CHERI execution mode

Not all RISC-V extensions have been checked against CHERI. Compatible extensions will eventually be listed in a CHERI profile.

12.1. "Zcheripurecap" and "Zcherihybrid" Extensions for CHERI

These are the main instructions that are added by CHERI.

12.1.1. CMV


Capability move


cmv cd, cs1

Suggested assembly syntax

mv cd, cs1

the suggested assembly syntax distinguishes from integer mv by operand type.
CMV is encoded as CADD with rs2=x0.

The contents of capability register cs1 are written to capability register cd. CMV unconditionally moves the whole capability to cd .

This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



C(cd) = C(cs1);

12.1.2. MODESW.INT


12.1.3. MODESW.CAP


Switch execution mode to Capability Pointer Mode (MODESW.CAP), or Integer Pointer Mode (MODESW.INT), 32-bit encodings




Set the hart’s current CHERI execution mode in pcc.

  • MODESW.CAP: If the current mode in pcc is Integer Pointer Mode (1), then the M-bit in pcc is set to Capability Pointer Mode (0). Otherwise no effect.

  • MODESW.INT: If the current mode in pcc is Capability Pointer Mode (0), then the M-bit in pcc is set to Integer Pointer Mode (1). Otherwise no effect.

Executing MODESW.CAP or MODESW.INT from the program buffer in debug mode updates the M-bit of dinfc. The M-bit of dinfc sets the CHERI execution mode for the execution of the next instruction from the program buffer, and is used to control which CHERI execution mode to enter next time debug mode is entered. The CHERI execution mode is only controlled by the M-bit of dinfc in debug mode.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let mode : ExecutionMode = match effective_cheri_mode() {
  IntPtrMode => CapPtrMode,
  CapPtrMode => IntPtrMode,
if debug_mode_active then dinfc = setCapMode(infinite_cap, mode);
set_next_pcc(setCapMode(PCC, mode));

12.1.4. CADDI


12.1.5. CADD


Capability pointer increment


cadd cd, cs1, rs2
caddi cd, cs1, imm

Suggested assembly syntax

add cd, cs1, rs2
add cd, cs1, imm

the suggested assembly syntax distinguishes from integer add by operand type.
CADD with rs2=x0 is decoded as CMV instead, the key difference being that tagged capabilities cannot have their tag cleared by CMV.

Increment the address field of the capability cs1 and write the result to cd . The tag bit of the output capability is 0 if cs1 did not have its tag set to 1, the incremented address is outside cs1 's Representable Range or cs1 is sealed.

For CADD, the address is incremented by the value in rs2 .
For CADDI, the address is incremented by the immediate value imm.

This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if cs1 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



Operation (CADD)
  let cs1_val = C(cs1);
  let rs2_val = X(rs2);

  let newCap = incCapAddrChecked(cs1_val, rs2_val);

  C(cd) = newCap;
Operation (CADDI)
  let cs1_val = C(cs1);
  let immBits : xlenbits = sign_extend(imm);

  let newCap = incCapAddrChecked(cs1_val, immBits);

  C(cd) = newCap;

12.1.6. SCADDR


Capability set address


scaddr cd, cs1, rs2


Set the address field of capability cs1 to rs2 and write the output capability to cd. The tag bit of the output capability is 0 if cs1 did not have its tag set to 1, rs2 is outside the Representable Range of cs1 or if cs1 is sealed.

This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if cs1 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



C(cd) = setCapAddrChecked(C(cs1), X(rs2));

12.1.7. ACPERM


Mask capability permissions


acperm cd, cs1, rs2


ACPERM performs the following operations:

  1. Convert the AP and SDP fields of capability cs1 into a bit field with the format shown in Figure 63.

  2. Calculate the bitwise AND of the bit field with the mask rs2.

  3. If the AP and M-bit field in cs1 could not have been produced by ACPERM then clear all AP permissions, and the M-bit to 0. Skip the next step.

  4. Clear AP permissions as required to meet the rules below.

  5. Encode the AP permissions for RV32 according to Table 4.

  6. Copy cs1 to cd, and update the AP and SDP fields with the newly calculated versions.

  7. Set cd.tag=0 if cs1 is sealed or if any reserved fields of cs1 are set.

    Some combinations of permissions cannot be encoded for MXLEN=32, and are not useful when MXLEN=64. These cases are defined to return useful minimal sets of permissions, which may be no permissions.

    Future extensions may allow more combinations of permissions, especially for MXLEN=64. The rules from Table 38 must be followed when removing permissions.
Table 38. ACPERM common rules
Rule Permission Only valid if

1 (RV32 only)


All other permissions are set.



R-permission or W-permission

3 (RV32 only)



4 (RV32 only)



5 (RV32 only)


not(C-permission) or LM-permission

6 (RV32 only)


W-permission or C-permission



C-permission and R-permission

8 (RV32 only)





C-permission and R-permission

10 (RV32 only)


(W-permission or EL-permission)




12 (RV32 only)


(LM-permission and (X-permission or W-permission))

13 (RV32 only)


(C-permission and LM-permission and EL-permission and (SL-permission == ∞)) or
(not(C-permission and not(LM-permission) and not(EL-permission) and (SL-permission==0)))1






X-permission and Zcherihybrid is implemented

1 All the listed permissions in the set are either minimum or maximum.
2 For RV32, the encodings which have the M-bit set to 1 for Integer Pointer Mode are only valid if Zcherihybrid is implemented. Otherwise those encodings represent invalid permissions.

For RV64 without Zcherihybrid, the M-bit is a reserved bit, and so is not relevant to ACPERM.

The behavior of currently illegal combinations from Table 38 is to clear the permission if invalid (or in the case of SL-permission set it to 0 (local)).

  • For RV64 all such combinations may be redefined by future extensions.

  • The RV32 only rules are added because they remove combinations which do not meet the encoding requirements for Table 4, or Table 30 if Zcherilevels is implemented.

Figure 63. Capability permissions bit field
The EL, SL and CL fields are only modifiable if the implementation supports Zcherilevels.
Even though included here CL is not considered an architectural permission.
If a future extension adds a new permission that is a refinement of an existing permission (e.g. finer-grained ASR-permission), then clearing the superset must also clear the refined permission. This ensures software forward-compatibility: for example, a kernel that does not know about finer-grained ASR-permission subsets must still be able to prevent all access to privileged instructions and CSRs by clearing ASR-permission.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



  let cs1_val = C(cs1);
  let rs2_val = X(rs2);

  let cond = capIsSealed(cs1_val) | not(capReservedValid(cs1_val));
  let inCap = clearTagIf(cs1_val, cond);

  let old_perms = packPerms(getArchPermsLegalized(inCap), inCap.sd_perms).bits;

  let new_perms = old_perms & rs2_val;

  let (new_arch_perms, new_sd_perms) = unpackPerms(struct {bits = new_perms});
  let newCap = { setArchPerms(inCap, new_arch_perms) with sd_perms = new_sd_perms };

  C(cd) = newCap;

12.1.8. SCMODE


Capability set CHERI execution mode


scmode cd, cs1, rs2


Copy cs1 to cd. Clear cd.tag if cs1 is sealed. Update the M-bit of cd to Capability Pointer Mode if the least significant bit of rs2 is 0 and to Integer Pointer Mode if the bit is 1 provided that the following conditions are met, otherwise do not update the M-bit:

  1. X-permission is set

  2. The existing permissions can be produced by ACPERM


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



  let cap = C(cs1);
  let mode = execution_mode_encdec(X(rs2)[0 .. 0]);

  let cap = clearTagIf(cap, capIsSealed(cap));
  let hasMode = not(permsMalformed(cap)) & canX(cap);
  let newCap = if hasMode then setCapMode(cap, mode) else cap;

  C(cd) = newCap;

12.1.9. SCHI


Capability set metadata


schi cd, cs1, rs2


Copy cs1 to cd , replace the capability metadata (i.e. bits [CLEN-1:MXLEN]) with rs2 and set cd.tag to 0.


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let capVal = C(cs1);
let intVal = X(rs2);
let newCap = bitsToCap(false, intVal @ capVal.address);
C(cd) = newCap;

12.1.10. SCEQ


Set if Capabilities are EQual


sceq rd, cs1, cs2


rd is set to 1 if all bits (i.e. CLEN bits and the tag) of capabilities cs1 and cs2 are equal, otherwise rd is set to 0.


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let cs1_val = C(cs1);
let cs2_val = C(cs2);
X(rd) = zero_extend(bool_to_bits(cs1_val == cs2_val));

12.1.11. SENTRY


Seal capability as sealed entry.


sentry cd, cs1


Capability cd is written with the capability in cs1 with its type bit set to 1. Attempting to seal an already sealed capability will lead to the tag of cd being set to 0.

The SENTRY instruction may give rise to an illegal instruction fault when the implementation does not support capability type 1 (unrestricted sentry; see Section 3.2.5). This is not the case when the implementation supports the capability encoding described in Chapter 3.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let cs1_val = C(cs1);
let inCap = clearTagIf(cs1_val, capIsSealed(cs1_val));
C(cd) = sealCap(inCap);

12.1.12. SCSS


Set Capability Subset


scss rd, cs1, cs2


rd is set to 1 if:

  1. the tag of capabilities cs1 and cs2 are equal, and

  2. the bounds and permissions of cs2 are a subset of those of cs1, and

  3. cs2 's Capability Level (CL) is equal to or lower than cs1 's

    1. This is only relevant if Zcherilevels is implemented.

  4. neither cs1 or cs2 have bounds which are malformed, and

  5. neither cs1 or cs2 have any bits set in reserved fields, and

  6. neither cs1 or cs2 have permissions that could not have been legally produced by ACPERM

Otherwise set rd to 0.

The implementation of this instruction is similar to CBLD, although SCSS does not include the sealed bit in the check.


  let cs1_val = C(cs1);
  let cs2_val = C(cs2);

  X(rd) = zero_extend(bool_bits(
    (cs1_val.tag == cs2_val.tag) &
    capIsSubset(cs2_val, cs1_val) /* capIsSubset returns false if either input
                                     has malformed bounds, perms, or non-zero
                                     reserved bits */

12.1.13. CBLD


Capability build


cbld cd, cs1, cs2


Copy cs2 to cd and set cd.tag to 1 if

  1. cs1.tag is set, and

  2. cs1 's bounds are not malformed, and all reserved fields are zero, and

  3. cs1 's permissions could have been legally produced by ACPERM, and

  4. cs1 is not sealed, and

  5. cs2 's permissions and bounds are equal to or a subset of cs1 's, and

  6. cs2 's Capability Level (CL) is equal to or lower than cs1 's, and

    1. This is only relevant if Zcherilevels is implemented.

  7. cs2 's bounds are not malformed, and all reserved fields are zero, and

  8. cs2 's permissions could have been legally produced by ACPERM, and

  9. All reserved bits in cs2 's metadata are 0;

Otherwise, copy cs2 to cd and clear cd 's tag.

CBLD is typically used alongside SCHI to build capabilities from integer values.

When cs1 is c0 this will copy cs2 to cd and clear cd.tag. However this may change in future extensions, and so software should not assume cs1==0 to be a pseudoinstruction for tag clearing.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



  let cs1_val = C(cs1);
  let cs2_val = C(cs2);

  let tag = cs1_val.tag &
            not(capIsSealed(cs1_val)) &
            capIsSubset(cs2_val, cs1_val); /* Subset checks for malformed bounds,
                                              perms, and reserved bits */

  C(cd) = { cs2_val with tag = tag };

12.1.14. GCTAG


Capability get tag


gctag rd, cs1


Zero extend the value of cs1.tag and write the result to rd.


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let capVal = C(cs1);
X(rd) = zero_extend(bool_to_bits(capVal.tag));

12.1.15. GCPERM


Capability get permissions


gcperm rd, cs1


If MXLEN=32 unpack permissions from the format in Table 4.

Convert the unpacked AP permissions as well as the SDP fields of capability cs1 into a bit field, with the format shown in Figure 64, and write the result to rd. A bit set to 1 in the bit field indicates that cs1 grants the corresponding permission. All bits in the [0:23] range that are reserved or assigned to extensions that are not implemented by the current hart always report 1.

If the AP field cannot be produced by ACPERM then all architectural permission bits in rd are set to 0.

Figure 64. Capability permissions bit field
When Zcherilevels is not implemented, the CL, SL, and EL fields always report 1. This ensures forwards-compatibility since loads/stores on a core without Zcherilevels behave as if these permissions are always present.
Any future extension that defines new permission that are a refinement of existing permissions (e.g. finer-grained ASR-permission) must be allocated to the bits that are currently reported as 1 to ensure forward-compatibility. Completely new permissions (e.g. sealing) should use the bits that are reported as zero in the current specification.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let capVal = C(cs1);
X(rd) = packPerms(getArchPermsLegalized(capVal), capVal.sd_perms).bits;

12.1.16. GCHI


Capability get metadata


gchi rd, cs1


Copy the metadata (bits [CLEN-1:MXLEN]) of capability cs1 into rd.


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let capVal = C(cs1);
X(rd) = capToMetadataBits(capVal).bits;

12.1.17. GCBASE


Capability get base address


gcbase rd, cs1


Decode the base integer address from cs1 's bounds and write the result to rd. It is not required that the input capability cs1 has its tag set to 1.

If cs1 's bounds are malformed then the bounds decode as zero, which causes this instruction to return zero.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let capVal = C(cs1);
X(rd) = match getCapBoundsBits(capVal) {
  None() => zeros(),
  Some(base, _) => base

12.1.18. GCLEN


Capability get length


gclen rd, cs1


Calculate the length of cs1 's bounds and write the result in rd. The length is defined as the difference between the decoded bounds' top and base addresses i.e. top - base. It is not required that the input capability cs1 has its tag set to 1. GCLEN outputs 0 if cs1 's bounds are malformed (see Section, and 2MXLEN-1 if the length of cs1 is 2MXLEN.

If cs1 's bounds are malformed then the bounds decode as zero, which causes this instruction to return zero.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let capVal = C(cs1);
// getCapLength returns 0 if the bounds are malformed
let len = getCapLength(capVal);
X(rd) = to_bits(xlen, if len > cap_max_addr then cap_max_addr else len);

12.1.19. GCMODE


Capability get CHERI execution mode


gcmode rd, cs1


Decode the CHERI execution mode from the capability in cs1 and write the result to rd. It is not required that cs1 has its tag set to 1. The output in rd is 0 if the capability in cs1 does not have X-permission set or the AP field cannot be produced by ACPERM; otherwise, the output is 0 if cs1 's CHERI execution mode is Capability Pointer Mode or 1 if the mode is Integer Pointer Mode.


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let capVal = C(cs1);
X(rd) = zero_extend(execution_mode_encdec(getCapMode(capVal)));

12.1.20. GCTYPE


Capability get type


gctype rd, cs1


Decode the architectural capability type from cs1 and write the result to rd. It is not required that the input capability cs1 has its tag set to 1.

While the architectural capability type maps directly to the value of the CT capability bit in Zcheripurecap, future extensions may define an alternate mapping. Therefore, software should always use GCTYPE to obtain the capability type rather than directly reading the high bits of the capability using GCHI.
Table 39. Capability types in Zcheripurecap
Type Hardware interpretation


Unsealed capability


Sentry capability


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let capVal = C(cs1);
X(rd) = zero_extend(bool_to_bits(capVal.sealed));

12.1.21. SCBNDSI


12.1.22. SCBNDS


Capability set bounds


scbnds cd, cs1, rs2
scbndsi cd, cs1, uimm


Capability register cd is set to capability register cs1 with the base address of its bounds replaced with the value of cs1.address and the length of its bounds set to rs2 (or imm). If the resulting capability cannot be represented exactly then set cd.tag to 0. In all cases, cd.tag is set to 0 if its bounds exceed cs1 's bounds, cs1 's tag is 0 or cs1 is sealed.

SCBNDSI uses the s bit to scale the immediate by 4 places

immediate = ZeroExtend(s ? uimm<<4 : uimm)

The SCBNDSI encoding with s=1 and uimm ≤ 1 is RESERVED since these immediates can also be encoded with s=0.
This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if cs1 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



Operation for SCBNDS
let cs1_val = C(cs1);
let length = X(rs2);
let newBase = cs1_val.address;
let newTop : CapLenBits = zero_extend(newBase) + zero_extend(length);
// inCapBoundsNoWrap returns false if the input bounds are malformed.
let inBounds = inCapBoundsNoWrap(cs1_val, newBase, unsigned(length));
let (exact, newCap) : (bool, Capability) = setCapBounds(cs1_val, newBase, newTop);
let cond = not(inBounds & exact) |
           boundsMalformed(newCap) |
           not(capReservedValid(newCap)) |
C(cd) = clearTagIf(newCap, cond);
Operation for SCBNDSI
let cs1_val = C(cs1);
let length = if s == 0b1 then uimm5 @ 0b0000 else 0b0000 @ uimm5;
let newBase = cs1_val.address;
let newTop : CapLenBits = zero_extend(newBase) + zero_extend(length);
// inCapBoundsNoWrap returns false if the input bounds are malformed.
let inBounds = inCapBoundsNoWrap(cs1_val, newBase, unsigned(length));
let (exact, newCap) : (bool, Capability) = setCapBounds(cs1_val, newBase, newTop);
assert(exact, "SCBNDSI immediate too small for non-exact lengths");
let cond = not(inBounds) |
           boundsMalformed(newCap) |
           not(capReservedValid(newCap)) |
C(cd) = clearTagIf(newCap, cond);

12.1.23. SCBNDSR


Capability set bounds, rounding up if necessary


scbndsr cd, cs1, rs2


Capability register cd is set to capability register cs1 with the base address of its bounds replaced with the value of cs1.address field and the length of its bounds set to rs2. The base is rounded down and the length is rounded up by the smallest amount needed to form a representable capability covering the requested bounds. In all cases, cd.tag is set to 0 if its bounds exceed cs1 's bounds, cs1 's tag is 0 or cs1 is sealed.


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.

This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if cs1 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.


Operation for SCBNDSR
let cs1_val = C(cs1);
let length = X(rs2);
let newBase = cs1_val.address;
let newTop : CapLenBits = zero_extend(newBase) + zero_extend(length);
// inCapBoundsNoWrap returns false if the input bounds are malformed.
let inBounds = inCapBoundsNoWrap(cs1_val, newBase, unsigned(length));
let (_, newCap) : (bool, Capability) = setCapBounds(cs1_val, newBase, newTop);
let cond = not(inBounds) |
           boundsMalformed(newCap) |
           not(capReservedValid(newCap)) |
C(cd) = clearTagIf(newCap, cond);

12.1.24. CRAM


Get Capability Representable Alignment Mask (CRAM)


cram rd, rs1


Integer register rd is set to a mask that can be used to round addresses down to a value that is sufficiently aligned to set exact bounds for the nearest representable length of rs1.


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.



let len = X(rs1);
X(rd) = getRepresentableAlignmentMask(len);

12.1.25. LC

The RV64 encoding is intended to also allocate the encoding for LQ for RV128.

Load capability

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

lc cd, offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

lc cd, offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Load a CLEN+1 bit value from memory and writes it to cd. The capability in cs1 authorizes the operation. The effective address of the memory access is obtained by adding the address of cs1 to the sign-extended 12-bit offset.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Loads a CLEN+1 bit value from memory and writes it to cd. The capability authorizing the operation is ddc. The effective address of the memory access is obtained by adding rs1 to the sign-extended 12-bit offset.

Resulting value of cd

The tag value written to cd is 0 if the tag of the memory location loaded is 0 or the authorizing capability (ddc or cs1) does not grant C-permission.

If the authorizing capability does not grant LM-permission, and the tag of cd is 1 and cd is not sealed, then an implicit ACPERM clearing W-permission and LM-permission is performed to obtain the intermediate permissions on cd.

If the authorizing capability does not grant EL-permission, and the tag of cd is 1, then an implicit ACPERM restricting the Capability Level (CL) to the level of the authorizing capability is performed. If cd is not sealed, this implicit ACPERM also clears EL-permission to obtain the final permissions on cd (see Table 32).

Missing LM-permission does not affect untagged values since this could result in surprising bit patterns when copying non-capability data. Similarly, sealed capabilities are not modified as they are not directly dereferenceable.
Missing EL-permission also affects the level of sealed capabilities since notionally the Capability Level (CL) of a capability is not a permission but rather a data flow label attached to the loaded value. However, untagged values are not affected by EL-permission.
While the implicit ACPERM introduces a dependency on the loaded data, implementations can avoid this by deferring the actual masking of permissions until the loaded capability is dereferenced or the metadata bits are inspected using GCPERM or GCHI.
When sending load data to a trace interface implementations can choose whether to trace the value before or after ACPERM has modified the data. The recommendation is to trace the value after ACPERM.
This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

Misaligned address fault exception when the effective address is not aligned to CLEN/8.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode


Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode


LC Operation


12.1.26. SC

The RV64 encoding is intended to also allocate the encoding for SQ for RV128.

Store capability

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

sc cs2, offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

sc cs2, offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Store the CLEN+1 bit value in cs2 to memory. The capability in cs1 authorizes the operation. The effective address of the memory access is obtained by adding the address of cs1 to the sign-extended 12-bit offset.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Store the CLEN+1 bit value in cs2 to memory. The capability authorizing the operation is ddc. The effective address of the memory access is obtained by adding rs1 to the sign-extended 12-bit offset.

Tag of the written capability value

The capability written to memory has the tag set to 0 if the tag of cs2 is 0 or if the authorizing capability (ddc or cs1) does not grant C-permission.

The stored tag is also set to zero if the authorizing capability does not have SL-permission set but the stored data has a Capability Level (CL) of 0 (local).

This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

Misaligned address fault exception when the effective address is not aligned to CLEN/8.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode


Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode


SC Operation


12.2. RV32I/E and RV64I/E Base Integer Instruction Sets

There are a number of instructions that are already in RISC-V that have modified behavior when CHERI is included.

12.2.1. AUIPC


Add upper immediate to pc/pcc

CHERI extensions which use an alternative capability format may choose to redefine the handling of the immediate operand for this instruction in Capability Pointer Mode.
Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

auipc cd, imm

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

auipc rd, imm

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Form a 32-bit offset from the 20-bit immediate filling the lowest 12 bits with zeros. Increment the address of the AUIPC instruction’s pcc by the 32-bit offset, then write the output capability to cd. The tag bit of the output capability is 0 if the incremented address is outside the pcc's Representable Range.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Form a 32-bit offset from the immediate, filling in the lowest 12 bits with zeros, adds this offset to the address of the AUIPC instruction, then places the result in register rd.

The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode


Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode


Operation for AUIPC
let off : xlenbits = sign_extend(imm @ 0x000);
let (representable, newCap) = setCapAddr(PCC, PC + off);
C(cd) = clearTagIf(newCap, not(representable));

12.2.2. BEQ, BNE, BLT[U], BGE[U]


Conditional branches (BEQ, BNE, BLT[U], BGE[U])


beq rs1, rs2, imm
bne rs1, rs2, imm
blt rs1, rs2, imm
bge rs1, rs2, imm
bltu rs1, rs2, imm
bgeu rs1, rs2, imm


Compare two integer registers rs1 and rs2 according to the indicated opcode as described in (RISC-V, 2023). The 12-bit immediate encodes signed offsets in multiples of 2 bytes. The offset is sign-extended and added to the address of the branch instruction to give the target address. Then the target address is written into the address field of pcc.


When the target address is not within the pcc's bounds, and the branch is taken, a CHERI jump or branch fault is reported in the TYPE field and Bounds violation is reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2:

The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.


12.2.3. JR

Expands to JALR following the expansion rule from (RISC-V, 2023).

12.2.4. JALR


Jump and link register

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

jalr cd, cs1, offset

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

jalr rd, rs1, offset

Capability Pointer Mode Description

JALR allows unconditional, indirect jumps to a target capability. The target capability is unsealed if the offset is zero. The target address is obtained by adding the sign-extended 12-bit offset to cs1.address, then setting the least-significant bit of the result to zero. The target capability may have Invalid address conversion performed and is then installed in pcc. The pcc of the next instruction following the jump is sealed and written to cd.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

JALR allows unconditional, indirect jumps to a target address. The target address is obtained by adding the sign-extended 12-bit immediate to rs1, then setting the least-significant bit of the result to zero. The target address is installed in the address field of the pcc which may require Invalid address conversion. The address of the instruction following the jump is written to rd.


When these instructions cause CHERI exceptions, CHERI jump or branch fault is reported in the TYPE field and the following codes may be reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2:

CAUSE Integer Pointer Mode Capability Pointer Mode Reason

Tag violation

cs1 has tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

cs1 is sealed and the immediate is not 0

Permission violation

cs1 does not grant X-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The target address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

Minimum length instruction is not within the target capability’s bounds, which will fail if cs1 has malformed bounds in Capability Pointer Mode.

The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites Capability Pointer Mode


Prerequisites Integer Pointer Mode


Capability Pointer Mode Operation
  let cs1_val = C(cs1);

  // Calculate new PC which may be offset from the capability address.
  let off : xlenbits = sign_extend(imm);
  let newPC = [cs1_val.address + off with 0 = bitzero]; /* clear bit zero as for RISCV JALR */

  if not(capTaggedAndReservedValid(cs1_val)) then {
    handle_cheri_exception(CapCheckType_JBr, CapEx_TagViolation);
  } else if capIsSealed(cs1_val) & imm != zeros() then {
    handle_cheri_exception(CapCheckType_JBr, CapEx_SealViolation);
  } else if not(canX(cs1_val)) then {
    handle_cheri_exception(CapCheckType_JBr, CapEx_PermissionViolation);
  } else if not(validAddr(newPC) | capBoundsInfinite(cs1_val)) then {
    handle_cheri_exception(CapCheckType_JBr, CapEx_InvalidAddressViolation);
  } else if not(inCapBounds(cs1_val, newPC, min_instruction_bytes())) then {
    handle_cheri_exception(CapCheckType_JBr, CapEx_LengthViolation);
  } else if newPC[1] == bitone & not(extensionEnabled(Ext_Zca)) then {
    handle_mem_exception(newPC, E_Fetch_Addr_Align());
  } else {
    let (success, linkCap) = setCapAddr(PCC, nextPC); /* Note that nextPC accounts for compressed instructions */
    assert(success, "Link cap should always be representable.");
    assert(not(capIsSealed(linkCap)), "Link cap should always be unsealed");
    C(cd) = sealCap(linkCap);

    // Construct the new capability pointing to the address + offset.
    let (representable, newPCC) = setCapAddr(cs1_val, newPC);
    assert(representable, "If bounds checks passed then new PCC must be representable");


12.2.5. J

Expands to JAL following the expansion rule from (RISC-V, 2023).

12.2.6. JAL


Jump and link

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

jal cd, offset

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

jal rd, offset

Capability Pointer Mode Description

JAL’s immediate encodes a signed offset in multiple of 2 bytes. The pcc is incremented by the sign-extended offset to form the jump target capability. The target capability is written to pcc. The pcc of the next instruction following the jump is sealed and written to cd.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

JAL’s immediate encodes a signed offset in multiple of 2 bytes. The sign-extended offset is added to the pcc's address to form the target address which is written to the pcc's address field. The address of the instruction following the jump is written to rd.

CAUSE Integer Pointer Mode Capability Pointer Mode Reason

Invalid address violation

The target address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

Minimum length instruction is not within the target capability’s bounds.

The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode


Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode


Capability Pointer Mode Operation
let off : xlenbits = sign_extend(imm);
let newPC = PC + off;
if not(validAddr(newPC) | capBoundsInfinite(PCC)) then {
  handle_cheri_exception(CapCheckType_JBr, CapEx_InvalidAddressViolation);
} else if not(inCapBounds(PCC, newPC, min_instruction_bytes())) then {
  handle_cheri_exception(CapCheckType_JBr, CapEx_LengthViolation);
} else if newPC[1] == bitone & not(extensionEnabled(Ext_Zca)) then {
  handle_mem_exception(newPC, E_Fetch_Addr_Align());
} else {
  let (success, linkCap) = setCapAddr(PCC, nextPC); /* Note that nextPC accounts for compressed instructions */
  assert(success, "Link cap should always be representable.");
  assert(not(capIsSealed(linkCap)), "Link cap should always be unsealed");
  C(cd) = sealCap(linkCap);

12.2.7. LD

See LB.

12.2.8. LWU

See LB.

12.2.9. LW

See LB.

12.2.10. LHU

See LB.

12.2.11. LH

See LB.

12.2.12. LBU

See LB.

12.2.13. LB


Load (LD, LW[U], LH[U], LB[U])

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics

ld rd, offset(cs1)
lw[u] rd, offset(cs1)
lh[u] rd, offset(cs1)
lb[u] rd, offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics

ld rd, offset(rs1)
lw[u] rd, offset(rs1)
lh[u] rd, offset(rs1)
lb[u] rd, offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Load integer data of the indicated size (byte, halfword, word, double-word) from memory. The effective address of the load is obtained by adding the sign-extended 12-bit offset to the address of cs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is cs1. A copy of the loaded value is written to rd.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Load integer data of the indicated size (byte, halfword, word, double-word) from memory. The effective address of the load is obtained by adding the sign-extended 12-bit offset to rs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is ddc. A copy of the loaded value is written to rd.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode LD

RV64 or RV32 with Zilsd, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode LD

RV64 or RV32 with Zilsd, Zcherihybrid

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode LW[U], LH[U], LB[U]

Zcheripurecap, OR

Capability Pointer Mode Operation


Integer Pointer Mode Operation


12.2.14. SD

See SB

12.2.15. SW

See SB

12.2.16. SH

See SB

12.2.17. SB


Stores (SD, SW, SH, SB)

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics

sd rs2, offset(cs1)
sw rs2, offset(cs1)
sh rs2, offset(cs1)
sb rs2, offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics

sd rs2, offset(rs1)
sw rs2, offset(rs1)
sh rs2, offset(rs1)
sb rs2, offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Store integer data of the indicated size (byte, halfword, word, double-word) to memory. The effective address of the store is obtained by adding the sign-extended 12-bit offset to the address of cs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is cs1. A copy of rs2 is written to memory at the location indicated by the effective address and the tag bit of each block of memory naturally aligned to CLEN/8 is cleared.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Store integer data of the indicated size (byte, halfword, word, double-word) to memory. The effective address of the store is obtained by adding the sign-extended 12-bit offset to rs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is ddc. A copy of rs2 is written to memory at the location indicated by the effective address and the tag bit of each block of memory naturally aligned to CLEN/8 is cleared.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode SD

RV64 or RV32 with Zilsd, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode SD

RV64 or RV32 with Zilsd, Zcherihybrid

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode SW, SH, SB


Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode SW, SH, SB



12.2.18. SRET


12.2.19. MRET


Trap Return (MRET, SRET)




Return from machine mode (MRET) or supervisor mode (SRET) trap handler as defined by (RISC-V, 2023). MRET unseals mepcc and writes the result into pcc. SRET unseals sepcc and writes the result into pcc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when pcc does not grant ASR-permission because MRET and SRET require access to privileged CSRs. When that exception occurs, CHERI instruction fetch fault is reported in the TYPE field and the Permission violation code is reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2.


12.2.20. DRET


Debug Return (DRET)




DRET return from debug mode. It unseals dpcc and writes the result into pcc.

The DRET instruction is the recommended way to exit debug mode. However, it is a pseudoinstruction to return that technically does not execute from the program buffer or memory. It currently does not require the pcc to grant ASR-permission so it never excepts.



12.3. "A" Standard Extension for Atomic Instructions

Atomic instructions and their interactions with CHERI.

12.3.1. AMO<OP>.W

See AMO<OP>.D.

12.3.2. AMO<OP>.D


Atomic Operations (AMO<OP>.W, AMO<OP>.D), 32-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

amo<op>.[w|d] rd, rs2, 0(cs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

amo<op>.w rd, rs2, 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

amo<op>.[w|d] rd, rs2, 0(rs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

amo<op>.w rd, rs2, 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Standard atomic instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard atomic instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


Requires R-permission and W-permission in the authorizing capability.

Requires all bytes of the access to be in capability bounds.


All misaligned atomics cause a store/AMO address misaligned exception to allow software emulation (if the Zam extension is supported, see (RISC-V, 2023)), otherwise they take a store/AMO access fault exception.

When these instructions cause CHERI exceptions, CHERI data fault is reported in the TYPE field and the following codes may be reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2:

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission or W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode AMO<OP>.W, AMO<OP>.D

Zcheripurecap, and A

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode AMO<OP>.W, AMO<OP>.D

Zcherihybrid, and A

Capability Pointer Mode Operation
Integer Pointer Mode Operation


12.3.3. AMOSWAP.C


Atomic Operation (AMOSWAP.C), 32-bit encoding

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

amoswap.c cd, cs2, 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

amoswap.c cd, cs2, 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Atomic swap of capability type, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Atomic swap of capability type, authorized by the capability in ddc.

This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

Requires the authorizing capability to be tagged and not sealed.

Requires R-permission and W-permission in the authorizing capability.

If C-permission is not granted then store the memory tag as zero, and load cd.tag as zero.

If the authorizing capability does not grant LM-permission, and the tag of cd is 1 and cd is not sealed, then an implicit ACPERM clearing W-permission and LM-permission is performed to obtain the intermediate permissions on cd (see LC).

If the authorizing capability does not grant EL-permission, and the tag of cd is 1, then an implicit ACPERM restricting the Capability Level (CL) to the level of the authorizing capability is performed. If cd is not sealed, this implicit ACPERM also clears EL-permission to obtain the final permissions on cd (see Table 32 and LC).

The stored tag is also set to zero if the authorizing capability does not have SL-permission set but the stored data has a Capability Level (CL) of 0 (see SC).

Requires all bytes of the access to be in capability bounds.


All misaligned atomics cause a store/AMO address misaligned exception to allow software emulation (if the Zam extension is supported, see (RISC-V, 2023)), otherwise they take a store/AMO access fault exception.

When these instructions cause CHERI exceptions, CHERI data fault is reported in the TYPE field and the following codes may be reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2:

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission or W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds


This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode AMOSWAP.C

Zcheripurecap, and A

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode AMOSWAP.C

Zcherihybrid, and A



12.3.4. LR.D

See LR.B.

12.3.5. LR.W

See LR.B.

12.3.6. LR.H

See LR.B.

12.3.7. LR.B


Load Reserved (LR.D, LR.W, LR.H, LR.B), 32-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

lr.[d|w|h|b] rd, 0(cs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

lr.[w|h|b] rd, 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

lr.[d|w|h|b] rd, 0(rs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

lr.[w|h|b] rd, 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Load reserved instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Load reserved instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


All misaligned load reservations cause a load address misaligned exception to allow software emulation (if the Zam extension is supported, see (RISC-V, 2023)), otherwise they take a load access fault exception.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode LR.D

RV64, Zcheripurecap, and A

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode LR.W

Zcheripurecap, and A

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode LR.H, LR.B

Zabhlrsc, and Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for LR.D

RV64, Zcherihybrid, and A

Prerequisites for LR.W

Zcherihybrid, and A

Prerequisites for LR.H, LR.B

Zabhlrsc, Zcherihybrid


12.3.8. LR.C


Load Reserved Capability (LR.C), 32-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

lr.c cd, 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

lr.c cd, 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Load reserved instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1. All misaligned load reservations cause a load address misaligned exception to allow software emulation (Zam extension, see (RISC-V, 2023)).

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Load reserved instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc. All misaligned load reservations cause a load address misaligned exception to allow software emulation (Zam extension, see (RISC-V, 2023)).

Resulting value of cd

The tag value written to cd is 0 if the tag of the memory location loaded is 0 or the authorizing capability (ddc or cs1) does not grant C-permission.

If the authorizing capability does not grant LM-permission, and the tag of cd is 1 and cd is not sealed, then an implicit ACPERM clearing W-permission and LM-permission is performed to obtain the intermediate permissions on cd.

If the authorizing capability does not grant EL-permission, and the tag of cd is 1, then an implicit ACPERM restricting the Capability Level (CL) to the level of the authorizing capability is performed. If cd is not sealed, this implicit ACPERM also clears EL-permission to obtain the final permissions on cd (see Table 32).

Missing LM-permission does not affect untagged values since this could result in surprising bit patterns when copying non-capability data. Similarly, sealed capabilities are not modified as they are not directly dereferenceable.
Missing EL-permission also affects the level of sealed capabilities since notionally the Capability Level (CL) of a capability is not a permission but rather a data flow label attached to the loaded value. However, untagged values are not affected by EL-permission.
While the implicit ACPERM introduces a dependency on the loaded data, implementations can avoid this by deferring the actual masking of permissions until the loaded capability is dereferenced or the metadata bits are inspected using GCPERM or GCHI.
When sending load data to a trace interface implementations can choose whether to trace the value before or after ACPERM has modified the data. The recommendation is to trace the value after ACPERM.
This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zcheripurecap, and A

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zcherihybrid, and A


12.3.9. SC.D

See SC.B.

12.3.10. SC.W

See SC.B.

12.3.11. SC.H

See SC.B.

12.3.12. SC.B


Store Conditional (SC.D, SC.W, SC.H, SC.B), 32-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

sc.[d|w|h|b] rd, rs2, 0(cs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

sc.[w|h|b] rd, rs2, 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

sc.[d|w|h|b] rd, rs2, 0(rs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

sc.[w|h|b] rd, rs2, 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Store conditional instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Store conditional instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


All misaligned store conditionals cause a store/AMO address misaligned exception to allow software emulation (if the Zam extension is supported, see (RISC-V, 2023)), otherwise they take a store/AMO access fault exception.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode SC.D

RV64, and Zcheripurecap, and A

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode SC.D

RV64, and Zcherihybrid, and A

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode SC.W

Zcheripurecap, and A

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode SC.W

Zcherihybrid, and A

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode SC.H, SC.B

Zcheripurecap, and Zabhlrsc

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode SC.H, SC.B

Zcherihybrid, and Zabhlrsc


12.3.13. SC.C


Store Conditional (SC.C), 32-bit encoding

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

sc.c rd, cs2, 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

sc.c rd, cs2, 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Store conditional instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1. All misaligned store conditionals cause a store/AMO address misaligned exception to allow software emulation (Zam extension, see (RISC-V, 2023)).

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Store conditional instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc. All misaligned store conditionals cause a store/AMO address misaligned exception to allow software emulation (Zam extension, see (RISC-V, 2023)).

Tag of the written capability value

The capability written to memory has the tag set to 0 if the tag of cs2 is 0 or if the authorizing capability (ddc or cs1) does not grant C-permission.

The stored tag is also set to zero if the authorizing capability does not have SL-permission set but the stored data has a Capability Level (CL) of 0 (local).

This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

All misaligned store conditionals cause a store/AMO address misaligned exception to allow software emulation (if the Zam extension is supported, see (RISC-V, 2023)), otherwise they take a store/AMO access fault exception.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zcheripurecap, and A

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zcherihybrid, and A


12.4. "Zicsr", Control and Status Register (CSR) Instructions

CSR instructions and how they interact with CHERI.

12.4.1. CSRRW


CSR access (CSRRW) 32-bit encodings

Mnemonic for accessing capability CSRs in Capability Pointer Mode

csrrw cd, csr, cs1

Mnemonic for accessing XLEN-wide CSRs or extended CSRs in Integer Pointer Mode

csrrw rd, csr, rs1


This is a standard RISC-V CSR instructions with extended functionality for accessing CLEN-wide CSRs, such as mtvec/mtvecc.

See Table 49 for a list of CLEN-wide CSRs and Table 50 for the action taken on writing each one.

CSRRW writes cs1 to extended CSRs in Capability Pointer Mode, and reads a full capability into cd.

CSRRW writes rs1 to extended CSRs in Integer Pointer Mode, and reads the address field into rd.

If cd is c0 (or rd is x0), then the instruction shall not read the CSR and shall not cause any of the side effects that might occur on a CSR read.

The assembler pseudoinstruction to write a capability CSR in Capability Pointer Mode, csrw csr, cs1, is encoded as csrrw c0, csr, cs1.

Access to XLEN-wide CSRs from other extensions is as specified by RISC-V.

When writing cs1, if the bounds are malformed, any reserved bits are set, or the permission could not have been produced by ACPERM then clear the tag before writing to the CSR.

Accessing privileged CSRs require ASR-permission, including existing RISC-V CSRs, as described in Section 4.5.1. The list of privileged and unprivileged CSRs is shown in (RISC-V, 2023).

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode


Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode



12.4.2. CSRRWI


12.4.3. CSRRS


12.4.4. CSRRSI


12.4.5. CSRRC


12.4.6. CSRRCI


CSR access (CSRRWI, CSRRS, CSRRSI, CSRRC, CSRRCI) 32-bit encodings

Mnemonics for accessing capability CSRs in Capability Pointer Mode

csrrs cd, csr, rs1
csrrc cd, csr, rs1
csrrwi cd, csr, imm
csrrsi cd, csr, imm
csrrci cd, csr, imm

Mnemonics for accessing XLEN-wide CSRs or extended CSRs in Integer Pointer Mode

csrrs rd, csr, rs1
csrrc rd, csr, rs1
csrrwi rd, csr, imm
csrrsi rd, csr, imm
csrrci rd, csr, imm


These are standard RISC-V CSR instructions with extended functionality for accessing capability CSRs, such as mtvec/mtvecc.

For capability CSRs, the full capability is read into cd in Capability Pointer Mode. In Integer Pointer Mode, the address field is instead read into rd.

Unlike CSRRW, these instructions only update the address field and the tag as defined in Table 50 when writing capability CSRs regardless of the execution mode. The final address to write to the capability CSR is determined as defined by RISC-V for these instructions.

See Table 49 for a list of capability CSRs and Table 50 for the action taken on writing an XLEN-wide value to each one.

If cd is c0 (or rd is x0), then CSRRWI shall not read the CSR and and shall not cause any of the side effects that might occur on a CSR read. If rs1 is x0 for CSRRS and CSRRC, or imm is 0 for CSRRSI and CSRRCI, then the instruction will not write to the CSR at all, and so shall not cause any of the side effects that might otherwise occur on a CSR write.

The assembler pseudoinstruction to read a capability CSR in Capability Mode, csrr cd, csr, is encoded as csrrs cd, csr, x0.

Access to XLEN-wide CSRs is as specified by RISC-V.

If the CSR accessed is a capability, and rs1 is x0 for CSRRS and CSRRC, or imm is 0 for CSRRSI and CSRRCI, then the CSR is not written so no representability check is needed in this case.

Accessing privileged CSRs requires ASR-permission, including existing RISC-V CSRs, as described in Section 4.5.1. The list of privileged and unprivileged CSRs is shown in (RISC-V, 2023).

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode


Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode



12.5. "Zfh", "Zfhmin", "F" and "D" Standard Extension for Floating-Point

Floating point instructions and how CHERI affects them.

12.5.1. FLD

See FLH.

12.5.2. FLW

See FLH.

12.5.3. FLH


Floating point loads (FLD, FLW, FLH), 32-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics

fld frd, offset(cs1)
flw frd, offset(cs1)
flh frd, offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics

fld rd, offset(rs1)
flw rd, offset(rs1)
flh rd, offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Standard floating point load instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard floating point load instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode FLD

Zcheripurecap, and D

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode FLD

Zcherihybrid, and D

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode FLW

Zcheripurecap, and F

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode FLW

Zcherihybrid, and F

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode FLH

Zcheripurecap, and Zfhmin or Zfh

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode FLH

Zcherihybrid, and Zfhmin or Zfh



12.5.4. FSD

See FSH.

12.5.5. FSW

See FSH.

12.5.6. FSH


Floating point stores (FSD, FSW, FSH), 32-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics

fsd fs2, offset(cs1)
fsw fs2, offset(cs1)
fsh fs2, offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics

fsd fs2, offset(rs1)
fsw fs2, offset(rs1)
fsh fs2, offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Standard floating point store instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard floating point store instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode FSD

Zcheripurecap, and D

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode FSD

Zcherihybrid, and D

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode FSW

Zcheripurecap, and F

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode FSW

Zcherihybrid, and F

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode FSH

Zcheripurecap, and Zfh or Zfhmin

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode FSH

Zcherihybrid, and Zfh or Zfhmin


12.6. "C" Standard Extension for Compressed Instructions

One group of 16-bit encodings are remapped to different instructions dependent upon the CHERI execution mode, MXLEN and which extensions are supported.

Zcf and Zclsd are incompatible
Zcd and Zcmp/Zcmt incompatible

12.6.1. RV32

Table 40. 16-bit instruction remapping in Integer Pointer Mode
Encoding Supported Extensions






Zcmp/ Zcmt


























































1 reserved for future standard Zcm extensions

Table 41. 16-bit instruction remapping in Capability Pointer Mode
Encoding Supported Extensions






Zcmp/ Zcmt










































1 reserved for future standard Zcm extensions

12.6.2. RV64

Table 42. 16-bit instruction remapping in Integer Pointer Mode
Encoding Supported Extensions






Zcmp/ Zcmt


























































Table 43. 16-bit instruction remapping in Capability Pointer Mode
Encoding Supported Extensions






Zcmp/ Zcmt










































12.6.3. C.BEQZ, C.BNEZ


Conditional branches (C.BEQZ, C.BNEZ), 16-bit encodings


c.beqz rs1', offset
c.bnez rs1', offset


beq rs1′, x0, offset
bne rs1′, x0, offset


When the target address is not within the pcc's bounds, and the branch is taken, a CHERI jump or branch fault is reported in the TYPE field and Bounds violation is reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2:

The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.

C or Zca

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)

See Conditional branches (BEQ, BNE, BLT[U], BGE[U])

12.6.4. C.MV


Capability move (C.MV), 16-bit encoding

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic cd, cs2

Capability Pointer Mode Expansion

cmv cd, cs2

Suggested assembly syntax

mv rd, rs2
mv cd, cs2

the suggested assembly syntax distinguishes from integer mv by operand type.
Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic rd, rs2

Integer Pointer Mode Expansion

add rd, x0, rs2

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Capability register cd is replaced with the contents of cs2.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard RISC-V C.MV instruction.

This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Capability Pointer Mode Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.6.5. C.ADDI16SP


Stack pointer increment in blocks of 16 (C.ADDI16SP), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

c.addi16sp imm

Capability Pointer Mode Expansion

cadd csp, csp, imm

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

c.addi16sp imm

Integer Pointer Mode Expansion

add sp, sp, imm

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Add the non-zero sign-extended 6-bit immediate to the value in the stack pointer (csp=c2), where the immediate is scaled to represent multiples of 16 in the range (-512,496). Clear the tag if the resulting capability is unrepresentable or csp is sealed.

This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if csp 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Add the non-zero sign-extended 6-bit immediate to the value in the stack pointer (sp=x2), where the immediate is scaled to represent multiples of 16 in the range (-512,496).

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Capability Pointer Mode Operation
execute(CADDI(sp, sp, sign_extend(nzimm)))

12.6.6. C.ADDI4SPN


Stack pointer increment in blocks of 4 (C.ADDI4SPN), 16-bit encoding

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

c.addi4spn cd', uimm

Capability Pointer Mode Expansion

cadd cd', csp, uimm

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

c.addi4spn rd', uimm

Integer Pointer Mode Expansion

add rd', sp, uimm

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Add a zero-extended non-zero immediate, scaled by 4, to the stack pointer, csp, and writes the result to cd'. This instruction is used to generate pointers to stack-allocated variables. Clear the tag if the resulting capability is unrepresentable or csp is sealed.

This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if csp 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Add a zero-extended non-zero immediate, scaled by 4, to the stack pointer, sp, and writes the result to rd'. This instruction is used to generate pointers to stack-allocated variables.

Prerequisites for C.ADDI4SPN

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for C.ADDI4SPN

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Capability Pointer Mode Operation
let cd = creg2reg_idx(cdc) in
execute(CADDI(cd, sp, zero_extend(nzuimm)))

12.6.7. C.JALR


Jump register with link, 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

c.jalr c1, cs1

Capability Pointer Mode Expansion

jalr c1, 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

c.jalr x1, rs1

Integer Pointer Mode Expansion

jalr x1, 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

See JALR for execution of the expanded instruction as shown above. Note that the offset is zero in the expansion.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

See JALR for execution of the expanded instruction as shown above. Note that the offset is zero in the expansion.



The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.6.8. C.JR


Jump register without link, 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

c.jr cs1

Capability Pointer Mode Expansion

jalr c0, 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

c.jr rs1

Integer Pointer Mode Expansion

jalr x0, 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

See JALR for execution of the expanded instruction as shown above. Note that the offset is zero in the expansion.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

See JALR for execution of the expanded instruction as shown above. Note that the offset is zero in the expansion.



The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.6.9. C.JAL


Jump with link, 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

c.jal c1, offset

Capability Pointer Mode Expansion (RV32)

jal c1, offset

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

c.jal x1, offset

Integer Pointer Mode Expansion (RV32)

jal x1, offset

Encoding (RV32)
Capability Pointer Mode Description

Link the next linear pcc to cd and seal. Jump to pcc.address+offset.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Set the next PC and link to rd according to the standard JAL definition.



The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.6.10. C.J


Jump without link, 16-bit encodings


c.j offset

Capability Pointer Mode Expansion

jal c0, offset

Integer Pointer Mode Expansion

jal x0, offset


Set the next PC following the standard JAL definition.

There is no difference in Capability Pointer Mode or Integer Pointer Mode execution for this instruction.



The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.6.11. C.LD

See C.LW.

12.6.12. C.LW


Load (C.LD, C.LW), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics

c.ld rd', offset(cs1')
c.lw rd', offset(cs1')

Capability Pointer Mode Expansions

ld rd', offset(cs1')
lw rd', offset(cs1')

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics

c.ld rd', offset(rs1')
c.lw rd', offset(rs1')

Integer Pointer Mode Expansions

ld rd', offset(rs1')
lw rd', offset(rs1')

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Standard load instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard load instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode C.LD

RV64 or RV32 with Zclsd, and C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode C.LD

RV64 or RV32 with Zclsd, C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Prerequisites Capability Pointer Mode C.LW

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites Integer Pointer Mode C.LW

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)

See LD, LW

12.6.13. C.LWSP


12.6.14. C.LDSP


Load (C.LWSP, C.LDSP), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics

c.ld/c.lw rd, offset(csp)

Capability Pointer Mode Expansions

ld/lw rd, offset(csp)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics

c.ld/c.lw rd, offset(sp)

Integer Pointer Mode Expansions

ld/lw rd, offset(sp)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Standard stack pointer relative load instructions, authorized by the capability in csp.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard stack pointer relative load instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode C.LDSP

RV64 or RV32 with Zclsd, and C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode C.LDSP

RV64 or RV32 with Zclsd, and C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode C.LWSP

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode C.LWSP

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)

See LW, LD

12.6.15. C.FLW


12.6.16. C.FLWSP


Floating point load (C.FLW, C.FLWSP), 16-bit encodings

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

c.flw rd', offset(rs1'/sp)

Integer Pointer Mode Expansions (RV32)

flw rd', offset(rs1'/sp)

Encoding (RV32)
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard floating point load instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.

These instructions are available in RV32 Integer Pointer Mode only. In Capability Pointer Mode they are remapped to C.LC/C.LCSP.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, and Zcf or F

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.6.17. C.FLD


12.6.18. C.FLDSP


Double precision floating point loads (C.FLD, C.FLDSP), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

c.fld frd', offset(cs1'/csp)

Capability Pointer Mode Expansion (RV32)

fld frd', offset(csp)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

c.fld fs2, offset(rs1'/sp)

Integer Pointer Mode Expansion

fld fs2, offset(rs1'/sp)

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard floating point stack pointer relative load instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.

These instructions are available in RV64 Integer Pointer Mode only. In RV64 Capability Pointer Mode they are remapped to C.LC/C.LCSP.
These encodings may be remapped by future code-size Zcm standard extensions, similar to Zcmp and Zcmt. The rule is that in RV64 Capability Pointer Mode they are always remapped to C.SC/C.SCSP.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode (RV32 only)

Zcheripurecap, C and D; or
Zcheripurecap, Zca and Zcd

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zcherihybrid, C and D; or
Zcherihybrid, Zca and Zcd

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.6.19. C.LC

see C.LCSP.

12.6.20. C.LCSP


Capability loads (C.LC, C.LCSP), 16-bit encodings

These instructions have different encodings for RV64 and RV32.
Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics cd', offset(cs1') cd', offset(csp)

Capability Pointer Mode Expansions

lc cd', offset(cs1')
lc cd', offset(csp)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Load capability instruction, authorized by the capability in cs1. Take a load address misaligned exception if not naturally aligned.

These mnemonics do not exist in Integer Pointer Mode.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.


C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)

See LC

12.6.21. C.SD

See C.SW.

12.6.22. C.SW


Stores (C.SD, C.SW), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics rs2', offset(cs1')
c.sw rs2', offset(cs1')

Capability Pointer Mode Expansions

sd rs2', offset(cs1')
sw rs2', offset(cs1')

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics rs2', offset(rs1')
c.sw rs2', offset(rs1')

Integer Pointer Mode Expansions

sd rs2', offset(rs1')
sw rs2', offset(rs1')

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Standard store instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard store instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode C.SD

RV64 or RV32 with Zclsd, and C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode C.SD

RV64 or RV32 with Zclsd, and C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode C.SW

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode C.SW

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)

See SD, SW

12.6.23. C.SWSP


12.6.24. C.SDSP


Stack pointer relative stores (C.SWSP, C.SDSP), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics rs2, offset(csp)
c.sw rs2, offset(csp)

Capability Pointer Mode Expansions

sd rs2, offset(csp)
sw rs2, offset(csp)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics rs2, offset(sp)
c.sw rs2, offset(sp)

Integer Pointer Mode Expansions

sd rs2, offset(sp)
sw rs2, offset(sp)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Standard stack pointer relative store instructions, authorized by the capability in csp.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard stack pointer relative store instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode C.SDSP

RV64 or RV32 with Zclsd, and C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode C.SDSP

RV64 or RV32 with Zclsd, and C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode C.SWSP

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode C.SWSP

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)

See SD, SW

12.6.25. C.FSW


12.6.26. C.FSWSP


Floating point stores (C.FSW, C.FSWSP), 16-bit encodings

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

c.fsw rs2', offset(rs1')
c.fsw rs2', offset(sp)

Integer Pointer Mode Expansions (RV32)

fsw rs2', offset(rs1')
fsw rs2', offset(sp)

Encoding (RV32)
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard floating point store instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.

These instructions are available in RV32 Integer Pointer Mode only. In Capability Pointer Mode they are remapped to C.SC/C.SCSP.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.


C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, Zcf or F

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.6.27. C.FSD


12.6.28. C.FSDSP


Double precision floating point stores (C.FSD, C.FSDSP), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

c.fsd fs2, offset(cs1')
c.fsd fs2, offset(csp)

Capability Pointer Mode Expansions (RV32)

fsd fs2, offset(cs1')
fsd fs2, offset(csp)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics

c.fsd fs2, offset(rs1')
c.fsd fs2, offset(sp)

Integer Pointer Mode Expansions

fsd fs2, offset(rs1)
fsd fs2, offset(sp)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Standard floating point stack pointer relative store instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1 or csp.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Standard floating point stack pointer relative store instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.

These instructions are available in RV64 Integer Pointer Mode only. In RV64 Capability Pointer Mode they are remapped to C.SC/C.SCSP.
C.FSDSP may be remapped by the Zcmp, Zcmt standard extensions. C.FSD may be remapped by future code-size reduction extensions. The rule is that in RV64 Capability Pointer Mode they are always remapped to C.LC/C.LCSP.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode C.FSD, C.FSDSP (RV32 only)

Zcheripurecap, C and D; or
Zcheripurecap, Zca and Zcd

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode C.FSD, C.FSDSP

Zcherihybrid, C and D; or
Zcherihybrid, Zca and Zcd

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.6.29. C.SC

see C.SCSP.

12.6.30. C.SCSP


Capability stores (C.SC, C.SCSP), 16-bit encodings

These instructions have different encodings for RV64 and RV32.
Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics cs2', offset(cs1') cs2', offset(csp)

Capability Pointer Mode Expansions

sc cs2', offset(cs1')
sc cs2', offset(csp)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Store the CLEN+1 bit value in cs2' to memory. The capability in cs1/csp authorizes the operation. The effective address of the memory access is obtained by adding the address of cs1/csp to the sign-extended 12-bit offset.

These mnemonics do not exist in Integer Pointer Mode.
Tag of the written capability value

The capability written to memory has the tag set to 0 if the tag of cs2' is 0 or if the authorizing capability (cs1/csp) does not grant C-permission.

The stored tag is also set to zero if the authorizing capability does not have SL-permission set but the stored data has a Capability Level (CL) of 0 (local).

This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

Misaligned address fault exception when the effective address is not aligned to CLEN/8.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.


C or Zca, Zcheripurecap

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)

See SC

12.7. "Zicbom", "Zicbop", "Zicboz" Standard Extensions for Base Cache Management Operations

Cache-related instructions and how CHERI affects them.

12.7.1. CBO.CLEAN


Perform a clean operation on a cache block

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cbo.clean 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cbo.clean 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

A CBO.CLEAN instruction performs a clean operation on the cache block whose effective address is the base address specified in cs1. The authorizing capability for this operation is cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

A CBO.CLEAN instruction performs a clean operation on the cache block whose effective address is the base address specified in rs1. The authorizing capability for this operation is ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission and R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

None of the bytes accessed are within the bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zicbom, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zicbom, Zcherihybrid


12.7.2. CBO.FLUSH


Perform a flush operation on a cache block

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cbo.flush 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cbo.flush 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

A CBO.FLUSH instruction performs a flush operation on the cache block whose effective address is the base address specified in cs1. The authorizing capability for this operation is cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

A CBO.FLUSH instruction performs a flush operation on the cache block whose effective address is the base address specified in rs1. The authorizing capability for this operation is ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission and R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

None of the bytes accessed are within the bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zicbom, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zicbom, Zcherihybrid


12.7.3. CBO.INVAL


Perform an invalidate operation on a cache block

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cbo.inval 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cbo.inval 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

A CBO.INVAL instruction performs an invalidate operation on the cache block whose effective address is the base address specified in cs1. The authorizing capability for this operation is cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

A CBO.INVAL instruction performs an invalidate operation on the cache block whose effective address is the base address specified in rs1. The authorizing capability for this operation in ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

The CBIE bit in menvcfg and senvcfg indicates whether CBO.INVAL performs cache block flushes instead of invalidations for less privileged modes. The instruction checks shown in the table below remain unchanged regardless of the value of CBIE and the privilege mode.

Invalidating a cache block can re-expose capabilities previously stored to it after the most recent flush, not just secret values. As such, CBO.INVAL has stricter checks on its use than CBO.FLUSH, and should only be made available to, and used by, sufficiently-trusted software. Untrusted software should use CBO.FLUSH instead.
CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, R-permission or ASR-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

None of the bytes accessed are within the bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zicbom, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zicbom, Zcherihybrid


12.7.4. CBO.ZERO


Store zeros to the full set of bytes corresponding to a cache block

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic 0(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic 0(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

A instruction performs stores of zeros to the full set of bytes corresponding to the cache block whose effective address is the base address specified in cs1. An implementation may or may not update the entire set of bytes atomically although each individual write must atomically clear the tag bit of the corresponding aligned CLEN-bit location. The authorizing capability for this operation is cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

A instruction performs stores of zeros to the full set of bytes corresponding to the cache block whose effective address is the base address specified in cs1. An implementation may or may not update the entire set of bytes atomically although each individual write must atomically clear the tag bit of the corresponding aligned CLEN-bit location. The authorizing capability for this operation is ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zicboz, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zicboz, Zcherihybrid


12.7.5. PREFETCH.I


Provide a HINT to hardware that a cache block is likely to be accessed by an instruction fetch in the near future

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

prefetch.i offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

prefetch.i offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

A PREFETCH.I instruction indicates to hardware that the cache block whose effective address is the sum of the base address specified in cs1 and the sign-extended offset encoded in imm[11:0], where imm[4:0] equals 0b00000, is likely to be accessed by an instruction fetch in the near future. The encoding is only valid if imm[4:0]=0. The authorizing capability for this operation is cs1. This instruction does not throw any exceptions. However, following CHERI Exceptions and speculative execution, this instruction does not perform a prefetch if it is not authorized by cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

A PREFETCH.I instruction indicates to hardware that the cache block whose effective address is the sum of the base address specified in rs1 and the sign-extended offset encoded in imm[11:0], where imm[4:0] equals 0b00000, is likely to be accessed by an instruction fetch in the near future. The encoding is only valid if imm[4:0]=0. The authorizing capability for this operation is pcc.

In either mode, PREFETCH.I does not perform a memory access if one or more of the following conditions of the authorizing capability are met:

  • The tag is not set

  • The sealed bit is set

  • No bytes of the cache line requested is in bounds

  • The X-permission is not set

  • Any reserved bits are set

  • The permissions could not have been produced by ACPERM

  • The bounds are malformed

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zicbop, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zicbop, Zcherihybrid


12.7.6. PREFETCH.R


Provide a HINT to hardware that a cache block is likely to be accessed by a data read in the near future

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

prefetch.r offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

prefetch.r offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

A PREFETCH.R instruction indicates to hardware that the cache block whose effective address is the sum of the base address specified in cs1 and the sign-extended offset encoded in imm[11:0], where imm[4:0] equals 0b00000, is likely to be accessed by a data read (i.e. load) in the near future. The encoding is only valid if imm[4:0]=0. The authorizing capability for this operation is cs1. This instruction does not throw any exceptions. However, in following CHERI Exceptions and speculative execution, this instruction does not perform a prefetch if it is not authorized by cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

A PREFETCH.R instruction indicates to hardware that the cache block whose effective address is the sum of the base address specified in rs1 and the sign-extended offset encoded in imm[11:0], where imm[4:0] equals 0b00000, is likely to be accessed by a data read (i.e. load) in the near future. The encoding is only valid if imm[4:0]=0. The authorizing capability for this operation is ddc.

In either mode, PREFETCH.R does not perform a memory access if one or more of the following conditions of the authorizing capability are met:

  • The tag is not set

  • The sealed bit is set

  • No bytes of the cache line requested is in bounds

  • The R-permission is not set

  • Any reserved bits are set

  • The permissions could not have been produced by ACPERM

  • The bounds are malformed

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zicbop, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zicbop, Zcherihybrid


12.7.7. PREFETCH.W


Provide a HINT to hardware that a cache block is likely to be accessed by a data write in the near future

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

prefetch.w offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

prefetch.w offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

A PREFETCH.W instruction indicates to hardware that the cache block whose effective address is the sum of the base address specified in cs1 and the sign-extended offset encoded in imm[11:0], where imm[4:0] equals 0b00000, is likely to be accessed by a data write (i.e. store) in the near future. The encoding is only valid if imm[4:0]=0. The authorizing capability for this operation is cs1. This instruction does not throw any exceptions. However, following CHERI Exceptions and speculative execution, this instruction does not perform a prefetch if it is not authorized by cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

A PREFETCH.W instruction indicates to hardware that the cache block whose effective address is the sum of the base address specified in rs1 and the sign-extended offset encoded in imm[11:0], where imm[4:0] equals 0b00000, is likely to be accessed by a data write (i.e. store) in the near future. The encoding is only valid if imm[4:0]=0. The authorizing capability for this operation is ddc.

In either mode, PREFETCH.W does not perform a memory access if one or more of the following conditions of the authorizing capability are met:

  • The tag is not set

  • The sealed bit is set

  • No bytes of the cache line requested is in bounds

  • The W-permission is not set

  • Any reserved bits are set

  • The permissions could not have been produced by ACPERM

  • The bounds are malformed

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zicbop, Zcheripurecap

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zicbop, Zcherihybrid


12.8. "Zba" Extension for Bit Manipulation Instructions

Bit manipulation instruction reference.

12.8.1. ADD.UW


Add unsigned word for address generation

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV64)

add.uw cd, rs1, cs2

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV64)

add.uw rd, rs1, rs2

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Increment the address field of cs2 by the unsigned word in rs1. Clear the tag if the resulting capability is unrepresentable or cs2 is sealed.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Increment rs2 by the unsigned word in rs1.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

RV64, Zcheripurecap, Zba

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

RV64, Zcherihybrid, Zba

Capability Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let cs2_val = C(cs2);
let shamt : range(0,3) = match op {
  RISCV_ADDUW    => 0,
let result = incCapAddrChecked(cs2_val, zero_extend(rs1_val[31..0]) << shamt);
C(cd) = result;
Integer Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let rs2_val = X(rs2);
let shamt : bits(2) = match op {
  RISCV_ADDUW    => 0b00,
  RISCV_SH1ADDUW => 0b01,
  RISCV_SH2ADDUW => 0b10,
  RISCV_SH3ADDUW => 0b11
let result : xlenbits = (zero_extend(rs1_val[31..0]) << shamt) + rs2_val;
X(rd) = result;

12.8.2. SH1ADD


12.8.3. SH2ADD


12.8.4. SH3ADD


Shift by n and add for address generation (SH1ADD, SH2ADD, SH3ADD)

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics

sh[1|2|3]add cd, rs1, cs2

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics

sh[1|2|3]add rd, rs1, rs2

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Increment the address field of cs2 by rs1 shifted left by n bit positions and write the result to cd. The tag bit of the output capability is 0 if cs2 did not have its tag set to 1, the incremented address is outside cs2 's Representable Range or cs2 is sealed.

This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if cs2 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Increment rs2 by rs1 shifted left by n bit positions and write the result to rd.



Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zcheripurecap, Zba

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zcherihybrid, Zba

Capability Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let cs2_val = C(cs2);
let shamt : range(0,3) = match op {
  RISCV_SH1ADD => 1,
  RISCV_SH2ADD => 2,
  RISCV_SH3ADD => 3,
let result = incCapAddrChecked(cs2_val, rs1_val << shamt);
C(cd) = result;
Integer Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let rs2_val = X(rs2);
let shamt : bits(2) = match op {
  RISCV_SH1ADD => 0b01,
  RISCV_SH2ADD => 0b10,
  RISCV_SH3ADD => 0b11
let result : xlenbits = (rs1_val << shamt) + rs2_val;
X(rd) = result;

12.8.5. SH1ADD.UW


12.8.6. SH2ADD.UW


12.8.7. SH3ADD.UW


Shift by n and add unsigned word for address generation (SH1ADD.UW, SH2ADD.UW, SH3ADD.UW)

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

sh[1|2|3]add.uw cd, rs1, cs2

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

sh[1|2|3]add.uw rd, rs1, rs2

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Increment the address field of cs2 by the unsigned word in rs1 shifted left by n bit positions and write the result to cd. The tag bit of the output capability is 0 if cs2 did not have its tag set to 1, the incremented address is outside cs2 's Representable Range or cs2 is sealed.

This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if cs2 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Increment rs2 by the unsigned word in rs1 shifted left by n bit positions and write the result to rd.



Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

RV64, Zcheripurecap, Zba

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

RV64, Zcherihybrid, Zba

Capability Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let cs2_val = C(cs2);
let shamt : range(0,3) = match op {
  RISCV_ADDUW    => 0,
let result = incCapAddrChecked(cs2_val, zero_extend(rs1_val[31..0]) << shamt);
C(cd) = result;
Integer Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let rs2_val = X(rs2);
let shamt : bits(2) = match op {
  RISCV_ADDUW    => 0b00,
  RISCV_SH1ADDUW => 0b01,
  RISCV_SH2ADDUW => 0b10,
  RISCV_SH3ADDUW => 0b11
let result : xlenbits = (zero_extend(rs1_val[31..0]) << shamt) + rs2_val;
X(rd) = result;

12.8.8. SH4ADD


Shift by 4 and add for address generation (SH4ADD)

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV64)

sh4add cd, rs1, cs2

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV64)

sh4add rd, rs1, rs2

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Increment the address field of cs2 by rs1 shifted left by 4 bit positions and write the result to cd. The tag bit of the output capability is 0 if cs2 did not have its tag set to 1, the incremented address is outside cs2 's Representable Range or cs2 is sealed.

This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if cs2 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Increment rs2 by rs1 shifted left by 4 bit positions and write the result to rd.



Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

RV64, Zish4add

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

RV64, Zish4add

Capability Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let cs2_val = C(cs2);
let shamt = 4;
let result = incCapAddrChecked(cs2_val, rs1_val << shamt);
C(cd) = result;
Integer Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let rs2_val = X(rs2);
let shamt = 4;
let result = (rs1_val << shamt) + rs2_val;
X(rd) = result;

12.8.9. SH4ADD.UW


Shift by 4 and add unsigned words for address generation (SH4ADD.UW)

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV64)

sh4add.uw cd, rs1, cs2

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV64)

sh4add.uw rd, rs1, rs2

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Increment the address field of cs2 by the unsigned word in rs1 shifted left by 4 bit positions and write the result to cd. The tag bit of the output capability is 0 if cs2 did not have its tag set to 1, the incremented address is outside cs2 's Representable Range or cs2 is sealed.

This instruction sets cd.tag=0 if cs2 's bounds are malformed, or if any of the reserved fields are set.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Increment rs2 by the unsigned word in rs1 shifted left by 4 bit positions and write the result to rd.



Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

RV64, Zish4add

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

RV64, Zish4add

Capability Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let cs2_val = C(cs2);
let shamt = 4;
let result = incCapAddrChecked(cs2_val, zero_extend(rs1_val[31..0]) << shamt);
C(cd) = result;
Integer Pointer Mode Operation
let rs1_val = X(rs1);
let rs2_val = X(rs2);
let shamt = 4;
let result : xlenbits = (zero_extend(rs1_val[31..0]) << shamt) + rs2_val;
X(rd) = result;

12.9. "Zcb" Standard Extension For Code-Size Reduction

Code-size reduction instructions and how they interact with CHERI.

12.9.1. C.LH

See C.LBU.

12.9.2. C.LHU

See C.LBU.

12.9.3. C.LBU


Load (C.LH, C.LHU, C.LBU), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics

c.lh rd', offset(cs1')
c.lhu rd', offset(cs1')
c.lbu rd', offset(cs1')

Capability Pointer Mode Expansions

lh rd, offset(cs1)
lhu rd, offset(cs1)
lbu rd, offset(cs1)

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics

c.lh rd', offset(rs1')
c.lhu rd', offset(rs1')
c.lbu rd', offset(rs1')

Integer Pointer Mode Expansions

lh rd, offset(rs1)
lhu rd, offset(rs1)
lbu rd, offset(rs1)

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Subword load instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Subword load instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, and Zcb

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, and Zcb

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)


12.9.4. C.SH

See C.SB.

12.9.5. C.SB


Stores (C.SH, C.SB), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics rs2', offset(cs1') rs2', offset(cs1')

Capability Pointer Mode Expansions

sh rs2', offset(cs1')
sb rs2', offset(cs1')

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics rs2', offset(rs1') rs2', offset(rs1')

Integer Pointer Mode Expansions

sh rs2', offset(rs1')
sb rs2', offset(rs1')

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Subword store instructions, authorized by the capability in cs1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Subword store instructions, authorized by the capability in ddc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, and Zcb

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, and Zcb

Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)

See SH, SB

12.10. "Zcmp" Standard Extension For Code-Size Reduction

The push (CM.PUSH) and pop (CM.POP, CM.POPRET, CM.POPRETZ) instructions are redefined in Capability Pointer Mode to save/restore full capabilities.

The double move instructions (CM.MVSA01, CM.MVA01S) are redefined in Capability Pointer Mode to move full capabilities between registers. The saved register mapping is as shown in

Table 44. saved register mapping for Zcmp
saved register specifier xreg integer ABI CHERI ABI

































All instructions are defined in (RISC-V, 2023).

12.10.1. CM.PUSH


Create stack frame (CM.PUSH): store the return address register and 0 to 12 saved registers to the stack frame, optionally allocate additional stack space. 16-bit encodings.

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

cm.push {creg_list}, -stack_adj

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cm.push {reg_list}, -stack_adj

rlist values 0 to 3 are reserved for a future EABI variant
Capability Pointer Mode Description

Create stack frame, store capability registers as specified in creg_list. Optionally allocate additional multiples of 16-byte stack space. All accesses are checked against csp.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Create stack frame, store integer registers as specified in reg_list. Optionally allocate additional multiples of 16-byte stack space. All accesses are checked against ddc.

This encoding conflicts with C.FSDSP which is remapped to C.SCSP in RV64 Capability Pointer Mode.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, Zcmp

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, Zcmp


12.10.2. CM.POP


Destroy stack frame (CM.POP): load the return address register and 0 to 12 saved registers from the stack frame, deallocate the stack frame. 16-bit encodings.

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

cm.pop {creg_list}, -stack_adj

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cm.pop {reg_list}, -stack_adj

rlist values 0 to 3 are reserved for a future EABI variant
Capability Pointer Mode Description

Load capability registers as specified in creg_list. Deallocate stack frame. All accesses are checked against csp.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Load integer registers as specified in reg_list. Deallocate stack frame. All accesses are checked against ddc.

This encoding conflicts with C.FSDSP which is remapped to C.SCSP in RV64 Capability Pointer Mode.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, Zcmp

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, Zcmp


12.10.3. CM.POPRET


Destroy stack frame (CM.POPRET): load the return address register and 0 to 12 saved registers from the stack frame, deallocate the stack frame. Return through the return address register. 16-bit encodings.

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

cm.popret {creg_list}, -stack_adj

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cm.popret {reg_list}, -stack_adj

rlist values 0 to 3 are reserved for a future EABI variant
Capability Pointer Mode Description

Load capability registers as specified in creg_list. Deallocate stack frame. Return by calling JALR to cra. All data accesses are checked against csp. The return destination is checked against cra.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Load integer registers as specified in reg_list. Deallocate stack frame. Return by calling JALR to ra. All data accesses are checked against ddc. The return destination is checked against pcc.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, Zcmp

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, Zcmp


12.10.4. CM.POPRETZ


Destroy stack frame (CM.POPRETZ): load the return address register and register 0 to 12 saved registers from the stack frame, deallocate the stack frame. Move zero into argument register zero. Return through the return address register. 16-bit encodings.

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

cm.popretz {creg_list}, -stack_adj

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cm.popretz {reg_list}, -stack_adj

rlist values 0 to 3 are reserved for a future EABI variant
Capability Pointer Mode Description

Load capability registers as specified in creg_list. Deallocate stack frame. Move zero into ca0. Return by calling JALR to cra. All data accesses are checked against csp. The return destination is checked against cra.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Load integer registers as specified in reg_list. Deallocate stack frame. Move zero into a0. Return by calling JALR to ra. All data accesses are checked against ddc. The return destination is checked against pcc.


Loads are checked as for LC in both Integer Pointer Mode and Capability Pointer Mode.

The return is checked as for JALR in both Integer Pointer Mode and Capability Pointer Mode.

This encoding conflicts with C.FSDSP which is remapped to C.SCSP in RV64 Capability Pointer Mode.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, Zcmp

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, Zcmp


12.10.5. CM.MVSA01


CM.MVSA01: Move argument registers 0 and 1 into two saved registers.

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

cm.mvsa01 cr1s', cr2s'

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cm.mvsa01 r1s', r2s'

The encoding uses sreg number specifiers instead of xreg number specifiers to save encoding space. The saved register encoding is shown in Table 44.
Capability Pointer Mode Description

Atomically move two saved capability registers cs0-cs7 into ca0 and ca1.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Atomically move two saved integer registers s0-s7 into a0 and a1.

This encoding conflicts with C.FSDSP which is remapped to C.SCSP in RV64 Capability Pointer Mode.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, Zcmp

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, Zcmp


12.10.6. CM.MVA01S


Move two saved registers into argument registers 0 and 1.

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

cm.mva01s cr1s', cr2s'

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cm.mva01s r1s', r2s'

The encoding uses sreg number specifiers instead of xreg number specifiers to save encoding space. The saved register encoding is shown in Table 44.
Capability Pointer Mode Description

Atomically move two capability registers ca0 and ca1 into cs0-cs7.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Atomically move two integer registers a0 and a1 into s0-s7.

This encoding conflicts with C.FSDSP which is remapped to C.SCSP in RV64 Capability Pointer Mode.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, Zcmp

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, Zcmp


12.11. "Zcmt" Standard Extension For Code-Size Reduction

The table jump instructions (CM.JT, CM.JALT) defined in (RISC-V, 2023) are not redefined in Capability Pointer Mode to have capabilities in the jump table. This is to prevent the code-size growth caused by doubling the size of the jump table.

In the future, new jump table modes or new encodings can be added to have capabilities in the jump table.

The jump vector table CSR jvt has a capability alias jvtc so that it can only be configured to point to accessible memory. All accesses to the jump table are checked against jvtc in Capability Pointer Mode, and against pcc bounds in Integer Pointer Mode. This allows the jump table to be accessed when the pcc bounds are set narrowly to the local function only in Capability Pointer Mode.

Zcmt defines that the fetch from the jump table is from instruction memory. The overall instruction executed is effectively 48-bit, with 16-bits from CM.JALT/CM.JT, the other 32-bits (for RV32) from the table. Therefore pcc is used to authorize the fetch in Integer Pointer Mode, as the fetch is designated to be from instruction memory in (RISC-V, 2023).
In Capability Pointer Mode the implementation doesn’t need to expand and bounds check against jvtc on every access, it is sufficient to decode the valid accessible range of entries after every write to jvtc, and then check that the accessed entry is in that range.

12.11.1. Jump Vector Table CSR (jvt)

The JVT CSR is exactly as defined by (RISC-V, 2023). It is renamed to jvtc.

12.11.2. Jump Vector Table CSR (jvtc)

jvtc extends jvt to be a capability width CSR, as shown in Table 18.

Figure 65. Jump Vector Table Capability register

All instruction fetches from the jump vector table are checked against jvtc in Capability Pointer Mode. In Integer Pointer Mode the address field gives the base address of the table, and the access is checked against pcc bounds.


If the access to the jump table succeeds, then the instructions execute as follows:

As a result the capability metadata is retained in pcc during execution.

12.11.3. CM.JALT


Jump via table with link (CM.JALT), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic (RV32)

cm.jalt index

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cm.jalt index

For this encoding to decode as CM.JALT, index≥32, otherwise it decodes as CM.JT.
Capability Pointer Mode Description

Redirect instruction fetch via the jump table defined by the indexing via jvtc.address+ index*XLEN/8, checking every byte of the jump table access against jvtc bounds (not against pcc) and requiring X-permission. Link to cra.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Redirect instruction fetch via the jump table defined by the indexing via jvtc.address+ index*XLEN/8, checking every byte of the jump table access against pcc bounds and requiring X-permission. Link to ra.

This encoding conflicts with C.FSDSP which is remapped to C.SCSP in RV64 Capability Pointer Mode.
Capability Pointer Mode Permissions

Requires jvtc to be tagged, not sealed, have X-permission and for the full XLEN-wide access to be in jvtc bounds.

Capability Pointer Mode Exceptions

When these instructions cause CHERI exceptions, CHERI instruction fetch fault is reported in the TYPE field and the following codes may be reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2:


Tag violation

Seal violation

Permission violation

Invalid address violation

Bounds violation

The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, Zcmt

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, Zcmt


12.11.4. CM.JT


Jump via table with link (CM.JT), 16-bit encodings

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cm.jt index

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

cm.jt index

For this encoding to decode as CM.JT, index<32, otherwise it decodes as CM.JALT.
Capability Pointer Mode Description

Redirect instruction fetch via the jump table defined by the indexing via jvtc.address+ index*XLEN/8, checking every byte of the jump table access against jvtc bounds (not against pcc) and requiring X-permission.

Integer Pointer Mode Description

Redirect instruction fetch via the jump table defined by the indexing via jvtc.address+ index*XLEN/8, checking every byte of the jump table access against pcc bounds and requiring X-permission.

This encoding conflicts with C.FSDSP which is remapped to C.SCSP in RV64 Capability Pointer Mode.
Capability Pointer Mode Permissions

Requires jvtc to be tagged, not sealed, have X-permission and for the full XLEN-wide access to be in jvtc bounds.

Capability Pointer Mode Exceptions

When these instructions cause CHERI exceptions, CHERI instruction fetch fault is reported in the TYPE field and the following codes may be reported in the CAUSE field of mtval2, stval2 or vstval2:


Tag violation

Seal violation

Permission violation

Invalid address violation

Bounds violation

The instructions on this page are either PC relative or may update the pcc. Therefore an implementation may make them illegal in debug mode. If they are supported then the value of the pcc in debug mode is UNSPECIFIED by this document.
Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcheripurecap, Zcmt

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

C or Zca, Zcherihybrid, Zcmt


12.12. "H" Extension for Hypervisor Support

Hypervisor instructions and the CHERI extensions.

12.12.1. HLV.B

See HLV.W.

12.12.2. HLV.BU

See HLV.W.

12.12.3. HLV.H

See HLV.W.

12.12.4. HLV.HU

See HLV.W.

12.12.5. HLV.WU

See HLV.W.

12.12.6. HLV.D

See HLV.W.

12.12.7. HLV.W


Hypervisor virtual-machine load

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

hlv.b[u] rd, cs1
hlv.h[u] rd, cs1
hlv.w[u] rd, cs1
hlv.d rd, cs1

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

hlv.b[u] rd, rs1
hlv.h[u] rd, rs1
hlv.w[u] rd, rs1
hlv.d rd, rs1

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

hlv.b[u] rd, cs1
hlv.h[u] rd, cs1
hlv.w rd, cs1

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

hlv.b[u] rd, rs1
hlv.h[u] rd, rs1
hlv.w rd, rs1

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Performs a load as though V=1; i.e., with the address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory accesses in either VS-mode or VU-mode. The effective address is the address of cs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is cs1. A copy of the loaded value is written to rd.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Performs a load as though V=1; i.e., with the address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory accesses in either VS-mode or VU-mode. The effective address is the is rs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is ddc. A copy of the loaded value is written to rd.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode HLV.B[U], HLV.H[U], HLV.W

Zcheripurecap, H

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode HLV.B[U], HLV.H[U], HLV.W

Zcheripurecap, Zcherihybrid, H

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode HLV.WU, HLV.D

RV64, Zcheripurecap, H

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode HLV.WU, HLV.D

RV64, Zcheripurecap, Zcherihybrid, H

Capability Pointer Mode Operation


Integer Pointer Mode Operation


12.12.8. HLV.C


Hypervisor virtual-machine load capability

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

hlv.c cd, cs1

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

hlv.c cd, rs1

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Load a CLEN+1 bit value from memory as though V=1; i.e., with the address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory accesses in either VS-mode or VU-mode. The effective address is the address of cs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is cs1. A copy of the loaded value is written to cd.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Load a CLEN+1 bit value from memory as though V=1; i.e., with the address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory accesses in either VS-mode and VU-mode. The effective address is rs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is ddc. A copy of the loaded value is written to cd.

Resulting value of cd

The tag value written to cd is 0 if the tag of the memory location loaded is 0 or the authorizing capability (ddc or cs1) does not grant C-permission.

If the authorizing capability does not grant LM-permission, and the tag of cd is 1 and cd is not sealed, then an implicit ACPERM clearing W-permission and LM-permission is performed to obtain the intermediate permissions on cd.

If the authorizing capability does not grant EL-permission, and the tag of cd is 1, then an implicit ACPERM restricting the Capability Level (CL) to the level of the authorizing capability is performed. If cd is not sealed, this implicit ACPERM also clears EL-permission to obtain the final permissions on cd (see Table 32).

Missing LM-permission does not affect untagged values since this could result in surprising bit patterns when copying non-capability data. Similarly, sealed capabilities are not modified as they are not directly dereferenceable.
Missing EL-permission also affects the level of sealed capabilities since notionally the Capability Level (CL) of a capability is not a permission but rather a data flow label attached to the loaded value. However, untagged values are not affected by EL-permission.
While the implicit ACPERM introduces a dependency on the loaded data, implementations can avoid this by deferring the actual masking of permissions until the loaded capability is dereferenced or the metadata bits are inspected using GCPERM or GCHI.
When sending load data to a trace interface implementations can choose whether to trace the value before or after ACPERM has modified the data. The recommendation is to trace the value after ACPERM.
This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

Misaligned address fault exception when the effective address is not aligned to CLEN/8.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, and Svucrg is implemented, then the state of PTE.CW, PTE.CRG, PTE.U and sstatus.UCRG, may cause a CHERI PTE load page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault exception. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zcheripurecap, H

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zcheripurecap, Zcherihybrid, H

Capability Pointer Mode Operation


Integer Pointer Mode Operation


12.12.9. HSV.B

See HSV.W.

12.12.10. HSV.H

See HSV.W.

12.12.11. HSV.D

See HSV.W.

12.12.12. HSV.W


Hypervisor virtual-machine store

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

hsv.b rs2, cs1
hsv.h rs2, cs1
hsv.w rs2, cs1
hsv.d rs2, cs1

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV64)

hsv.b rs2, rs1
hsv.h rs2, rs1
hsv.w rs2, rs1
hsv.d rs2, rs1

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

hsv.b rs2, cs1
hsv.h rs2, cs1
hsv.w rs2, cs1

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics (RV32)

hsv.b rs2, rs1
hsv.h rs2, rs1
hsv.w rs2, rs1

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Performs a store as though V=1; i.e., with the address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory accesses in either VS-mode or VU-mode. The effective address is the address of cs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is cs1. A copy of rs2 is written to memory at the location indicated by the effective address and the tag bit of each block of memory naturally aligned to CLEN/8 is cleared.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Performs a store as though V=1; i.e., with address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory accesses in either VS-mode or VU-mode. The effective address is rs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is ddc. A copy of rs2 is written to memory at the location indicated by the effective address and the tag bit of each block of memory naturally aligned to CLEN/8 is cleared.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode HSV.B, HSV.H, HSV.W

Zcheripurecap, H

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode HSV.B, HSV.H, HSV.W

Zcheripurecap, Zcherihybrid H

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode HSV.D

RV64, Zcheripurecap, H

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode HSV.D

RV64, Zcheripurecap, Zcherihybrid H

Capability Pointer Mode Operation


Integer Pointer Mode Operation


12.12.13. HSV.C


Hypervisor virtual-machine store capability

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonic

hsv.c cs2, cs1

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonic

hsv.c cs2, rs1

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Store a CLEN+1 bit value in cs2 to memory as though V=1; i.e., with the address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory accesses in either VS-mode or VU-mode. The effective address is the address of cs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is cs1.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Store a CLEN+1 bit value in cs2 to memory as though V=1; i.e., with the address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory accesses in either VS-mode or VU-mode. The effective address is the rs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is ddc.

Tag of the written capability value

The capability written to memory has the tag set to 0 if the tag of cs2 is 0 or if the authorizing capability (ddc or cs1) does not grant C-permission.

The stored tag is also set to zero if the authorizing capability does not have SL-permission set but the stored data has a Capability Level (CL) of 0 (local).

This instruction can propagate tagged capabilities which have malformed bounds, have reserved bits set or have a permission field which cannot be produced by ACPERM.

Misaligned address fault exception when the effective address is not aligned to CLEN/8.

CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2 TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant W-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

If virtual memory is enabled on an RV64 hart, then the state of PTE.CW, and, if Svucrg is implemented, PTE.CRG from the current virtual memory page may cause a CHERI PTE store/AMO page fault exception in addition to a normal RISC-V page fault when operating in user mode. See Table 24 for the exception reporting in this case.

This instruction is illegal if the CHERI register and instruction access is disabled for the current privilege.

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zcheripurecap, H

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zcheripurecap, Zcherihybrid, H

Capability Pointer Mode Operation


Integer Pointer Mode Operation


12.12.14. HLVX.HU


12.12.15. HLVX.WU


Hypervisor virtual machine load from executable memory

Capability Pointer Mode Mnemonics rd, cs1
hlvx.wu rd, cs1

Integer Pointer Mode Mnemonics rd, rs1
hlvx.wu rd, rs1

Capability Pointer Mode Description

Performs a load with the execute permission taking the place of read permission during address translation and as though V=1; i.e., with the address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory access in either VS-mode or VU-mode. The effective address is the address of cs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is cs1. A copy of the loaded value is written to rd.

Any instance of this instruction with a cs1 of c0 would certainly trap (with a CHERI tag violation), as c0 is defined to always hold a NULL capability. As such, the encodings with a cs1 of c0 are RESERVED for use by future extensions.
Integer Pointer Mode Description

Performs a load with the execute permission taking the place of read permission during address translation and as though V=1; i.e., with the address translation and protection, and endianness, that apply to memory access in either VS-mode or VU-mode. The effective address is rs1. The authorizing capability for the operation is ddc. A copy of the loaded value is written to rd.


CHERI fault exceptions occur when the authorizing capability fails one of the checks listed below; in this case, CHERI data fault is reported in the mtval2, stval2 or vstval2> TYPE field and the corresponding code is written to CAUSE.

CAUSE Reason

Tag violation

Authority capability tag set to 0, or has any reserved bits set

Seal violation

Authority capability is sealed

Permission violation

Authority capability does not grant R-permission or X-permission, or the AP field could not have been produced by ACPERM

Invalid address violation

The effective address is invalid according to Invalid address conversion

Bounds violation

At least one byte accessed is outside the authority capability bounds, or the capability has malformed bounds

Prerequisites for Capability Pointer Mode

Zcheripurecap, H

Prerequisites for Integer Pointer Mode

Zcheripurecap, Zcherihybrid, H

Capability Pointer Mode Operation


Integer Pointer Mode Operation


Appendix A: CHERI System Implications

CHERI processors need memory systems which support the capability validity tags in memory.

There are, or will soon be, a wide range of CHERI systems in existence from tiny IoT devices up to server chips.

There are two types of bus connections used in SoCs which contain CHERI CPUs:

  1. Tag-aware busses, where the bus protocol is extended to carry the tag along with the data. This is typically done using user defined bits in the protocol.

    1. These busses will read tags from memory (if tags are present in the target memory) and return them to the requestor.

    2. These busses will write the tag to memory as an extension of the data write.

  2. Non-tag aware busses, i.e. current non-CHERI aware busses.

    1. Reads of tagged memory will not read the tag.

    2. Writes to tagged memory will clear the tag of any CLEN-aligned CLEN-wide memory location where any byte matches the memory write.

The fundamental rule for any CHERI system is that the tag and data are always accessed atomically. For every naturally aligned CLEN-wide memory location, it must never be possible to:

  1. Update any data bytes without also writing the tag

    1. This implies clearing the tag if a non-CHERI aware bus master overwrites a capability in memory

  2. Read a tagged value with mismatched (stale or newer) data

  3. Set the tag without also writing the data.

Clearing tags in memory does not necessarily require updating the associated data.

A.1. Small CHERI system example

small cheri system.drawio
Figure 66. Example small CHERI system with local capability tag storage

This example shows a minimum sized system where only the local memory is extended to support capability tags. The tag-aware region is highlighted. All tags are created by the CHERI CPU, and only stored locally. The memory is shared with the system, probably via a secure DMA, which is not tag aware.

Therefore the connection between CPU and memory is tag-aware, and the connection to the system is not tag aware.

All writes from the system port to the memory must clear any memory tags to follow the rules from above.

A.2. Large CHERI system example

large cheri system.drawio
Figure 67. Example large CHERI system with tag cache

In the case of a large CHERI SoC with caches, all the cached memory visible to the CHERI CPUs must support tags. All memory is backed up by DRAM, and standard DRAM does not offer CLEN+1 bit words and so a typical system will have a tag cache IP.

A region of DRAM is reserved for CHERI tag storage.

The tag cache sits on the boundary of the tag-aware and non-tag-aware memory domains, and it provides the bridge between the two. It stores tags locally in its cache, and if there is a miss, it will create an extra bus request to access the region of DRAM reserved for tag storage. Therefore in the case of a miss a single access is split into two - one to access the data and one to access the tag.

The key property of the tag cache is to preserve the atomic access of data and tags in the memory system so that all CPUs have a consistent view of tags and data.

The region of DRAM reserved for tag storage must be only accessible by the tag cache, therefore no bus initiators should be able to write to the DRAM without the transactions passing through the tag cache.

Therefore the GPUs and peripherals cannot write to the tag storage in the DRAM, or the tagged memory data storage region. These constraints will be part of the design of the network-on-chip. It is possible for the GPU and peripherals to read the tagged memory data storage region of the DRAM, if required.

It would be possible to allow a DMA to access the tagged memory region of the DRAM directly to allow swap to/from DRAM and external devices such as flash. This will require the highest level of security in the SoC, as the CHERI protection model relies on the integrity of the tags, and so the root-of-trust will need to authenticate and encrypt the transfer, with anti-rollback protection.

For further information on the tag cache see (Efficient Tagged Memory, 2017).

A.3. Large CHERI pure-capability system example

large cheri purecap system.drawio
Figure 68. Example large CHERI system with only tag-aware bus masters

In this example every DRAM access passes through the tag cache, and so all bus masters are tag-aware and can access the tagged memory if permitted by the network-on-chip.

The system topology is simpler than in Figure 67.

There is likely to be a performance difference between the two systems. The main motivation for Figure 67 is to avoid the GPU DRAM traffic needing to look-up every tag in the tag cache, potentially adding overhead to every transaction.

Appendix B: Extension summary

B.1. Zabhlrsc

Zabhlrsc is a separate extension independent of CHERI, but is required for CHERI software.

These instructions are not controlled by the CRE bits in mseccfg, menvcfg or senvcfg.

Table 45. Zabhlrsc instruction extension
Mnemonic Zabhlrsc Function


Load reserved half


Load reserved byte


Store conditional half


Store conditional byte

B.2. Zish4add

Zish4add is a separate extension independent of CHERI, but improves performance for CHERI code as the natural data width of pointers has doubled.

These instructions are not controlled by the CRE bits in mseccfg, menvcfg or senvcfg.

Table 46. Zish4add instruction extension
Mnemonic Zish4add Function


shift and add, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode

B.3. Zcheripurecap

Zcheripurecap defines the set of instructions supported by a core when in Capability Pointer Mode.

Some instructions depend on the presence of other extensions, as listed in Table 47.

Table 47. Zcheripurecap instruction extension - Pure Capability Pointer Mode instructions
Mnemonic RV32 RV64 A Zabhlrsc Zicbo[mpz] C or Zca Zba Zcb Zcmp Zcmt Zfh F D V Function


Load capability


Store capability


Load capability, SP relative


Store capability, SP relative


Load capability


Store capability


Load word, SP relative


Store word, SP relative


Load word


Store word


Load double


Store double


Load double, SP relative


Store double, SP relative


Load signed byte


Load signed half


Load signed half


Load signed word


Load unsigned byte


Load unsigned byte


Load unsigned half


Load unsigned half


Load unsigned word


Load double


Store byte


Store byte


Store half


Store half


Store word


Store double


Add immediate to PCC address


Increment capability address by register, representability check


Increment capability address by immediate, representability check


Replace capability address, representability check


Get tag field


Get hperm and uperm fields as 1-bit per permission, packed together


Move capability register


AND capability permissions (expand to 1-bit per permission before ANDing)


Get metadata


Set metadata and clear tag


Full capability bitwise compare, set result true if both are fully equal


Seal capability


Set result true if cs1 and cs1 tags match and cs2 bounds and permissions are a subset of cs1


Set cd to cs2 with its tag set after checking that cs2 is a subset of cs1


Set register bounds on capability with rounding, clear tag if rounding is required


Set immediate bounds on capability with rounding, clear tag if rounding is required


Set bounds on capability with rounding up as required


Representable Alignment Mask: Return mask to apply to address to get the requested bounds


Get capability base


Get capability length


Get capability type


ADD immediate to stack pointer in Integer Pointer Mode, CADD in Capability Pointer Mode


ADD immediate to stack pointer in Integer Pointer Mode, CADD in Capability Pointer Mode


Integer register move in Integer Pointer Mode, capability register move in Capability Pointer Mode


Jump to PC+offset, bounds check minimum size target instruction


Jump to PC+offset, bounds check minimum size target instruction, link to cd


Jump to PC+offset, bounds check minimum size target instruction, link to cd


Indirect jump and link, bounds check minimum size target instruction. In Capability Pointer Mode set PCC=unseal(cs1),cd=seal(nextPCC)


Indirect jump and link, bounds check minimum size target instruction. In Capability Pointer Mode set PCC=unseal(cs1),cd=seal(nextPCC)


Indirect jump, bounds check minimum size target instruction. In Capability Pointer Mode set PCC=unseal(cs1)


Return from debug mode, sets ddc from dddc and pcc from dpcc


Return from machine mode handler, sets pcc from mtvecc , needs ASR-permission


Return from supervisor mode handler, sets pcc from stvecc, needs ASR-permission


CSR write - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR set - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR clear - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR write - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR set - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR clear - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


Cache block invalidate (implemented as clean)


Cache block clean


Cache block flush


Cache block zero


Prefetch instruction cache line, always valid


Prefetch read-only data cache line


Prefetch writeable data cache line


Load reserved capability


Load reserved double


Load reserved word


Load reserved half


Load reserved byte


Store conditional capability


Store conditional double


Store conditional word


Store conditional half


Store conditional byte


Atomic swap of cap


Atomic op of word


Atomic op of double


Load floating point double


Load floating point double, sp relative


Store floating point double


Store floating point double, sp relative


Load floating point half capability


Store floating point half capability


Load floating point word capability


Store floating point word capability


Load floating point double capability


Store floating point double capability


Push integer stack frame


Pop integer stack frame


Pop integer stack frame and return


Pop integer stack frame and return zero


Move two integer registers


Move two integer registers


Table jump and link


Table jump


add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


Hypervisor virtual machine load byte


Hypervisor virtual machine load unsigned byte


Hypervisor virtual machine load half word


Hypervisor virtual machine load unsigned half word


Hypervisor virtual machine load word


Hypervisor virtual machine load unsigned word


Hypervisor virtual machine load double


Hypervisor virtual machine load capability


Hypervisor virtual machine store byte


Hypervisor virtual machine store half word


Hypervisor virtual machine store word


Hypervisor virtual machine store double


Hypervisor virtual machine store capability


Hypervisor virtual machine load half word from executable memory


Hypervisor virtual machine load word from executable memory

B.4. Zcherihybrid

Zcherihybrid defines the set of instructions added by the Integer Pointer Mode, in addition to Zcheripurecap.

Zcherihybrid implies Zcheripurecap
Table 48. Zcherihybrid instruction extension - Integer Pointer Mode instructions
Mnemonic RV32 RV64 A Zabhlrsc Zicbo[mpz] C or Zca Zba Zcb Zcmp Zcmt Zfh F D V Function


Set the mode bit of a capability, no permissions required


Get the mode bit of a capability, no permissions required


Directly switch mode into Capability Pointer Mode


Directly switch mode into Integer Pointer Mode


Load floating point word capability


Load floating point word, sp relative


Store floating point word capability


Store floating point word, sp relative


Load floating point double


Load floating point double, sp relative


Store floating point double


Store floating point double, sp relative

Appendix C: Capability Width CSR Summary

Table 49. CSRs renamed and extended to capability width
CLEN CSR Alias Prerequisites




















































Table 50. Action taken on writing to extended CSRs**
CLEN CSR Action on XLEN write Action on CLEN write


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change.

Apply Invalid address conversion and update the CSR with the result if the address changed, direct write if address didn’t change


Update the CSR using SCADDR.

direct write


Update the CSR using SCADDR.

direct write


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change, including the MODE field in the address for simplicity. Vector range check * if vectored mode is programmed.

Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change, including the MODE field in the address for simplicity. Vector range check * if vectored mode is programmed.


Update the CSR using SCADDR.

direct write


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change.

Apply Invalid address conversion and update the CSR with the result if the address changed, direct write if address didn’t change


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change, including the MODE field in the address for simplicity. Vector range check * if vectored mode is programmed.

Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change, including the MODE field in the address for simplicity. Vector range check * if vectored mode is programmed.


Update the CSR using SCADDR.

direct write


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change.

Apply Invalid address conversion and update the CSR with the result if the address changed, direct write if address didn’t change


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change, including the MODE field in the address for simplicity. Vector range check * if vectored mode is programmed.

Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change, including the MODE field in the address for simplicity. Vector range check * if vectored mode is programmed.


Update the CSR using SCADDR.

direct write


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change.

Apply Invalid address conversion and update the CSR with the result if the address changed, direct write if address didn’t change


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change.

Apply Invalid address conversion and update the CSR with the result if the address changed, direct write if address didn’t change


Update the CSR using SCADDR.

direct write


Update the CSR using SCADDR.

direct write


Update the CSR using SCADDR.

direct write


Update the CSR using SCADDR.

direct write

* The vector range check is to ensure that vectored entry to the handler is within bounds of the capability written to Xtvecc. The check on writing must include the lowest (0 offset) and highest possible offset (e.g. 64 * MXLEN bits where HICAUSE=16).

** XLEN bits of extended capability CSRs are written when executing CSRRWI, CSRRC, CSRRS, CSRRCI or CSRRSI regardless of the CHERI execution mode. When using CSRRW, CLEN bits are written when the CHERI execution mode is Capability Pointer Mode and XLEN bits are written when the mode is Integer Pointer Mode; therefore, writing XLEN bits with CSRRW is only possible when Zcherihybrid is implemented.

Table 51. Action taken on writing to new capability CSRs+
CLEN CSR Action on XLEN write Action on CLEN write


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change.

Apply Invalid address conversion and update the CSR with the result if the address changed, direct write if address didn’t change


Apply Invalid address conversion. Always update the CSR with SCADDR even if the address didn’t change.

Apply Invalid address conversion and update the CSR with the result if the address changed, direct write if address didn’t change




+ XLEN bits of new capability CSRs added in Zcherihybrid are written when executing CSRRWI, CSRRC, CSRRS, CSRRCI or CSRRSI regardless of the CHERI execution mode. CLEN bits are always written when using CSRRW regardless of the CHERI execution mode.

Implementations which allow misa.C to be writable need to legalize Xepcc on reading if the misa.C value has changed since the value was written as this can cause the read value of bit [1] to change state.
Table 52. CLEN-wide CSRs storing code pointers or data pointers
CLEN CSR Code Pointer Data Pointer Unseal On Execution











Some CSRs store code pointers or data pointers as shown in Table 52. These are WARL CSRs that do not need to store full 64-bit addresses on RV64, and so need not be capable of holding all possible invalid addresses. Prior to writing an invalid address to these CSRs, the address must be converted to another invalid address that the CSR is capable of holding. CSRs that store fewer address bits are also subject to the invalid address check in Invalid address conversion on writing.

Table 53. CLEN-wide CSRs which store all CLEN+1 bits
CLEN CSR Store full metadata











Table 53 shows which CLEN-wide CSRs store all CLEN+1 bits. No other CLEN-wide CSRs store any reserved bits. All CLEN-wide CSRs store all non-reserved metadata fields.

Table 54. All CLEN-wide CSRs. Zcheripurecap is a prerequisite for all CSRs in this table
CLEN CSR Prerequisites Address Permissions Reset Value Description





tag=0, otherwise undefined

Debug Program Counter Capability





tag=0, otherwise undefined

Debug Scratch Capability 0





tag=0, otherwise undefined

Debug Scratch Capability 1




MRW, ASR-permission


Machine Trap-Vector Base-Address Capability




MRW, ASR-permission

tag=0, otherwise undefined

Machine Scratch Capability




MRW, ASR-permission


Machine Exception Program Counter Capability




SRW, ASR-permission


Supervisor Trap-Vector Base-Address Capability




SRW, ASR-permission

tag=0, otherwise undefined

Supervisor Scratch Capability




SRW, ASR-permission


Supervisor Exception Program Counter Capability




HRW, ASR-permission


Virtual Supervisor Trap-Vector Base-Address Capability




HRW, ASR-permission

tag=0, otherwise undefined

Virtual Supervisor Scratch Capability




HRW, ASR-permission


Virtual Supervisor Exception Program Counter Capability





tag=0, otherwise undefined

Jump Vector Table Capability


Zcherihybrid, Sdext



tag=0, otherwise undefined

Debug Default Data Capability (saved/restored on debug mode entry/exit)






User Default Data Capability






Source of Infinite capability in debug mode, writes are ignored




Read: U, Write: U, ASR-permission

tag=0, otherwise undefined

User thread ID




Read: S, Write: S, ASR-permission

tag=0, otherwise undefined

Supervisor thread ID




Read: VS, Write: VS, ASR-permission

tag=0, otherwise undefined

Virtual supervisor thread ID




Read: M, Write: M, ASR-permission

tag=0, otherwise undefined

Machine thread ID

Appendix D: Instructions and CHERI Execution Mode

Table 55, Table 56 and Table 57 summarize on which CHERI Execution Mode each instruction may be executed in.

Table 55. Instructions valid for execution in Capability Pointer Mode only
Mnemonic Zcherihybrid Zcheripurecap Function


Load capability, SP relative


Store capability, SP relative


Load capability


Store capability

Table 56. Instructions valid for execution in Integer Pointer Mode only
Mnemonic Zcherihybrid Zcheripurecap Function


Load floating point word capability


Load floating point word, sp relative


Store floating point word capability


Store floating point word, sp relative


Load floating point double


Load floating point double, sp relative


Store floating point double


Store floating point double, sp relative

Table 57. Instructions valid for execution in both Integer Pointer Mode and Capability Pointer Mode
Mnemonic Zcherihybrid Zcheripurecap Function


Load capability


Store capability


Load word, SP relative


Store word, SP relative


Load word


Store word


Load double


Store double


Load double, SP relative


Store double, SP relative


Load signed byte


Load signed half


Load signed half


Load signed word


Load unsigned byte


Load unsigned byte


Load unsigned half


Load unsigned half


Load unsigned word


Load double


Store byte


Store byte


Store half


Store half


Store word


Store double


Add immediate to PCC address


Increment capability address by register, representability check


Increment capability address by immediate, representability check


Replace capability address, representability check


Get tag field


Get hperm and uperm fields as 1-bit per permission, packed together


Move capability register


AND capability permissions (expand to 1-bit per permission before ANDing)


Get metadata


Set metadata and clear tag


Full capability bitwise compare, set result true if both are fully equal


Seal capability


Set result true if cs1 and cs1 tags match and cs2 bounds and permissions are a subset of cs1


Set cd to cs2 with its tag set after checking that cs2 is a subset of cs1


Set register bounds on capability with rounding, clear tag if rounding is required


Set immediate bounds on capability with rounding, clear tag if rounding is required


Set bounds on capability with rounding up as required


Representable Alignment Mask: Return mask to apply to address to get the requested bounds


Get capability base


Get capability length


Get capability type


Set the mode bit of a capability, no permissions required


Get the mode bit of a capability, no permissions required


Directly switch mode into Capability Pointer Mode


Directly switch mode into Integer Pointer Mode


ADD immediate to stack pointer in Integer Pointer Mode, CADD in Capability Pointer Mode


ADD immediate to stack pointer in Integer Pointer Mode, CADD in Capability Pointer Mode


Integer register move in Integer Pointer Mode, capability register move in Capability Pointer Mode


Jump to PC+offset, bounds check minimum size target instruction


Jump to PC+offset, bounds check minimum size target instruction, link to cd


Jump to PC+offset, bounds check minimum size target instruction, link to cd


Indirect jump and link, bounds check minimum size target instruction. In Capability Pointer Mode set PCC=unseal(cs1),cd=seal(nextPCC)


Indirect jump and link, bounds check minimum size target instruction. In Capability Pointer Mode set PCC=unseal(cs1),cd=seal(nextPCC)


Indirect jump, bounds check minimum size target instruction. In Capability Pointer Mode set PCC=unseal(cs1)


Return from debug mode, sets ddc from dddc and pcc from dpcc


Return from machine mode handler, sets pcc from mtvecc , needs ASR-permission


Return from supervisor mode handler, sets pcc from stvecc, needs ASR-permission


CSR write - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR set - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR clear - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR write - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR set - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


CSR clear - can also read/write a full capability through an address alias


Cache block invalidate (implemented as clean)


Cache block clean


Cache block flush


Cache block zero


Prefetch instruction cache line, always valid


Prefetch read-only data cache line


Prefetch writeable data cache line


Load reserved capability


Load reserved double


Load reserved word


Load reserved half


Load reserved byte


Store conditional capability


Store conditional double


Store conditional word


Store conditional half


Store conditional byte


Atomic swap of cap


Atomic op of word


Atomic op of double


Load floating point double


Load floating point double, sp relative


Store floating point double


Store floating point double, sp relative


Load floating point half capability


Store floating point half capability


Load floating point word capability


Store floating point word capability


Load floating point double capability


Store floating point double capability


Push integer stack frame


Pop integer stack frame


Pop integer stack frame and return


Pop integer stack frame and return zero


Move two integer registers


Move two integer registers


Table jump and link


Table jump


add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


shift and add unsigned words, representability check in Capability Pointer Mode


Hypervisor virtual machine load byte


Hypervisor virtual machine load unsigned byte


Hypervisor virtual machine load half word


Hypervisor virtual machine load unsigned half word


Hypervisor virtual machine load word


Hypervisor virtual machine load unsigned word


Hypervisor virtual machine load double


Hypervisor virtual machine load capability


Hypervisor virtual machine store byte


Hypervisor virtual machine store half word


Hypervisor virtual machine store word


Hypervisor virtual machine store double


Hypervisor virtual machine store capability


Hypervisor virtual machine load half word from executable memory


Hypervisor virtual machine load word from executable memory

Table 58. Mnemonics with the same encoding but mapped to different instructions in Integer Pointer Mode and Capability Pointer Mode
Mnemonic Integer Pointer Mode mnemonic RV32 Integer Pointer Mode mnemonic RV64













Table 59. Instruction encodings which vary depending on the current XLEN
Mnemonic Function


Load capability, SP relative


Store capability, SP relative


Load capability


Store capability

MODESW.CAP, MODESW.INT and SCMODE only exist in Capability Pointer Mode if Integer Pointer Mode is also present. A hart does not support the M-bit if it does not implement the Zcherihybrid extension.
Table 60. Conditions for detecting illegal CHERI instructions
Mnemonic illegal insn if (1) OR illegal insn if (2) OR illegal insn if (3)


MODE==D (optional)


MODE==D (optional)


MODE==D (optional)


MODE==D (optional)


MODE==D (optional)


MODE==D (optional)









mstatus.TSR==1 AND MODE==S


CSR permission fault


CSR permission fault


CSR permission fault


CSR permission fault


CSR permission fault


CSR permission fault


MODE<M AND menvcfg.CBIE[0]==0

MODE<S AND senvcfg.CBIE[0]==0


MODE<M AND menvcfg.CBIE[0]==0

MODE<S AND senvcfg.CBIE[0]==0


MODE<M AND menvcfg.CBIE[0]==0

MODE<S AND senvcfg.CBIE[0]==0


MODE<M AND menvcfg.CBIE[0]==0

MODE<S AND senvcfg.CBIE[0]==0







































MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0



MODE==U AND hstatus.HU=0

Table 61 summarizes the behavior of a hart supporting both Zcheripurecap and Zcherihybrid in connection with the CRE and the CHERI Execution Mode while in a privilege other than debug mode.

Table 61. Hart’s behavior depending on the effective CRE and CHERI Execution Mode
CRE pcc.m Authorizing capability1 New CHERI CSRs2 Extended CHERI CSRs3 CHERI instructions4 Compressed instructions remapped5 Note



ddc or pcc



Fully RISC-V compatible7



ddc or pcc




Integer Pointer Mode



Instruction’s capability operand




Capability Pointer Mode

1 Authorizing capability for memory access instructions.

2 Whether accesses to new CHERI CSRs are permitted or raise illegal instruction exceptions. If permitted, then the bit width of the CSR read/write with CSRRW is indicated.

3 The bit width of accesses to extended CHERI CSRs using CSRRW.

4 Whether CHERI instructions are permitted or raise illegal instruction exceptions.

5 See Table 58 for a list of remapped instructions.

6 pcc.m is irrelevant when CRE=0.

7 The hart is fully compatible with standard RISC-V when CRE=0 provided that pcc, mtvecc, mepcc, stvecc, sepcc, vstvecc, vsepcc and ddc hold the Infinite capability.



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